I am taking the 500 dollars I save by not signing up For Obamacare...


Literotica Guru
Feb 2, 2002
And get new brakes for my truck...it is all about safety and my concern for other's safety. :D
Tell us again how you have sufficient assets to cover any and all major medical expenses that might befall you and your family.....

....but cannot afford a monthly health insurance premium because it's too darn high.

Tell us again how you have sufficient assets to cover any and all major medical expenses that might befall you and your family.....

....but cannot afford a monthly health insurance premium because it's too darn high.


Sorry but insurance company executive will have to get their bonus money else where...

Just because I have money in the bank or in investments does mean I am going to burn in the back yard either...:rolleyes:
Sorry but insurance company executive will have to get their bonus money else where...

Just because I have money in the bank or in investments does mean I am going to burn in the back yard either...:rolleyes:

Some people will admire you for putting political belief above the health and welfare of your family (Julybaby04 comes to mind).

I don't.

when you cant b turned down with PRE EXISTING CONDITIONS?

you get sick, GET INSURANCE
Whar is your principle, sir? WHAR?

Your truck obviously means more to you than your family.

I cannot work with out a truck...I am forced too... I just keep liability insurance and I have enough money to buy another truck just on the money I save by not paying for comprehensive insurance each year...see how that works.. I drive safe.. keep the money instead of giving to careless other and the parasitic lawyers.
I cannot work with out a truck...I am forced too... I just keep liability insurance and I have enough money to buy another truck just on the money I save by not paying for comprehensive insurance each year...see how that works.. I drive safe.. keep the money instead of giving to careless other and the parasitic lawyers.

Ah, now I understand, it's all about YOU.

If it doesn't affect you directly, fuck it.

Got it!!

Thanks for clearing that up!!
Ah, now I understand, it's all about YOU.

If it doesn't affect you directly, fuck it.

Got it!!

Thanks for clearing that up!!

I take care of myself and my family first...then I help others directly who need it and deserve not to those who smoke, drink, over eat and want someone else to pay for their medical cost and all the parasite who make a living off of others suffering.
I take care of myself and my family first...then I help others directly who need it and deserve not to those who smoke, drink, over eat and want someone else to pay for their medical cost and all the parasite who make a living off of others suffering.

That's right. We gotta teach them a fucking lesson!™

"Teach them a fucking lesson!™" © copyright 2013 Andra Jenny Enterprises. World Rights Reserved.
I cannot work with out a truck...I am forced too... I just keep liability insurance and I have enough money to buy another truck just on the money I save by not paying for comprehensive insurance each year...see how that works.. I drive safe.. keep the money instead of giving to careless other and the parasitic lawyers.

What kind of work is this?
I take care of myself and my family first...then I help others directly who need it and deserve not to those who smoke, drink, over eat and want someone else to pay for their medical cost and all the parasite who make a living off of others suffering.

This is unbelievably and incredibly selfish. You're going to blame other people for your inability to plan? You're just going to roll the dice and hope that if your family comes down with something horrific, that...what? Aw shucks? Sorry you got leukemia and the bill was 1.3 million dollars but I had no idea that leukemia could happen to someone so close to someone so cool like me, I've got good karma? It's ridiculous and irresponsible.

This isn't a live and learn, it's a learn or die sort of thing. That level of lack of personal responsibility and concern for community and acknowledgement of actual horrors while blaming the place that can fix those horrors at great expense...

You can't allow your lack of comprehension of the outside world make you stupid. Maybe it's inherent, but GROW dammit, if you have a family, they need you to not be a complete idiot.
This is unbelievably and incredibly selfish. You're going to blame other people for your inability to plan? You're just going to roll the dice and hope that if your family comes down with something horrific, that...what? Aw shucks? Sorry you got leukemia and the bill was 1.3 million dollars but I had no idea that leukemia could happen to someone so close to someone so cool like me, I've got good karma? It's ridiculous and irresponsible.

This isn't a live and learn, it's a learn or die sort of thing. That level of lack of personal responsibility and concern for community and acknowledgement of actual horrors while blaming the place that can fix those horrors at great expense...

You can't allow your lack of comprehension of the outside world make you stupid. Maybe it's inherent, but GROW dammit, if you have a family, they need you to not be a complete idiot.

Only an idiot would think a $500 premium for medical insurance for the whole family is a bad deal.
Only an idiot would think a $500 premium for medical insurance for the whole family is a bad deal.

We had to go on Cobra last year for six months. $10,000.

It was STILL a good deal.


This is why JBJ hates hippies. On this, I'm in agreement entirely.
I cannot work with out a truck...I am forced too... I just keep liability insurance and I have enough money to buy another truck just on the money I save by not paying for comprehensive insurance each year...see how that works.. I drive safe.. keep the money instead of giving to careless other and the parasitic lawyers.

It sounds like bush's recession really hit you hard.

You must not be working hard enough, if you don't have enough money.
We had to go on Cobra last year for six months. $10,000.

It was STILL a good deal.


This is why JBJ hates hippies. On this, I'm in agreement entirely.

I am going to wait a week or two and shop the exchange. My Republican governor is too busy sipping teaparty semen, so I will be shopping the Fed version. If projections are accurate, I'll save about $100 a month.

This is what happens when people let politics dictate their decisions. It's like Obama offers cake and the GOP decides to eat wet sand. Then they go to the American people and say, "Cake or sand?" and can't understand why the cake line is so long.
..........Asks the self proclaimed pedo who finally drives legally.

Yes, that's the important thing. Your idea about my character holds the highest relevance in this concern.

In fact, you should make sure that if people agree with me about immunizations, they're clearly supporting a pedo felon.

Because that's what matters. And if I am foul of character, then all those unimmunized people can feel righteous about listening to a dumbass twice and causing harm.
This is unbelievably and incredibly selfish. You're going to blame other people for your inability to plan? You're just going to roll the dice and hope that if your family comes down with something horrific, that...what? Aw shucks? Sorry you got leukemia and the bill was 1.3 million dollars but I had no idea that leukemia could happen to someone so close to someone so cool like me, I've got good karma? It's ridiculous and irresponsible.

This isn't a live and learn, it's a learn or die sort of thing. That level of lack of personal responsibility and concern for community and acknowledgement of actual horrors while blaming the place that can fix those horrors at great expense...

You can't allow your lack of comprehension of the outside world make you stupid. Maybe it's inherent, but GROW dammit, if you have a family, they need you to not be a complete idiot.
you MISUNDERSTOOD what he meant

and here is a serious question for YOU

since you like serious discussion

I wonder if you will DARE answer



I'll wait:rolleyes: