I am in LOVE!!


Dirty Pomegranate
May 7, 2002
With the color laser printer at work. It's SOOO cool! I've been printing lables for some of the gifties I made for xmas on it. Boy, I hope I don't get in trouble...but jeez it's worth it!

Maybe one day when I win the lottery I'll get me one of them there... (<---gratuitous Texasism, just for fun)

So am I the only geek with a favorite office machine?

Ok, I know it's a weird question, but sheesh, it ain't like there's anything else going on right now. :D
Does it give you good vibrations? I loved a printer once. It wasn't very good at printing, but it shook like no other. I was fired from that job. The allegations are still debatable in my book.
I have this pencil sharpener that gives me a woody.

*Snort* *Guffaw*
Well, no. It's across from hot-guy's office, though. Do you think I should get nakey next time and rub myself all over the printer?

Maybe me and the printer could talk hot-guy into a threesome?

Of course, it is right outside of Dell's office, so it'd probably end up being a foursome...he likes hot-guy, too. :rolleyes:
kotori said:
i really :heart: the coffee maker

Here's like a really dumb piece of trivia for you. In Empire Strikes Back, when they are evacuating the ice planet because the Empire is attacking, there is a guy running down the hallway with a Braun coffee maker.

Princesses can't be without their Starbucks coffee, even in space.

(you have to watch very carefully, but its there)
kotori said:
i really :heart: the coffee maker

Oh! Oh! Kotori!! Our coffee maker came in an incredibly close second! It's SOOOOO cool! Ok, it's got these little plastic cups of coffee...they look like giant half-n-half packets with the foil tops? Anyway, you put the coffee-cartridge in the maker and press "brew" and it brews a fresh cup of coffee for you! I LOVE IT! And there's like um... *mentally counts* 8 flavors, 4 of which are normal coffee blends, 2 are flavored and 2 are decaf, so they don't count anyway.

Rubyfruit said:
I can't believe you picked a copy machine over me.

It's not a copier, darling! It's a color laser printer! IT ROCKS! You'd love it, too. Just wait 'til I introduce you and you'll understand why I love it ever so... ;)
Eumenides said:
You worked for Enron? :eek:

shhhhhh.... *looking over shoulder* Forget I ever said anything about destroying... ummm so how about this weather we're having...
*Ringing feds*

Funny, I got a weird man with an Aussie accent. Thought it was a girl at first. Where have I heard that voice before?
cybergirly1989 said:
I have this thing for the paper shredder.
It'll eat an entire binder. :D

Oooooh! Those rock! And they double as confetti and packing-material makers!
I've had my eye on...

...an automatic stapler.

Punch two little holes in me, baby, plunging the little steel rods all the way through!
Eumenides said:
*Ringing feds*

Funny, I got a weird man with an Aussie accent. Thought it was a girl at first. Where have I heard that voice before?

"Are you trying to send a fax?"
Re: I've had my eye on...

hogjack said:
...an automatic stapler.

Punch two little holes in me, baby, plunging the little steel rods all the way through!

See, and I thought it was all about the cool "THUNK" noise they make.

That's why I adore you, hoggy. You make me see the world in a whole new way! :kiss:

Re: I've had my eye on...

hogjack said:
...an automatic stapler.

Punch two little holes in me, baby, plunging the little steel rods all the way through!

OOOOO I have one of those at work. I :heart: it!!!
I favor my DUPLEX color laser printer . .did I mention it has it's own IP address and MAC address. Prints very very nice, on TWO sides.

HeHeHe Nora, mine is bigger than yours . . .damm them genetics.

Rhys wrote:
Here's like a really dumb piece of trivia for you. In Empire Strikes Back, when they are evacuating the ice planet because the Empire is attacking, there is a guy running down the hallway with a Braun coffee maker.

Princesses can't be without their Starbucks coffee, even in space.

(you have to watch very carefully, but its there)

I'm going to have to check that out! Thanks for the tip.

Blessed be,
How about the crushed ice & drinking water combo dispenser?

That's a two-some I wanna hook up with so bad. Mmmmm...
CompCowboy said:
I favor my DUPLEX color laser printer . .did I mention it has it's own IP address and MAC address. Prints very very nice, on TWO sides.

HeHeHe Nora, mine is bigger than yours . . .damm them genetics.



Fine, then I'll send everything to you to print out and you can come deliver it. *grins*

Ours is an um...uh...hmm...it's a something. Ask me tomorrow while I"m at work. lol Oh no wait! It's a tektronic phasar...then a number, I can't remember what number. It's sweet!
Nora said:

Fine, then I'll send everything to you to print out and you can come deliver it. *grins*

Ours is an um...uh...hmm...it's a something. Ask me tomorrow while I"m at work. lol Oh no wait! It's a tektronic phasar...then a number, I can't remember what number. It's sweet!

Deliveries huh? Can I touch yours while I am there?

.. the printer of course, i will let you see my pocket PC ;)
CompCowboy said:
Deliveries huh? Can I touch yours while I am there?

.. the printer of course, i will let you see my pocket PC ;)

Well...ok. I guess. But no shaking up the cartridges this time!