Hypnosis-Fetish or Addiction


Sep 19, 2011
Is it possible to become a hypnosis addict? or has this obsession of mine become a full blown fetish? I have been tranced, bimbofied, turned into a slut and other things. I find myself needing to be triggered and controlled almost like a drug addict needing a fix. I actually find myself avoiding certain people that I know have the ability to take away my free will. I am worried that I may end up in Canada someday and not know how I got there just because one person in particular has managed to get so deeply in my mind that I know he has the ability to instantly control me and I could not stop him.
Is this a fetish an addiction or both? My question to the other girls here is I wonder if I am alone do I need help or are there others like me that crave hypnosis like an addict.
From a caring man's point of view... It sounds like a fetish that has the potential to be a lot of fun for you if you restrict it to people you trust, however EXTREMELY dangerous if you are willing to do it with just anybody. Do you have to willingly lower your mental defenses for hypnosis to work on you or can just anyone with a pocket watch do it?
I made the mistake of allowing certain words to have an unusually powerful effect on my psyke, it is hard to explain but I have learned that I have to be careful.
Any psyche that can be programmed to respond to certain words in a certain way can also be deprogrammed. It's all about your overall willpower and the end result you want. Happy to talk more about it all here or in pm if you want.