Humiliation ideas

Just the threat of humiliation keeps me in line... I don't like it and I don't want to have to deal with it...

I know what is coming if I don't mind my p's and q's and it is not a pretty sight for one who only wears thongs if that to be consigned to the realm of wearing "granny panties:" such humiliation and degredation.... I will avoid it at all costs....
AnelizeDarkEyes said:
... His hand shot out and snatched my ponytail in His fist and led me exactly where He wanted me to go. He didn't say much, if anything. My mouth snapped shut, too, right quick. After a bit, He let go and we got on about our shopping.

I remember not only feeling disciplined, marking down in my head exactly what I shouldn't do in that situation again; but humiliated--and being turned on by THAT part of the whole incident.

And I wanted more....

Smiling here.

Nothing like using long hair to gain control in no uncertain terms.

i'm getting thread blend here, and mixing bits from begging with this. i've found a gentle tug of long hair at just the right time can get her mind back on track as a nonverbal cue. None, but the most observant have a clue. A "target lock" with my eyes works quite well too. As for overt humiliation, we've agreed to keep it private. A nod to Shadowsdream for the valid truism.
Cymbidia is right...

A great story, by the way.

A submissive is supposed to obey. Her act of obedience is certainly an erotic and imaginative thrill for her master or dom. But so is her request that the act not be repeated.

Humilation, like a whip or a paddle or whatever, is a means to an end. It's part of a participatory process.
cellis said:
Just the threat of humiliation keeps me in line... I don't like it and I don't want to have to deal with it...

I know what is coming if I don't mind my p's and q's and it is not a pretty sight for one who only wears thongs if that to be consigned to the realm of wearing "granny panties:" such humiliation and degredation.... I will avoid it at all costs....

What if your dom wants it anyway?
I dug up this thread from the BDSM Library. As a newbie here, I just wanted to put in my .02

The humiliation of my submissive is a cornerstone of our relationship for me, and, as such, has become one for her as well.

I have found that to achieve its full effect, the humiliation must absolutely be public. Given the fact that I use her in almost all conceivable way in private, there isn't anything I can do under those circumstances that she finds particularly humilaiting.

But i have found public humiliations such as the following to be be highly effective:

--Walking her in public, collared and leashed (Living in NYC is a big plus here.)

--Displaying her in impossibly short mini-skirts, where even the slightest gust of wind exposes her.

--Not permitting her to cross her legs in a "lady-like" manner in public, affording a full view to anyone who cares to look.

--Sitting on the grass in the park, with her at my feet and on her knees with her hands behind her back.

--Requiring that she sit in the car with her panties pulled down to her knees and her legs spread.

--Taking her shopping for dildos and anal plugs, and conversing with the clerk about whether or not a particular item is too small or too large for her, while she stands silently next to me, head bowed.

--Denying her permission to use a bathroom, and having her wet herself in public and then being required to spend the rest of the day in that condition.
One more good one I forgot

One of my favs, actually. can't believe I left it out.

--Appearing in public with cum on her face.
Re: One more good one I forgot

Learn Humility said:
One of my favs, actually. can't believe I left it out.

--Appearing in public with cum on her face.

Or in her hair, too.

This was/is a really good thread. Glad you bumped it out.
Is this the new humiliation forum? Cool.

I had a couple of flare-filled improvisational moments this fiscal year. One of the finest was what I call The R 'n' Beating. This with a person who is very sensitive to all subtle shades of meaning regarding pimps and whore and the politics and culture thereof and domination and submission and the politics and unbearable humiliation and suchlike of the whole thingey-0.

I'd chained her down to the bedstead and was basically pottering about idly, when inspiration struck. I first pulled a stinkey work tshirt over her head to mask all. THen I cued up Theme From Shaft on the Mp3 player and let the cool 70s sounds fill the air. I knew she'd be thinking that she knew that I was thinking and all of that. It was one of those deals where you don't know what you are going to do right until the moment before you do it.

There's that building strings thing over the percolating groove, then Issac Hayes asks the immortal question: "Who is the black private dick, etc etc" and right as the backing singers respond like a choir of angels, "SHAFT!", I let her have it across the ass cheeks as hard as I possibly could with my doubled over belt. I literally jumped off the floor with both feet like Yosemite Sam or some other cartoon character in order to lace her with everything I had. KAPOW!!!!!! And it was glorious how the shame of it all hit her all at once. She let out a deep groan of utter humiliation, and I knew she knew how much I was enjoying the whole ridiculous scenario.

ANd I did beat her ass in like fashion throughout the duration of that famous disco era classic, accenting all of the call-and-response themes and the precussion breakdowns. It was glorious--and totally off-the-cuff.
I love all forms of humiliation.

Having my hair pulled in public to bring me into line~discreet so it hurts like hell but only He and I know what He is doing and how painful.

Golden showers.

Going out with His cum on my face, hair cunt ~ Wonderful.

Sitting at His feet, regardless of who is around~ family/friends.

Name calling can be mind-blowing especially when made to repeat what He has called me.

Going shopping and being spoken about regarding products as though I am not there.

Not sure where the boundries of unacceptable humiliation are, at the moment they feel a Longgggggggg way off.
Reading this^^^ I realized once again that a ounce of humiliation is worth ten pounds of fetishism, torture or ritual in my psychosexual economy.
rosco rathbone said:
Reading this^^^ I realized once again that a ounce of humiliation is worth ten pounds of fetishism, torture or ritual in my psychosexual economy.

shy slave said:
I love all forms of humiliation.

Name calling can be mind-blowing especially when made to repeat what He has called me.

Me too.

But I have to admit, that is an especially powerful one for me! Having to repeat it is the most intense.

Also, bein given an embarrassing nickname and having to use that to refer to yourself.

*gets all blushy and squirmy*

I love when a Dom knows how to get inside my head.

Typical name calling ("bitch" "slut" "whore") doesn't do much for me (or to me), but when it gets personal and specific, THAT blows me away!

Tools of the Trade

I have been away from Lit much to long. For those who enjoy the remote control butterfly vibes as I do, here is another to add to the list. Buy a pair of those portable walkie talkies that are everywhere now days and work so very well. They are a blast to use with your sub. Be sure and buy earbud/mic so you can walk around in hands free mode. Such fun. Your sub walks around the mall listening to your every command. Works great in combination with the remote vibe. These new walkie talkies are so great I think mine has 3600 channels, hands free mode. Paging. All for about $75.00 a pair with charger and small enough to fit the palm of your hand. I JUST LOVE TOYS. These things are great when travelling, to call from car to car as well.....You are just dreaming of the possibilities aren't You??!!
Learn Humility said:
I dug up this thread from the BDSM Library. As a newbie here, I just wanted to put in my .02

The humiliation of my submissive is a cornerstone of our relationship for me, and, as such, has become one for her as well.

I have found that to achieve its full effect, the humiliation must absolutely be public. Given the fact that I use her in almost all conceivable way in private, there isn't anything I can do under those circumstances that she finds particularly humilaiting.

But i have found public humiliations such as the following to be be highly effective:

--Walking her in public, collared and leashed (Living in NYC is a big plus here.)

--Displaying her in impossibly short mini-skirts, where even the slightest gust of wind exposes her.

--Not permitting her to cross her legs in a "lady-like" manner in public, affording a full view to anyone who cares to look.

--Sitting on the grass in the park, with her at my feet and on her knees with her hands behind her back.

--Requiring that she sit in the car with her panties pulled down to her knees and her legs spread.

--Taking her shopping for dildos and anal plugs, and conversing with the clerk about whether or not a particular item is too small or too large for her, while she stands silently next to me, head bowed.

--Denying her permission to use a bathroom, and having her wet herself in public and then being required to spend the rest of the day in that condition.

Don't they arrest people for things like this in the new smoke free disney-blomberg NYC?
Netzach said:
Don't they arrest people for things like this in the new smoke free disney-blomberg NYC?

Well, you gotta pick your spots, of course.

Anything goes in the Village, East or West. If you know NYC, you know that Chelsea is a bastion of the gay community, so anything is pretty much OK there as well.

There is also a gay beach in Rockaway, where topless is OK, and where I've walked my sub collared, leashed, and plugged; and a comletely clothing optional beach in Sandy Hook, NJ, that gets pretty wild at times.

The no smoking rule in bars is a bigger problem for me.
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I don't think the fine boys of chelsea particularly care to view coochie. Gay, in my experience, does NOT equate non-vanilla.

That's really what keeps me from playing this way more, it's not so much my sub freaking out over it, but I am not prepared to pay bail, beat off attackers or explain things to the odd child who could wander into the line of fire.
It's not that they want to see it, they're just tolerant of it, as are most New Yorkers of just about anything they see.

Not doing anything this week with all those conservative Republicans around, though. ;)
It's all about humiliation in my fantasies, although I've yet to have a real life experience. One can always hope...and write stories in the meantime.
shy slave said:
I love all forms of humiliation.

Not sure where the boundries of unacceptable humiliation are, at the moment they feel a Longgggggggg way off.
My kind of girl :)

As Netzach points out above, and I agree, the boundary is to just make sure you don't get yourself arrested.
Learn Humility said:

Well, you gotta pick your spots, of course.

Anything goes in the Village, East or West. If you know NYC, you know that Chelsea is a bastion of the gay community, so anything is pretty much OK there as well.

There is also a gay beach in Rockaway, where topless is OK, and where I've walked my sub collared, leashed, and plugged; and a comletely clothing optional beach in Sandy Hook, NJ, that gets pretty wild at times.

The no smoking rule in bars is a bigger problem for me.
Discretion is important when you play in an ex-nyer and i know that we get pretty un-nice when we see something that offends us. putting a submissive at risk for getting her ass kicked is not something i think a dominant would wanna do.