(Human) Pony Play


Literotica Guru
Dec 5, 2002
Ok, now you are all going to think I'm really weird for inquiring about such a subject, but have any of you ever heard of/experimeted with/been interested in the human pony fetish?

I read a couple of stories about it on Lit and thought it was interesting (yeah, I know i'm a freak!) Anyway, I tried to look up some more info on the subject but only found one little web page...

If anyone has any experiences in the subject, please tell me where i might read up on the subject...As a trainer of real horses, I just find the subject pretty neat (and more than a little erotic!)
Wow...thanks! Guess if I was literate or intelligent, I could of found that myself! <slaps her own forehead!>
white_mage_goddess said:
Wow...thanks! Guess if I was literate or intelligent, I could of found that myself! <slaps her own forehead!>

lol no worries - the search function is not obvious when new. But I do think there are some good links and lots of pictures to explore in that thread.
Purchase The TAck And Meet Me In A Field!


I Am More Interested In Riding, But Would Let Myself Be Taken Out A Couple Of Times For The Experience!
