

Literotica Guru
Jul 4, 2012
Would you deal with this situation? I found out that an ex of mine kept pics of all her ex's on her computer when we were dating. Developed lots of insecurities after that. Never had the guts to confront.
Would you deal with this situation? I found out that an ex of mine kept pics of all her ex's on her computer when we were dating. Developed lots of insecurities after that. Never had the guts to confront.

I wouldn't ...

What's the point if they are an ex.

Don't waste your energy.
Why insecure ... they are Exs ... part of her past and you are her present/future. They do not cease to exist on break up ... there are still good memories to be had.
I am a widow ... pictures of my husband still fill my house, so do his things. They are a part of my life ... and any man I eventually date gets the total package. I am not Queen Victoria mourning Albert, but I am a woman who adored someone for 18 years and am not willing to eradicate that portion of my life for another man's affection.
true but sometimes it is hard knowing that those pics/memories still exist.
i'm sorry for your loss. losing someone you adored/loved is not easy.
Would you deal with this situation? I found out that an ex of mine kept pics of all her ex's on her computer when we were dating. Developed lots of insecurities after that. Never had the guts to confront.

Unless they were like, naked pictures of them actively fucking, I wouldn't worry about it. I have pictures of a lot of people from my life on my computer, and it doesn't mean anything. I'd be much more concerned if I knew someone completely expurgated their lives of any reminder of their ex after a breakup.
Unless they were like, naked pictures of them actively fucking, I wouldn't worry about it. I have pictures of a lot of people from my life on my computer, and it doesn't mean anything. I'd be much more concerned if I knew someone completely expurgated their lives of any reminder of their ex after a breakup.

Thanks. Well I guess it bothered me at the time b/c sometimes you feel like you can't measure up to someone's past.

True or not??
If the past had been the experience she wanted, she would not be with you. But it did make her the person you were intrigued by and came to care for.