How would my FMC carry a riding crop when she goes to the fetish club?


Literotica Guru
Aug 3, 2019
Suppose a woman goes to a fetish club in a dress without pockets. Maybe she has a coat, but it got checked that at the door. She wants to carry ID, a credit card, a phone, and---importantly---a riding crop. How should she do this?

I want her to hang the crop by its loop from one wrist, because there's a bit where someone tries to pay for her drink by putting a hand on her wrist and saying, "Let Daddy take care of that." And I thought it'd highlight his obliviousness if she had her riding crop dangling from that very wrist.

But then it seems very unwieldy and busy for her also to have a wristlet purse or a clutch. And a crossbody purse seems out of character---I hear people complaining about how the strap interacts oddly with their boobs and she wants to look good tonight.

Help? Maybe I just have to weaken the Daddy scene a little and have her hang her crop from a belt?
Hanging it from her hip could work I think. Length wise it more than fits, it can dangle a bit and still not necessarily interfere with her clothing and more importantly, it would leave her hands free to carry other things, yet leave the item accessible when she needs it.

As for making its presence known, the way it happens could be tweaked slightly, like it hits the side of the bar or bumps into the leg of the guy as she turns towards him, drawing attention to it. Heck, drawing his sight to her hips could lead to all sorts of interesting interactions or added narration about her and the guy. :)

Though I agree it's not quite the same as the guy not noticing it hanging from her wrist, but then, I'm not sure it's too far fetched to assume, that the wrist would not be the first, second or even third thing the guy would check out on her, so not noticing it on her hip might be an even bigger oversight.
Go hardcore and have her sub(male or female) carry it for her.

Less extreme, I have seen women hang them from their belt, once hooked into her thigh high under her short skirt.
I’ve known FMCs to carry such devices in their purses on the street (the full purse makes an effective bludgeon if they get attacked) and then switch to belt carry when in a more relaxed setting like the fetish club.
Suppose a woman goes to a fetish club in a dress without pockets. Maybe she has a coat, but it got checked that at the door. She wants to carry ID, a credit card, a phone, and---importantly---a riding crop. How should she do this?

I want her to hang the crop by its loop from one wrist, because there's a bit where someone tries to pay for her drink by putting a hand on her wrist and saying, "Let Daddy take care of that." And I thought it'd highlight his obliviousness if she had her riding crop dangling from that very wrist.

But then it seems very unwieldy and busy for her also to have a wristlet purse or a clutch. And a crossbody purse seems out of character---I hear people complaining about how the strap interacts oddly with their boobs and she wants to look good tonight.

Help? Maybe I just have to weaken the Daddy scene a little and have her hang her crop from a belt?
In hand, especially if she's wearing riding boots.
The riding crop would be in her right hand (If she were right handed) and she would occasionally slap it into her left palm. Her money and ID would be carried by her sub. If she had no sub they would be held secure between her breast and the inside of her corset. Taking the card out of her corset would be a show stopping display of feminine wiles, and maybe a little side boob.
Every time I have ever encountered a woman carrying a crop to a club, she carried it in one hand, usually with the wrist strap in place, but not dangling.

A dangling crop is unwieldy, whether it dangles from the wrist or the waist. I've found that people who are carrying crops, well, carrying them openly is part of the allure.

ID and credit cards are commonly either carried by a partner, or tucked in a hidden pocket in a dress, or into the bra, if they're wearing one. Most clubs have a coat/purse check area, where accessories like a purse or clutch can be safely stored, after the ID check.
Depending on the outfit, she could put her credit card in her bra, and her phone if it's allowed inside. Once inside, she wouldn't need ID so that could stay with her coat.

A card and phone could go in a wrist wallet (like a small bum bag), pocket, in a boot...

Many crops have a loop so you can put it round a loop or belt. Her companion will be lugging round the toy bag anyway, so she could just put everything in there.
Thanks, everyone! Probably going to hang it from waist.

Sadly, no partner. (That's why she's there.)
Agree with some previous answers...Any lady I have been with, who carried a crop had it in her hand, for effect! She demands respect and your full attention! She doesn't say something twice!
Instead of a regular purse, have her carry a Sport Billy purse, so she can have riding crop, handcuffs, latex gear, you name it... ;)
Agree with some previous answers...Any lady I have been with, who carried a crop had it in her hand, for effect! She demands respect and your full attention! She doesn't say something twice!
Thinking about it, you are probably right. If she has anything on her waist she can attach a crop to, she should be able to attach a small purse to it as well instead :) a purse hung from her waist and crop in hand shouldn't affect the looks more, than the other way around, but allow for her to emphasize the crop a lot more.
Depending on the club, you might consider that she is unlikely to be carrying any form of purse/wallet, ID, certainly not phone (not allowed beyond the threshold), credit card, etc. Probably, the only thing she will have is the key to her dressing room cupboard where she has securely locked those other items, and the key (which she wears around her wrist) has a number which the barman notes when she buys a drink. She then pays her bill before leaving.