How violent will Deplorables get in 2024?


You're screwed.
Apr 8, 2003
Lots more violent language coming from the Deplorables here currently.

And 2024 is lined up to be their angriest year yet: court proceedings, potential indictment decisions, elections, more "woke" films - it will likely be maddening for them.

What will they do? 🤔
One thing we know for sure, none of the ammosexual incels here will leave their bunkers and TV dinners long enough to cause any real damage 😉
One thing we know for sure, none of the ammosexual incels here will leave their bunkers and TV dinners long enough to cause any real damage 😉
They do cause damage by creating the delusion that there is some sort of legitimate justification for frustrated incels to suddenly and violently seek revenge for perceived slights. They do cause damage by glorifying private ownership of rapid-kill weapons.

Never underestimate the impacts of that propaganda.
They do cause damage by creating the delusion that there is some sort of legitimate justification for frustrated incels to suddenly and violently seek revenge for perceived slights. They do cause damage by glorifying private ownership of rapid-kill weapons.

Never underestimate the impacts of that propaganda.
I'm talking about these pussies doing the dirty anti-American deeds themselves.
I'm talking about these pussies doing the dirty anti-American deeds themselves.
And I'm saying that violence-based insurrection propaganda is a dirty Anti-American deed that provides false justification for lone wolves to snap and kill.

It used to be that Lit banned posters who promoted whipping the asses of cops as some sort of pre-Constitution guaranteed "rights".
I can promise you, the leftist idiots of this country will not only lose their minds with whats about to come, But they will attempt to bring violence to the streets AGAIN as well. Only this time, they wont have anyone looking out after them! Its gonna be fun to watch! Hilarious to be more precise! WWG1WGA😊
I can promise you, the leftist idiots of this country will not only lose their minds with whats about to come, But they will attempt to bring violence to the streets AGAIN as well. Only this time, they wont have anyone looking out after them! Its gonna be fun to watch! Hilarious to be more precise! WWG1WGA😊
Thank you for self identifying 😉
Wait for it.... "but BUT what about all the damage that was done by BLM and AntiFa !!!???"

I can promise you, the leftist idiots of this country will not only lose their minds with whats about to come, But they will attempt to bring violence to the streets AGAIN as well. Only this time, they wont have anyone looking out after them! Its gonna be fun to watch! Hilarious to be more precise! WWG1WGA😊

You called it, Pad_Foot. And triggered the fuck out of him. 😉

BTW, for the uninitiated: "WWG1WGA" is straight-up QAnon whackadoodle white supremacy. lol
I can promise you, the leftist idiots of this country will not only lose their minds with whats about to come, But they will attempt to bring violence to the streets AGAIN as well. Only this time, they wont have anyone looking out after them! Its gonna be fun to watch! Hilarious to be more precise! WWG1WGA😊
BTW, "leftists" (your mislabeling of Democrats) were not part of those violent riots. And who exactly was protecting them? Trump was in charge at the time.

You're just another ignorant MAGAt 🤡.
As I recall, TRUMP put a weird group of "police" on the ground in Washington to manage the protestors. Unlabeled.. nameless.... prison guards... where the fuck did they find those thugs?

Also note... because some of you WON'T... some of the shit that happened was done be RIGHT WINGERS and some of the other shit was ANARCHISTS.

Then.. .there was looting. Ok, not condoned! Arrest them!!

But.. PORTLAND is still standing!!

I REALLY don't want to put T&T69 on ignore. I wish one could ignore just in some forums.
I can promise you, the leftist idiots of this country will not only lose their minds with whats about to come, But they will attempt to bring violence to the streets AGAIN as well. Only this time, they wont have anyone looking out after them! Its gonna be fun to watch! Hilarious to be more precise! WWG1WGA😊
Found the QAnon Shamon voter.
I can promise you, the leftist idiots of this country will not only lose their minds with whats about to come, But they will attempt to bring violence to the streets AGAIN as well. Only this time, they wont have anyone looking out after them! Its gonna be fun to watch! Hilarious to be more precise! WWG1WGA😊
Oh you popped back in for a hit and run post again, I have no idea how your wife puts up with your ignorant ass, but hey maybe idiots attract. that would kind of explain why mouthbreathers can breed....
Oh you popped back in for a hit and run post again, I have no idea how your wife puts up with your ignorant ass, but hey maybe idiots attract. that would kind of explain why mouthbreathers can breed....
Typical leftist, talking with a mouth full of shit and nothing constructive to ad to the conversation! Go spew your shit elsewhere! Nobody cares to hear what you have to say! Oh, BTW, NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING! 😊
Typical leftist, talking with a mouth full of shit and nothing constructive to ad to the conversation! Go spew your shit elsewhere! Nobody cares to hear what you have to say! Oh, BTW, NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING! 😊
LOL your answer to anyone who disagree's with your fucked distopian view. I'm not even an American, you dumbfuck.

But you keep believing, and posting your stupidity it's entertaining as hell....I wonder what your buddies in the am pic will think when I go and deliver these quotes of yours...oh well time will tell.

In case anyone is interested....
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I wonder what your buddies in the am pic will think when I go and deliver these quotes of yours...

Do it.

I did this to member Ginny years ago. She had a huge following...until they saw her horrific comments about African Americans. She eventually split. 😎
Lmao such children you are! Its a pleasure getting you all so worked up! Just wait kiddies, just you all wait! Were all still waiting for ya'll to jail Trump as you promised! Whats the hold up? He still seems pretty active to me! Did ya'll hear him Saturday say HE was the current Commander in Chief. Like he says over and over, the educated in our society are now the RETARDS OF SOCIETY! Oh and again, there is NOTHING any of you can do to stop whats coming! NOTHING! ( except watch how incompetent they make Commie Joe look!) WWG1WGA
Lmao such children you are! Its a pleasure getting you all so worked up! Just wait kiddies, just you all wait! Were all still waiting for ya'll to jail Trump as you promised! Whats the hold up? He still seems pretty active to me! Did ya'll hear him Saturday say HE was the current Commander in Chief. Like he says over and over, the educated in our society are now the RETARDS OF SOCIETY! Oh and again, there is NOTHING any of you can do to stop whats coming! NOTHING! ( except watch how incompetent they make Commie Joe look!) WWG1WGA
Donald Trump is deluded if he thinks he's the Commander in Chief. Joe Biden is the President of the United States.
Fuzzy and I posted his idiocy in that thread he's in (AmPics/Darkroom). He lost his shit. 🤣