How tough-guys became girls & vice-versa.


Now 40% more Lesbianism!
Nov 28, 2001
Role Reversal


No comments? :confused:

To make this a little fun let's see how many female action characters on TV now days we can name.

1. Xena
2. Sheena
3. Alias
4. Buffy The Vampire Slayer
5. La Femme Niketa
6. Witchblade
7. VIP
8. Dark Angel
9. Birds of Prey
10. Relic Hunter
11. She Spies
12. Mutant X

And what is with all the female villains in horror movies all of a sudden?

1. Urban Legend
2. The Ring
3. Resident Evil
4. Darkness Falls
5. The Blaire Witch
It's about tits and ass, man. Nothing to do with over-obsession with PC.
World's Strongest Woman..

I love the stronger female characters, sure beats Lois & Lana whimpering in the rubble.
How about in movies when the guy and girl are running from the baddies, she always trips? The guy usually gets killed when he stops to help her.
Re: World's Strongest Woman..

Lost Cause said:

I love the stronger female characters, sure beats Lois & Lana whimpering in the rubble.
How about in movies when the guy and girl are running from the baddies, she always trips? The guy usually gets killed when he stops to help her.

That always bothered me, Lost Cause, and it got to the point where I was waiting for the trip. But then I saw the "Blair Witch" and my faith was restored. That girl ran tear-ass through a pitch black forest with only a flashlight and not even a sprained ankle.

I was so proud. ;)

The only new Actions stars bucking the trend now days are the emerging stars The Rock and Vin Diesel. They are the only guys tough enough to last a round or two against the Arnold Swartenegger's, Sly Stallone's, Jean Claude Van Damme's, Dolp Lungren's, and Steven Seagal's of yesteryear.
Maybe the problem really is that when men get all buff and heroic and shit, they forget how to actually act, or speak English intelligibly. Women can multitask... kick ass and speak at the same time!
Frimost said:
The only new Actions stars bucking the trend now days are the emerging stars The Rock and Vin Diesel. They are the only guys tough enough to last a round or two against the Arnold Swartenegger's, Sly Stallone's, Jean Claude Van Damme's, Dolp Lungren's, and Steven Seagal's of yesteryear.
Are you stuck in the 80's or what?
pagancowgirl said:
Maybe the problem really is that when men get all buff and heroic and shit, they forget how to actually act, or speak English intelligibly. Women can multitask... kick ass and speak at the same time!

Men can have one orgasm and women can have multiple orgasms. Are you complaining about this arrangement?