How to make amends?

Cause he hasn't violated the forum rules. Well, ok - he did in his first post, but Eilan gave him a heads up.

Frankly, I think they're both assholes. That said, if that's the criteria for getting booted, I bet over half the Lit population would be gone.
I'm not suggesting that the troll(s ) get the boot, but I would recommend you people stop feeding them. You cannot reason with a fool, you can only be brought down to their level to roll in the sewer pit with them.

All I'm saying is, stop feeding the trolls! :D
So is going to the zoo, but you're not supposed to feed the animals there either. :D

True, true. :)

But isn't it fun watching someone spout off endlessly like he's the inspirational author of divine justice or something? What kills me is how long it's taking others to figure out you can't change heavyshitter01's mind. But still, they try...
Why hasn't someone just reported this fucking troll and let this whole thing end? :confused: :rolleyes:

Because they love drama? :rolleyes:

The_Librarian started this thread as a bid for attention. Obviously it worked a little too well. Now they are all hanging around waiting for her to come back and throw some sort of shit fit.
True, true. :)

But isn't it fun watching someone spout off endlessly like he's the inspirational author of divine justice or something? What kills me is how long it's taking others to figure out you can't change heavyshitter01's mind. But still, they try...

Sometimes you don't realize you're swimming with a troll until you are up to your neck in shit.

I do understand it though, it's easy to get caught up in the discussion and debate, then the next thing you know, a turd goes floating by :eek::eek:
I think it's cause some people can't resist a challenge. They think if they can present a reasonable enough argument, HH will change his mind.

Whatever. As a wise man once said to me, "Don't try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and it annoys the pig." :D
Ahem. For as much shit as you've caught in the past for stereotyping, you SURE you wanna go there?;)

I've never got shit for stereotyping. Only for being a misogynist, homophobe and a general asshole. None of which are true. The last one maybe. But truth be told, I love gay women, so there goes two birds with one stone.

And I said it was like a Telemundo soap opera, so I do not think it is stereotyping to say that a girl on Latin TV may be Latina. :) That's like saying I am stereotyping for thinking someone on BET is black.

Plus, I refuse to accept that she is mousy. Not gonna happen.

I personally am interested in the thread. I think the whole thing is fascinating. It's a guilty pleasure.
It really is a fascinating thread.

The merry go around arguments some times gets a bit old but someone tends to prop it up with something new occasionally.

Still anyone expecting anyone to concede in the war of words is in for a bitter disappoint, they really might as well go piss in the wind for better results.
I was wondering that, too. She didn't speak of him at all. He could still be mischievous.
Very true, it does take two to tango, I didn't mention the big blow up that went down between my OS and I because it wasn't as interesting.;) He and I weren't married at the time, plus we hadn't fully committed to each other yet. I had asked both if what was going on was more than friendship, and they both said no. It wasn't until after he and I got more serious that I found out they both lied about it. Nothing more than online flirting went down, so I didn't feel the need to get her fired or tell all her friends and family about Just a quick sting of payback for her was plenty enough for me to forget about it and move on. As for him, he keeps most everything open to me, and all things of that nature do and will come out. I listen intently to my intuitive instinct if something starts to look odd. I do think there is a difference with men and women when it comes to being tempted. I think if you feel something COULD get you into trouble you should know better and stay away from it. Also, if the man I love chooses to do that to me time and time again, I will end up getting to the point where I will stop worrying about it and do my own thing. If you can't beat 'em...join 'em.:D
It really is a fascinating thread.

The merry go around arguments some times gets a bit old but someone tends to prop it up with something new occasionally.

Still anyone expecting anyone to concede in the war of words is in for a bitter disappoint, they really might as well go piss in the wind for better results.

I'm MORE than happy to listen to anyone who has a solid reason why I shouldn't do what I'm doing. There have been a few compelling posts, some very good points made, but none that really say anything new.
And I said it was like a Telemundo soap opera, so I do not think it is stereotyping to say that a girl on Latin TV may be Latina. :) That's like saying I am stereotyping for thinking someone on BET is black.

I missed the part where you said Telemundo. That said, just cause someone speaks flawless Spanish and "looks" Latin, it doesn't necessarily follow that they are. Just sayin. Plus you didn't say "may be". You said "is". ;)

(You know I had to give you hell, didn't you? Just for form. :D)
I'm MORE than happy to listen to anyone who has a solid reason why I shouldn't do what I'm doing. There have been a few compelling posts, some very good points made, but none that really say anything new.

Nothing new, you say?

Then how about the religious aspect? I take it you're no Christian whatsoever. Casting the stones of derision and hatred like you have, regardless of your own sins. Not turning the other cheek whatsoever.

What's your religion or lack of it?

If you believe in a God, how do you think that God views you and what you're doing?
I do think there is a difference with men and women when it comes to being tempted. I think if you feel something COULD get you into trouble you should know better and stay away from it.

Huh. I disagree with you there. I don't think it's a function of gender - it's a function of character. But since society doesn't hold men as responsible for their sexual behavior, I think some men use that as an excuse.

As for your last statement, I agree with that 100 percent. But I think it applies across the board.
Okay, Chris. You win. Please stop now?

Holy shit...what a surprise. I really didn't expect this.

Some background: When this all started, everyone's favorite slutty librarian was instructed to do certain things that would make it crystal clear she got the message. Once she did these certain things, I would lay off the payback.

She has surprised the hell out of me and done at least a few of those things. Not all of them, but perhaps enough.

Since I am a man of my word, all payback is suspended as of right now. I say "suspended" because if she so much as breathes in my friend's direction, I will drop those bombs and make her life a living hell.

So all of you who were so worried about little ms_intrigue get your wish -- she now has an opportunity to get her life straightened out.

But the moment she fucks up, we start all this again. :cool: So stay tuned!

The debate can still continue, of course. I'm enjoying this least the parts that contain real discourse rather than attacks.
Nothing new, you say?

Then how about the religious aspect? I take it you're no Christian whatsoever. Casting the stones of derision and hatred like you have, regardless of your own sins. Not turning the other cheek whatsoever.

What's your religion or lack of it?

If you believe in a God, how do you think that God views you and what you're doing?

Now THERE is something new!

That's a good question about the religious aspect. I am definitely spiritual, but I don't profess to any denomination. I had my fill of organized religion when I was a child and that was more than enough to see through most of the smokescreen. But debating religion can turn into minefield, so I will steer clear of that and simply say that I'm not necessarily Christian, but I think a lot of Christian beliefs -- such as "do unto others" -- make a lot of sense for anyone.

How would God (or some higher power) view what I'm doing? I wish I knew. I honestly do. Since most Gods are described as all-knowing, I can imagine that most religious people would view me as doing a very bad thing. Vengeance is God's, and all of that.

As for me, I would feel absolutely terrible if someone was doing these things to an innocent person. I'm the kind of guy who gets upset at the idea of anyone being hurt for no reason. If I did something like this and then found out that the person was innocent, the guilt would eat me alive.

But there is the flip-side to that, which is that those who are guilty deserve to be treated as such. And ms_intrigue is definitely guilty.
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Nothing new, you say?

Then how about the religious aspect? I take it you're no Christian whatsoever. Casting the stones of derision and hatred like you have, regardless of your own sins. Not turning the other cheek whatsoever.

What's your religion or lack of it?

If you believe in a God, how do you think that God views you and what you're doing?

Also, another point. What makes you think there was no turning the other cheek? As I have mentioned numerous times, she tried to contact my friend for YEARS. Over and over. I knew about this and kept my mouth shut until I could take it no longer.

Turning the other cheek means giving people the chance to do the right thing and see their mistakes; it doesn't mean acting like Job and just taking it, over and over and over.