how to know if you are attractive??


Mar 22, 2002
I saw this article in the newspaper yesterday regarding good-looks. Researchers found out after surveying 1000 people including famous actor Brad Pitt, that certain good-looking people(especailly men) share a attribute.

here how to find out....

put your hand up, palm facing away from you in a relaxed motion..... look at your index and ring finger, are they the same height?

If they are, good for you.. it seems that most humans that have index and ring finger the same height seem to be more good looking.

Researchers explain that when both fingers are same height, you have less testonone in your body which gives you more feminine feel to your features.

Brad pitt and other attractive people same this anomaly.

hey believe it or not, this was from the vancouver sun

tell us about your fingers

ps. i have this anomaly too
interesting premise, but i don't get the connection.
i won't tell you about my fingers, i'll show you

<======look over there

mia, apparently severely deficient in the good looks department

edited to add

p.s. the angle of the picture is wrong. sorry.
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Well...I'm gonna say that those two fingers are within 1/6" of being the same length, so I guess I qualify. Woohoo!
Wow, I wound up on the "good looking list". But this is something I didn't know before?

Actually, I think that one would find most people fall into this category. After all, what is considered "attractive"? Typically, people are attracted to people who are equally as good looking as themselves. This is why you normally "beautiful" people together, and rarely see an ugly person with a beautiful person.

While this is an interesting little exercise, I hardly doubt it is a standard of measure for all people. (Can you imagine working a party by comparing people's fingers? Then you can walk up to some person you consider unattractive, and find out that, according to their fingers, they really are attractive. Or vice versa. Mind boggling!)
Hey, me too, me too.

What a strange thing to even look at. A painter I've heard of, who teaches at NC School of the Arts, (bow down and worship, hope I win the lotto and go someday) has, I hear, a theory that painters tend to have fingers that are long in proportion to the palms of their hands.

I think he's nuts on this one. Wacky, but hey, I get to be good looking, so I won't argue.
watergirl said:
Hey, me too, me too.

What a strange thing to even look at. A painter I've heard of, who teaches at NC School of the Arts, (bow down and worship, hope I win the lotto and go someday) has, I hear, a theory that painters tend to have fingers that are long in proportion to the palms of their hands.

I think he's nuts on this one. Wacky, but hey, I get to be good looking, so I won't argue.

Growing up, I heard that theory about concert pianists, too.
woodcarver said:
this really sucks cause I've always been told that I'm good looking. Now I see that my one finger is almost a half inch shorter. Oh well...back to the anit-depressants.

Woodcarver, I can't testify what you look like on the outside, but what shows of the inside ,namely your mind; I find you very attractive.
Personally; I find theories such as these a load of bollocks! They only make people doubt themselves and as Woodcarver suggests, throws them into depression because they don't perceive themselves to be attractive according to other's opinions or standards. This kind shallow thinking is the cause of so much unhappiness in the world today.
Hey, its JMHO, but its mine. I look for the beauty that radiates from within outwards before falling for one who is simply good looking.

-kym- Looking for inner beauty :)
Interesting. My index fingers are a bit shorter than my ring fingers. I'm not really all that "feminine"; I resemble my brother more than my sister (she is more "feminine" in appearance than I). I've always been a tomboy. I probably have more testosterone than my hubby....I've got a bigger sex drive than he does.

I wonder if they have any research on toes. My 2nd toes are longer than my big toes. My mom has this, too.
BlueDaisy said:
I wonder if they have any research on toes. My 2nd toes are longer than my big toes. My mom has this, too.

Hi BD,

In college, this was a project of mine for a genetics class--namely, the relationship between big and 2nd toes. I found that the gene for having a longer 2nd toe is dominant and the gene for the shorter is recessive. In my childhood family, my dad has longer 2nd toes and my mom has shorter. Most of the kids have longer 2nd toes and then our baby sister has her 2nd toe longer on one foot and shorter on the other! She wouldn't even have noticed this if I hadn't done the project for school. Guess that shows that these little things (finger length, relative toe length) don't have real impact on what's important to us?

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Interesting that you should mention that....

BlueDaisy said:

I wonder if they have any research on toes. My 2nd toes are longer than my big toes. My mom has this, too.

I've read in aother of these researches, that if the second toe length is longer or as long as the big toe, it is a sign that you are of royal blood. That the royalty of years ago were the only ones who had this characteristic. How true this one is, I couldn't tell you. Most likely its another load to sham the masses. :rolleyes:

kym- slightly cynical :(
MercyMia said:
Hi BD,

In college, this was a project of mine for a genetics class--namely, the relationship between big and 2nd toes. I found that the gene for having a longer 2nd toe is dominant and the gene for the shorter is recessive. In my childhood family, my dad has longer 2nd toes and my mom has shorter. Most of the kids have longer 2nd toes and then our baby sister has her 2nd toe longer on one foot and shorter on the other! She wouldn't even have noticed this if I hadn't done the project for school. Guess that shows that these little things (finger length, relative toe length) don't have real impact on what's important to us?


Thanks Mia
woodcarver said:
Wow!!!!!! My Sir's k thinks I'm hot...........(wonder if I should tell her that I just walked in the house after being drenched in coconut oil and wearing a thong)..........thanks Babe! [/QUOTE

Oh Baby! two of my favourite things..........being drenched in coconut oil...............and a man wearing a thong!:p:p:p!!
Woodcarver, Now I really think You're hot!!!

-kym- panting at the thought :p
woodcarver said:
hehehhehe you aint seen my nakie pics yet then.
Anytime you'd like to send them over, just let me know and I'll supply you with my email address! Always willing to look at necked mens pictures. Lol, sorry was being my usual cheeky self there W.C. Seriiously, if ever you wish to share, I'd love to have a gander at your finely oiled body :D

-kym- watching for W.C's pics :devil: