how to inhale cigarettes



hopefully someone will be able to help me in this, even if it's not sex related. i've been smoking cigarettes for a little while now, and i don't think i'm inhaling them right. i'm not addicted yet or anything, and today, i tried to open my throat today whilst inhaling, and the smoke went into and down my throat, and it hurt so badly i couldn't breathe. is that the way you're supposed to inhale (?), because before i would just suck in and blow out smoke, no pain. i feel like a dunce asking this to anyone in person, so i figured i could turn to you guys, because i have gotten a lot of good advice from you helpful people. and please, please, don't tell me not to smoke, i know that's really what i should be doing, but just let me have this guilty pleasure.
thank you

how long do you have to smoke before the pain stops?
If its hurting when you inhale, that would be your body's way of telling you to STOP!.. If you're not addicted yet then I suggest stopping now. I have been smoking for almost 10 years and I wish that I had never started. It's a dirty, nasty, not to mention a VERY expensive habit
Quit, quitquitquit nowwwwwwww before it's too laaaaate.

I wasn't addicted for the first couple of months either, and I have been smoking for 14 years now.
Smoking does not make you cool.

Not smoking when others are kinda seems uncool, until you hit the legal age and have to start buying your own. Then everyone else you know manages to kick this nasty assed habit and you're still stuck with yellowing teeth and hair that smells like old socks.

Eventually cancer. Yay!
...I can blow smoke rings, french -hale, even tell ya how...
....But i would really wish/pray/hope, ya never pick up the habit...
....I grow,smoke, sell,make lots of money from tobacco. my best advice to ya, would be DON'T.....

....Wish I hadn't.......years ago....
I smoked for 12 years, I started to fit in with the "in" crowd, I was 16 and shy and awkward, smoking helped me feel cool and accepted. Luckily I stopped before there were any bad health effects, but it was really hard to do, I still remember the craving for a smoke and it's 16 years since I stopped.

I remember how queasy and dizzy I felt the first few times I inhaled......why did I persevere.......
It would easier to tell unreg. how to shoot him/herself the effect is the same in the end.:(
Not that I'm gonna get onto the DON'T SMOKE bandwagon or anything but the one thing I absolutely hate about smoking is the smell it imparts to your clothes afterwards.

I've always wondered if smokers really understand that it permeates not just their breaths but their clothes, car, homes and just about everything else they own.

I once dated a gal that tried to hide her smoking habit by laying on the perfume & it just made her stink a tad more.:mad:

My thing is just don't start. It saves not just lives but a boat load of cash and might even increase your chances of landing a date on a Saturday night.:cool:
I just quit

and it wasn't easy. It's been a month and I still have cravings.

Don't start if you have any choice at all.

But if you want to inhale:
Suck some smoke into your mouth.
Remove the cig from your lips then inhale thru your mouth slightly. This will help you get use to smoking. You can control how much you want to inhale.
Soon you'll be taking full drags off the cig itself.

But again I say don't bother starting. With the price going up it's too damn expensive besides being bad for you.
Re: I just quit

Blindinthedark said:
Don't start if you have any choice at all.

That's just it in a nutshell... you DO have a choice. Yeah have the choice NOT to start. And just like Blindinthedark here, you have the choice to quit too.

You have choices.
That's queer man.

Sorry if this doesn't make sense, I'm kind of buzzing on some inhalants. But... smoking cigs sucks man, don't do that shit. If you're going to do anything, make it pot, or coke. Those don't hurt you. You ever get that feeling that... there is no world, just one repetitive moment? Fucking weird. You are inhaling wrong though. You're supposed to take it into your lungs. If you can't handle it, don't do it. If you do the hurtey thing like 5 times, it won't hurt after that.
suicidel secure said:
Ok you seem kinda like me im 16.

Get off the boards. You're too young to be here, and it puts the boards in jeopardy.

Go away until you're old enough by law to be here.
Re: That's queer man.

Magonzo said:
If you're going to do anything, make it pot, or coke. Those don't hurt you.

Oh yeah, way to fucking go. "those don't hurt you".

No. Till they kill you.
the fact that you're mature enough to be here is of no matter, as you are STILL underage by law, and are STILL putting the board to jeopardy. If it is found that 16 year olds are coming to a porn board, like this one, it could be shut down. Now go find some less 'adult' sites, and act your age. Please, for the rest of us, leave the board.
Wiggles said:

Tobacco companies put ammonia in cigarettes which
makes your brain absorb more nicotine than it normally
- Ammonia in cigarettes—boosts effects of nicotine.

They add licorice and cocoa, which sound innocent, except when you burn them they act as bronchodilators -- which
makes you inhale more smoke so the nicotine gets further
into your body.
- “Cigarette Content & Design”, 11th World Conference on Tobacco OR Health.

The product they sell kills more people than AIDS, murder, suicide, fires, alcohol and all illegal drugs COMBINED.
- Kills more than…combined: Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, CDC, May 23, 1997

Smokers are admitted to hospitals twice as often as nonsmokers

"Realistically, if our company is to survive and prosper, over the long term, we must get our share of the youth market.
In my opinion this will require new brands tailored to the youth market.”
- 1973 RJ Reynolds (Camels) memo

It’s a well-known fact that teen-agers like sweet products. Honey might be considered.”
- 1972 Brown AND Williamson (Newports) marketing report

Would disclosure of urea as a tobacco additive have a negative effect on consumer perception given that
it is a constituent of urine?”
- 1993 British American Tobacco Memo
vixenshe said:
the fact that you're mature enough to be here is of no matter, as you are STILL underage by law, and are STILL putting the board to jeopardy. If it is found that 16 year olds are coming to a porn board, like this one, it could be shut down. Now go find some less 'adult' sites, and act your age. Please, for the rest of us, leave the board.

Thank you, vixenshe! The offending posts have been removed and this is a good reminder to anyone under the age of are NOT allowed to be here.

Thank you. :)
Re: That's queer man.

Magonzo said:
Sorry if this doesn't make sense, I'm kind of buzzing on some inhalants. But... smoking cigs sucks man, don't do that shit. If you're going to do anything, make it pot, or coke. Those don't hurt you. You ever get that feeling that... there is no world, just one repetitive moment? Fucking weird. You are inhaling wrong though. You're supposed to take it into your lungs. If you can't handle it, don't do it. If you do the hurtey thing like 5 times, it won't hurt after that.

I am hoping this particular poster is being sarcastic, cynical, and filled with a sick kind of irony.

If not, need serious help.

Unregistered said:
hopefully someone will be able to help me in this, even if it's not sex related. i've been smoking cigarettes for a little while now, and i don't think i'm inhaling them right. i'm not addicted yet or anything, and today, i tried to open my throat today whilst inhaling, and the smoke went into and down my throat, and it hurt so badly i couldn't breathe. is that the way you're supposed to inhale (?), because before i would just suck in and blow out smoke, no pain. i feel like a dunce asking this to anyone in person, so i figured i could turn to you guys, because i have gotten a lot of good advice from you helpful people. and please, please, don't tell me not to smoke, i know that's really what i should be doing, but just let me have this guilty pleasure.

You have to suck it in like you're breathing it. BUT, my advice to you is DON'T DO IT! Probably not what you want to hear, but eeew, cigarettes are gross!!