How sentimental...


Biker Chick
Jun 30, 2001
are you at holiday time?

For me, I am overwhelmed by the fuzzy, warmth of freindship, family and love.

I actively seek out nice things to do and love putting smiles on other's faces.

I think of those not with me, those gone forever from this world and those away due to distance.


I love Christmas and wish I could bottle the stuff and sell it for year round use!

MissTaken said:
are you at holiday time?

Very, and I'm normally pretty sensitive and stuff all year around.

But today I've been so mushy and just wanting to hug and kiss on people and those that I can't I try and use words to do so with.

Merry Christmas hon
OH yes, that is me,


FTD does a find job of sharing a bit of warmth, too.

Geesh, after watching a "Christmas Carol" last night, I want to run out and hug all those who aren't happy at Christmas or ever...

Hanns? <big hugs>

Hmm don't ya just wish this feeling were contagious?

Merry Christmas, doll!

this time of year really gets to me. i'm a big manly man building big manly stuff with big manly tools and damn near any christmas song can get me on the verge. hell, if you were to combine almost any hallmark movie and christmas i'd probably just go ahead and cry for you. of course having a good customer bring a bottle of wild turkey by the shop today and me not wanting to hurt his feelings and drinking a good bit of it makes me full of the old christmas "spirit" and i'd even hug a toll today.

so merry christmas and a big group hug to all.
MissTaken said:
actively seek out nice things to do and love putting smiles on other's faces.

To see you always put smile on my face.
Joyeux Noël
MissTaken said:

Hmm don't ya just wish this feeling were contagious?


But it IS contagious! I am not even Christian and have the Christmas spirit. Been hugging and kissing and snuggling everyone all week. Listening to Christmas carols does it for me :)

Merry Christmas everyone!!! (big warm xmas hugs)
MissTaken said:
OH yes, that is me,


FTD does a find job of sharing a bit of warmth, too.

Geesh, after watching a "Christmas Carol" last night, I want to run out and hug all those who aren't happy at Christmas or ever...

Hanns? <big hugs>

Hmm don't ya just wish this feeling were contagious?

Merry Christmas, doll!


I like hearing this.

I'm not much in the spirit this year. I will spend my day in bed tomorrow waiting for it to pass.
I'm allergic for the most part.

I think i'm way too sentimental as it is. This must be the way i keep from dissolving into complete mush. It is nice to see people smiling more. I went to the coffee shop this morning and everyone was talking to each other and laughing like old pals. Usually the vibe is more people avoiding eye contact and staying in their insular pockets, on their cell phones or whatever. It was nice. :) Cheers!
You want sentimental?

I went to see the annual production of A Christmas Carol at Trinity Square yesterday and broke into tears when Tiny Tim died.
Dietrich K. said:
You want sentimental?

I went to see the annual production of A Christmas Carol at Trinity Square yesterday and broke into tears when Tiny Tim died.

Oh that movie
me up

As I have gotten older I see more and more what Dickens was saying.

And I see I am like Scrooge.
Well I am sentimental anyway, but the holidays seem to remind me of those no longer around. I guess it's more to do with reflection on those who have touched my life and have moved on, in some form or another. Even though they are no longer here with me, they will forever be a part of who I am.:rose: :rose: :rose: