How picky are you?

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Mystery Man
Nov 24, 2000
Recently there was a program on tv here called "Picky women"
No prizes for guessing what the program was about :D

Anyway here's a test to determine your pickiness!

Picky test

My score is: 16% Not picky enough!

"Your relaxed attitude to meeting people might make you lots of friends, but if you're not picky at all you could end up with someone who doesn't truly interest you in the long run, or even treats you like a doormat."

I got a score of 48%

Could be pickier
Your willingness to look beyond the surface for other qualities shows that you are grounded in reality when looking for a relationship. Just beware of going with the flow too much and settling for 'ok' rather than 'fantastic'.
twenty something


But my answers were sometimes not one of the choices.

Fun but doesn't reflect reality, in my opinion. I lean to
the "anal " side.
I got 56%, but they were too limited in the answers... and sometimes I wanted to pick both answers.

Could be pickier:

Your willingness to look beyond the surface for other qualities shows that you are grounded in reality when looking for a relationship. Just beware of going with the flow too much and settling for 'ok' rather than 'fantastic'.

Sounds about right to me...
plasticman33 said:
15% Guess I'm just too laid back!:D

<pounces on the Plas man, wrapping legs around his waist>

Hiya hun, missed ya.. and would you settle for just gettin laid??? <impish grin>

"You have quite high standards and may be too quick to reject people, but you understand that everyone has to make a few compromises, even in the most successful relationships"
Vivacia said:
<pounces on the Plas man, wrapping legs around his waist>

Hiya hun, missed ya.. and would you settle for just gettin laid??? <impish grin>

OH BABY!! That's like putting a steak in front of a starving man!! I'd love to lay you, you know that!!:D
plasticman33 said:
OH BABY!! That's like putting a steak in front of a starving man!! I'd love to lay you, you know that!!:D

Would be a banquet for us both then... This girl is ravenous! <giggles>
well, as long as she isnt morbidly obese and has all her teeth, thats fine with me :cool:
46% but I felt like some of the answers or choices could have been better described and some were slightly misleading.
48% Could be pickier....

Anyone notice there dosen't seem to be a "just right amount of pickiness"?

mine could have been quite different... sometimes it was a hard choice...
none of the above


and desade... if she has all her teeth, it just gets in the way....

30% Could be pickier:

Your willingness to look beyond the surface for other qualities shows that you are grounded in reality when looking for a relationship. Just beware of going with the flow too much and settling for 'ok' rather than 'fantastic'.
huskie said:
29% I think I'm a typical guy, i guess?

I got 29% - does that make me a typical guy too????

(Gosh I hope not - I like to think I'm an amazing woman!)