How Old Are You?


Occasional visitor
Apr 1, 2002
Thought occurred to me that I don't actually have a clue how old anyone here is. I can guess from people like Chicklet, Svenskaflicka and Madame Manga, who have their pictures on their avs, but with most of you, I have no idea. Just curious.

In case anybody doesn't know, I'm 18 y/o.

The Earl
I'm 26, which is young for a turtle, middle-age for an elephant, and ancient history for a model.
Heh--what *I'm* curious about is how old you think I am from that pic.

Me, I'm at that age where when someone asks, I say, "I'm not a car--my model year is irrelevant to my Blue Book value." ;-)

If you add up the 4 ages above me, exluding Madam Manga, and devide by 4 you will get my approximate age, with in 6 months or so;)

Ms. M
Since Wicked beat me to the board with a response, my math is no longer valid *LOL*

So i am 31

Ms. M
I'm 24! I am just starting to sound like my mother and I catch myself saying things like

"in my day..."

"when I was young.....!"

oh dear oh dear....
38 going on 4 or 60 depending on how much cafine I've had.

We have a saying over here:

"Men develop until they are 7 years old. After that, they just grow older."
Ms.M sorry to have messed up your math.

English Lady, if you have children, do you have that 'mom finger' also? I inherited mine when I had kids along with the eyes in the back of my head.

wicked.....the sad fact is yes i do have that finger! I have a 14 month old daughter and I am constantly doing and saying things my mum would say. I also have eyes in the back of my head and I worry when she goes quiet.....*L*
Having signed the official secrets act more than 15 years ago I' not allowed to reveal my age.

That's actually me, not Plutarch, on my AV, and it's a flattering pose. Believe me, I'm older than dirt.

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so much for a woman's age being a carefully guarded secret around here...

I am 29....

......for the FIRST time.

TR :kiss:
My body is 55, but my brain thinks it's only 20. It never fails to amaze me how something that feels so right at night can hurt so much the next morning.
I usually start a conversation with "I remember when all this were fields"

to which around 30% of my audience will reply "It still is"

Every day I notice new things:
My hair is receding
My joints are aching
My back is weakening
I get up 3 times a night to use the bathroom
I can insure a powerful car without having to sell my soul
I can even drive it through the city and not get pulled over by the police on a 'random spot check'

In case it isn't clear by now, I'm 22

I'll be 23 next month!

I just turned 21 this past week. My parents expect me to act like an adult now .... does that mean I have to behave myself now??? :confused: ;)
Officially I'm 24 . . . although most days my body feels about 60 and my brain no more than 14.