How many orgasms can you have????


Really Experienced
Aug 1, 2002
:cool: :p :p :kiss: Hey there!! Just a quick little thread going out to both men and women on this site..... If you can remember,what is the most times you've cum in a given sexual session!! How many orgasms have you had lets say over a 24 hour period!!! And what do you think caused such an incredible output,was it the partner or partners you were with,you're extreme horniness after a long abstinence,some kind of drug you took,or you just can't explain why!!!! Do you think you could acheive something like that again??? Was it all fun or was it an exhausting experience!!!! Would you do something like that again given the chance!!!! Don't be shy the more details the better ok. I'll reply to any responses on this thread with my own story and more!!!

Love, Stormwizard:cool: :p :p
call me a horse - man

me - 5 times
i made an ex cum 21 times in 12 hrs (dont ask me why she counted)

:cool: :p Wow!!! Cool!! Amazing she did count em all!!! I agree,but I gotta give you credit,you definitely put in a "full" days work!!!!!Thanks for your input!!!!
Nice memories....a very busty Italian girlfriend made me come TWICE in ONE long, continuous gentle blowjob. Divine.

On a slow day, I prefer sex once at night and once in the morning. I am not a mathematician, but I think thats about 14 times a week, so I am always surprised to read surveys suggesting that most couple have sex twice a week.

3 times in one session is occasional, 4 times unusual, 5 maybe 6 times within 24 hours probably the most and leads to soreness.

I would say most of my partners have responded more like a man in that I seem to build them up to one, gigantic, sweaty, exhausting, Oh My God, now I am done and want to just cuddle and sleep orgasm.

I did have one girlfriend, however, who would come -- loudly -- over and over and over and over again when we had sex in the doggy position. No manual stimulation required.

We would stay up for hours! Maybe I should have married her?!
multiple times

I'm an old guy and I can still come four or five times a night, with some recovery time in between

I have always thought that the doggy position stimulates my partner more than any other, I'm aware of at least. I noted this many times. Perhaps its the angle and the friction that it causes.

I'd be interested in others experiences.