How many of us have actually been rejected for AI reasons?


Literotica Guru
Feb 19, 2021
AI rejections, there's a huge volume of discussion about it but what we actually know is pretty scanty. Some authors are getting stories rejected for AI, some aren't, almost everything beyond that is speculation.
How many of us have actually been rejected for AI reasons? This thread is not meant to be another discussion of what causes such rejections. It's just a count. When it dies down I'll post the totals. I, myself, have not been rejected, but most of my stories were published before the furor appeared.
Underage sexual thoughts, politics and religion, consensual mind control practices by copyrighted characters, yes. But not AI as of yet.
Judging by the number of complaints. I'd guess 2,000405,600.
Just a guess mind you.
Few here who are regulars have because Laurel knows us and knows our stories are legit.

Its mostly newer authors who have had this happen. There have been a couple of older members who have come here complaining, but they're not forum regulars and aren't going to come back after they received the standard don't like it leave response.

So this thread is set up to be another, "What's everyone complaining about, the site is perfect" threads.
I don't think you will get the response you are hoping for as I can't recall a single forum regular who said that they had a story rejected over AI. In truth, there were plenty of new people who started posting on AH in the hope of finding some guidance or just to vent their frustration over the generic AI rejection they suffered. As LC said, they didn't really find the support they were hoping for here.

The only rejection I had was over underage content as you apparently can't have your adult MC recall how when he was seventeen, he fantasized about his neighbor's breasts (without any actual sexual action, masturbation, or even touching of his genitals)
Go figure. ;)
I'll bite. I've been rejected twice for the same story. As others have said, I don't know how much traction this post will get. From my post about it, I want to say 2 or maybe 3 other people responded saying they had also been rejected for AI and had basically given up. Probably they won't be coming back to the forums if they've thrown in the towel.
I suspect Lovecraft is correct, which means replies to this thread may not mean much. I've never had an AI problem, but I've been publishing stories since well before the "AI problem" emerged in earnest. I've had cordial message exchanges with Laurel on various issues. She probably knows, or has good reason to know, that my stuff is not generated by AI. But newer authors don't get the same benefit of the doubt.

In that vein, I think this thread would be more useful if you asked all respondents to say how long they've been publishing here, and then looked at whether there's a significant correlation between AI rejection and the amount of time that the author has been publishing at Literotica.

I've been publishing since Dec. 2016 and have never had an AI rejection.
I'll bite.

I got 13 AI rejections and ultimately lost any and all inspiration to write or post erotica content because of it.
I had a lot of them. Several rejections per story.

My last two submissions went right through, though they took a couple weeks to publish. I didnā€™t really make any changes to the way I was writing and editing, Iā€™m hoping that means that the AI detection software has gotten a little bit better. I have some stuff in pending, so three cheers for hoping!
6 years here, 66 stories, nary a rejection for anything except when I first tried uploading a doc from LibreOffice. As long as I paste into the box, Laurel appears to have no problem with me.

I suspect UK English and dialects convince software I'm not AI, but putting a couple notes for Laurel has resulted in no rejection for underage characters or memories.
Well, it's been almost a week. Those of you who said this wouldn't get much traction are right.

No AI rejections - 12

AI rejections - 2, 2 (and 2-3 others replied in kind), 13, "a lot" of stories. Several rejections for each. 4, 2
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Despite my shoddy writing and penchant for cliches, I am yet to have been rejected as well.