How many gooks did you kill in 'Nam?

How many gooks did you kill in 'Nam?

  • Nary a one!

    Votes: 6 23.1%
  • One

    Votes: 1 3.8%
  • Two to Five

    Votes: 1 3.8%
  • Six to Ten

    Votes: 2 7.7%
  • My body count was the stuff of legends

    Votes: 4 15.4%
  • Hey I won two...TWO...Navy Crosses! (Vetteman only)

    Votes: 4 15.4%
  • Dolf

    Votes: 8 30.8%

  • Total voters


You Saw What He Did
Apr 13, 2002
With all the Vietnam-era war heroes we have here on the General Board, I thought I'd start a poll for all the chest thumpers.

Post your body count here, heroes!

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What will be interesting is watching how you and ROB unstick your paws from the tarbaby you just embraced. How many guys did Lady V and ROB spit on when they came home?
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However many they claim, it's still not enough to have won or make a difference.

In the end they are a bunch of failures.
What will be interesting is watching how you and ROB unstick your paws from the tarbaby you just embraced. How many guys did Lady V and ROB spit on when they came home?

Why don't you clarify that for those of us who don't know what you're talking about?
What's truly funny is reading that there're people who actually still even think the universal characteristic of hatred is prevalent in only certain types of individuals, and in certain age groups... can read a bunch of bigoted progressives express just that here on the GB, when they aver that after old, white, bigoted and racist men die off, the world will be a much better place.

Two "facts" their insecure egos must blind them from so their hate game may continue without being totally dinged by the God-honest truth: 1) the very same hatred exists within themselves, and 2) the only way for their progressively-imagined, hate-free utopian world to exist is if every human dies off...

...including them.

But, alas, they will never admit to truth...

...because progressivism contains, as a literal cornerstone, class (of unlimited "types") warfare with utopian "equality" to fight it with, and class warfare - of any stripe - is nothing but hate.

So, those progressives continue to actively fling their very own hate at targets they think it'll stick to best, while their progressive sisters and brothers here on the GB cheer their team on all the way...

...just as all of us do in some fashion, to some degree, at some time or another.

Different labels...

...same bottle.

Just a coincidence that three of LIT's lamest azzes jump right out to prove it?
Don't lump ladyv in with wat and james.

She's special in her own way.

Eyer usually has me on ig. I could care less about what he thinks about me as he he goes off the deep end over what most people say while not making much sense himself. Anyway, my comment, "interesting", was meant only in that I found the thread interesting, nothing more or less. That doesn't stop people from interpreting one word into something more than what it was meant to be.

Monkey boy, I won't ask how special in my own way I am as I can only imagine what you might say, your being Canadian and all. :)
Just one more issue you so naturally spew-out as "fact"...

...yet have absolutely no knowledge of.

Your unique lameness can't even merit ignore...


Interesting response. So I'm a "slut" because I stated an opinion you don't like. How misogynist of you. Not surprising though.
Anyway, my comment, "interesting", was meant only in that I found the thread interesting, nothing more or less. That doesn't stop people from interpreting one word into something more than what it was meant to be.

So true. I haven't met a more paranoid and jumpy group of people than I have here.
Interesting response. So I'm a "slut" because I stated an opinion you don't like. How misogynist of you. Not surprising though.

Too friggin' funny.

I'm sure there's at least one other poster who - if/when she reads this thread - will, unlike your lame brain, instantly understand exactly why I now purposely call you "slut"...

Too friggin' funny.

I'm sure there's at least one other poster who - if/when she reads this thread - will, unlike your lame brain, instantly understand exactly why I now purposely call you "slut"...


Kind of odd when a while back you denied calling women sluts. How quickly people change.
None. I wasn't there.

I might have been, if I had stayed in Australia. The Australians killed a number of North Vietnamese.
I voted Dolf, naturally. When I got my draft card in 1974 I was classified 1H, which I believe was for "holding" as they were no longer actively drafting anyone. The closest I ever got to Vietnam was a girl named Man Tran I dated twice in 1980: no cans of corn were involved.
With all the Vietnam-era war heroes we have here on the General Board, I thought I'd start a poll for all the chest thumpers.

Post your body count here, heroes!


Add this to the list of asshole things Rob would never have the balls to ask without a monitor to hide behind.
America had how many nukes during the Vietnam conflict?

How many of those nukes did America use throughout the Vietnam conflict?

And how many nukes would it have taken for America to "win" that conflict, bringing North Vietnam to its literal knees in surrendering supplication (ala Japan 1945)?

If it'd been actual "war" in Vietnam...

...some of the north part of it might still be largely inhabitable today.

That's exactly why it was only a "conflict"...

...and one which America decided to walk-away from instead of turn into a war that would've had to defeat the Communist Chinese and the Soviets, too.

It's always so amusing reading those who champion an America lost pov on the Vietnam conflict...

...'cause it directly reminds me, in example, of the slut's uniquely lame way of thinking, too.
ROB dropped this topic like a hot rock, about the time Lady V hiked up her crenolines and fled.
With all the Vietnam-era war heroes we have here on the General Board, I thought I'd start a poll for all the chest thumpers.

Post your body count here, heroes!


What a nasty and biased question. You do remember there was a draft back then and most served because they had to. I doubt you were born or old enough to even have been considered to serve. I also doubt you have ever served in the military. If you did you shoveled shit in Louisiana or never fired back at someone that was shooting at you.
I voted Dolf, naturally. When I got my draft card in 1974 I was classified 1H, which I believe was for "holding" as they were no longer actively drafting anyone. The closest I ever got to Vietnam was a girl named Man Tran I dated twice in 1980: no cans of corn were involved.


...the active draft was effectually shelved at least a year-and-a-half, maybe two+, before 1974, if I remember correctly, as Nixon sought to withdraw America from a conflict that the 3 Presidents before him had involved America in, and to also begin thawing long-cold diplomatic relations with North Vietnam's staunchest supporter - Communist China.

I'm going to say they effectively stop actively drafting in middle-to-late 1971, or early 1972...

...'cause I also remember (I'm pretty sure) Nixon signing the presidential order officially ending the active draft itself on March 13, 1973 (I remember the exact date because of its significance on my own life).

Of course, accuracy for this sort of info is one of the reasons why it's a good thing wiki exists...

...but I'm not caring much for a net today.
Ffs, if you guys don't know a troll thread when it's this obvious, I have little hope for your survival outside of the Lit bubble.