How long is average intercourse session


Feb 9, 2003
Hi all you great sex lovers out there. I have always wondered how long an average man can keep fucking.

I mean the real stuff man-woman, vaginal intercourse, and do not add time take to do the pre sex stuff.

After I have played presex games and inserted my cock in her I normally pump for 1 minute and I cum.

I look forward to hear from all of you guys and gals on your stats.
It all depends on your stamina.

Basically ive gone anything from 5min to 20 on average before cumming once. And im the kind of guy that doesnt like One hit wonders so i can cum at least 3 times a session (not including Oral/Foreplay) The again i am only just about to turn 20 so my stamina will be high for now.

I guess it depends on your partner. The longest i have ever gone without cumming is 6 hours (no im not bull$hittin) i kept myself on the edge for hours although it does cause a little wear and tear damage ;)
Thanks UC.

20 Years and 6 hours both are wonderful experiences. Me I am 40+ and lived with my woman now for more then 17 years. So I gues we both kind of re not in search of excellence on the matter but we spend too much of time on oral word. And then get down to a 1-5 minutes of vaginal intercourse.

Thinking about it I never can come anywhere else then in her vagina. Hmmmm another issue that need enlightening from kids.

I know i use to last for ever, 4 hours or more but as i gotten older i some times have to slow down . or i don't last 5min. expecally after oral . Might help some guys to think about some thing else in you're mind during Intercourse like your favoret car ? but do it in the mind don't say any thing or you are in trouble .
P.S. hope my wife dose not see this!:D
hope this helps mr.J
Never timed it

... but, I think average is probably around 5 minutes. Maybe a bit less. Intercourse isn't my wife's thing. It's a feel good thing for her, but she much prefers clit stimulation. So, I usually get her off with some finger work on the clit or some oral, and if we have intercourse, that's more for me anyway. We've tried some longer sessions to see if more time would do it for her. A condom is a good way to prolong it, or it is for me, as the sensitivity is less that way. After about 10-15 minutes, she'll get sore unless we use plenty of lube - like I said, for her it just feels good - not great - so I don't think it makes her that wet unless she's really horny first.

There have been a few exceptions to this scenario over our 15 years together, but in general, that's the case.
Re: Never timed it

OSA said:
... but, I think average is probably around 5 minutes. enario over our 15 years together, but in general, that's the case.

Thanks for your candid input. I am gonna try condom in coming days. You will not beleive this but I have never tried condoms. We just went to Doc and got the Ts fixed and have always been making love as she puts it and fucking like rabbits like I put it.

The best we did was while we were travelling from a Mountain resort back to home and my driver was driving the car. And my beauty was sleeping in the back seat with her head in my lap. And that stirred up things and she was sucking me all the way for 300 Kms and drinking all the juices. That was a beauty I always think of while jacking.

Another thing is while making love if I look ino her eyes I come. Maybe it is love...Yes I think it is.

Ok id just like to point out the previous topic 'i' posted was written by my friend using my computer. Guess i should learn to wipe my history files.

Im far from the same as that.....hell im still a Virgin but '6 hour Marathon Man' will pay for his bragging. I know his Girlfriend and he aint nothing like that.......well as far as she says so dont feel outdone guys.....hes lying.
I don't think there is an "average" length of time for intercourse. Every body is different and a lot of time it depends on what position your in, how much foreplay went on, and long its been since the last time. Now my ex hubby could go for an hour without cumming but once he did that was it for the night. My current sweety doesnt last that long at once, but he has almost no recovery after 10 or 15 minutes he might cum, but keep going and cum again several times after wards.
I agree

I agree with white_mage_goddess on that.

BTW, white_mage_goddess, is your AV a picture of you? If so, has anyone ever told you that you look a lot like Jennie Garth? She was the blond girl on Beverly Hills 90210 (not Tori Spelling). That's not a bad thing as she's gorgeous. Nice name too, btw.
BTW, white_mage_goddess, is your AV a picture of you? If so, has anyone ever told you that you look a lot like Jennie Garth? She was the blond girl on Beverly Hills 90210 (not Tori Spelling). That's not a bad thing as she's gorgeous. Nice name too, btw.

Yes thats me, but no one's ever drawn that comparison! I'm highly complimented as I always thought she was quite attractive myself.
my oyfriend is normally a 30-60 minuit go-er... but it depends on how much i tease him...
if i tease him for a good long time i can get him down to 20 or 30 seconds...
another factor...

Here's another variable that hasn't been mentioned...condoms

If I've got a condom on, I average 1-1.5 hours on intercourse. If the condom comes off, though, that time gets cut in half. Any other guys experience anything similar?
UC_Gav said:
Ok id just like to point out the previous topic 'i' posted was written by my friend using my computer. Guess i should learn to wipe my history files.

Im far from the same as that.....hell im still a Virgin but '6 hour Marathon Man' will pay for his bragging. I know his Girlfriend and he aint nothing like that.......well as far as she says so dont feel outdone guys.....hes lying.

I am so disapointed! lol.

serioulsy, I think a lot of men just stop trying. They usually seem to have stamina the first few times, and then, I just don't know what happens. Maybe there just not trying to impress you anymore. :( I do know that some men CAN go for long periods of time, but it really helps if you break it up. Do high intensity things, switch to low intensity, move around, stay inside but slow down and try talking (this doesnt' work with everybody), ect. It might take some experimenting. Aside from condoms, they make desensitizing creme (MANDELAY) I haven't tried it though, so I can't recomend, I just know about it. Oh yea, try to focus on the enjoyment of where your at, not just the climax. Something along the lines of "this feels so good, I don't' ever want to stop" i don't know does that work fo r guys?
i can usually last for 30 mins. the best thing to do i think is to take it slowly and explore each others bodies instead of trying to make your partner or urself cum as the main goal.
I have a fuckbuddy who usually lasts for about two hours, but let me point out that lasting that long is only a good thing if you can keep the woman turned on the whole time. I have an ex-boyfriend who always lasted 5 minutes or less, though.
I can usually go 20-45 minutes, longer is possible but not as enjoyable for me, sometimes. Including foreplay, over an hour is normal.
Great ideas and learning...

...I am getting here. What are the best positions to take the intercourse to 45 to 60 minute every time. I find that women below me starts heaving at times due to weight and when she is on top it is too sexy for me to hold on. So I hav ethis fav where I normally am at 90 degee with her one leg above me and the other between mine and enter her in this position. I hold her boobs and she holds my arse and we try to fly. LOL.

And beleive me when she is fed up and wants to finish she just looks at me and her eyes do to my cock which her lips can't. And I cum.

Tell me about what you do and how.
Hmmm...I hate to use the old cliche' but...I mentally run through the spark plug sequence in the car...max effective ranges and nomenclatures of weapons...ANYTHING to try and stave off a premature pop...that and good old fashioned slowing down to a gentle grind. I find this is able to push Me out towards that elusive 60 minute mark, but, I'm not sure how well she appreciates that, especially when she's right at the edge and I slow down again *laughing* I tend to have sex like I'm never gonna get it again so I want to make it last as long as I possibly can. Savoring each and every moment to the fullest (Pun intended). Anyway that's My contribution for what it's worth. :D ;)

Depends on my lover. I can last real long (2hrs plus) or real short (5min) also depends on the situation and what she wants at the time. You can gennerally tell when they want the long haul or the orgasam.
I can ususally last as long as I want to. Generally, I'll go as long as it takes for her to cum first...which can vary considerably. 10-20% of the time, however, I can get the feeling that it may not happen for her, so after a while of trying to make her cum, I'll just pump away until I cum myself. On average, I'd say a session lasts 20-30min. Sometimes less, sometimes more. I'm also a firm believer in "too much of a good thing is bad" so I don't usually like to go for hours of intercourse...and if I'd want to, I'd break it up so that I could cum at least a couple times. It's easy for guys to cum, so I think that it should be the lady that decides how long intercourse should last.

guess i'm lucky

my boyfriend of seven months is pretty young, but he can last up to forty minutes usually. call me lucky, because i sure am not complaining!
Well, i have a slightly different opinion to most people on this thread... I personally LOVE quick sex, as in about 5 - 10 minutes, or even less.

I think it's mainly because i don't come from penetration, and though it feels really good, after about ten minutes or so, it starts to get a little uncomfortable.

Granted, that is only penetration - i love mucking around for hours with my guy, making him hot, sucking him, letting him play with me... etc... :D funnily enough that was what we did last night... teased each other for hours, and then... mmm...

So, i guess i don't think that HealthisWealth should be too worried, (unless his girl has a prob with it) cos it sounds like he is having fun!
Nice to hear from you KatieKat...

And yes you are right I am having fun. I am one of those who do not think that coming quickly is a problem or no fun. It just happens and then you get going on it again. And I am more of sucking and squeezing and pawing type of a man. And she loves it as she has the right amount at right places.

But trust me all the stats and stuff there is great information.

PM me some time.