how do you know when you are obsessed?


born wrong
Oct 10, 2001
so there i was lighting the last candle at my altar to honeylick when i suddenly felt compelled to ask myself, "has this gone to far?"
One time, at band camp, my head spun around and I projectile vomited.

I think I was posessed.
When every time you see honeylick's AV you stroke dat cock
sometimes I just can't make them stop........

the voices have been a sure sign for me..........they tend to sneak up on my..........I'll be thinking with my voice in my head......and then the others come begins so innocently........

paganangel said:
so there i was lighting the last candle at my altar to honeylick when i suddenly felt compelled to ask myself, "has this gone to far?"

Save yourself man!!! She looks evil!
Re: Re: how do you know when you are obsessed?

Rambrat said:
Save yourself man!!! She looks evil!
1st im bad, and now im evil...

-stroking your goatee-
Obsessed = Dedicated...

When I'm cleaning my Harley parts in my living room, using my Harley manual, looking at my Harley engine blueprints hanging on the wall next to all my Harley pictures, beside my American flag with the Harley chopper on it, next to my leather jacket, with my biker video in the television, and say to myself, "this doesn't get any better!" :D
How many candles and of what size and scent?

Less than 20 small ones, unscented and I'd say no.

More than 20, any with more than one wick, and the house smelling like a beehive and I'd say you got a slight problem.
patient1 said:
Do you call her "Precious"?
Does she call you Gollum Smeegle ?

Nassty Bagginses.....We hates it, we do......

For me, its when they bust me for violating the restraining order.
Yo. In prison, I was obsessed with a guard that looked just like my mother. It was all I could do to keep from making him a card on Mother's Day.
Re: Re: Re: Re: how do you know when you are obsessed?

Rambrat said:
:eek: you're awake!

now i am...
i had a nap after supper
it was nice