How do you get a Moderator to notice you??

Oh...that...hehe...that'd be because I've fallen for her.

Completely. :heart:
dreamer0919 said:
Oh...that...hehe...that'd be because I've fallen for her.

Completely. :heart:

Well then the question isn't how to get a moderator to notice you, it's how to get a woman to notice you. For starters, I'd stop focusing on her 'title' and start paying attention to the 'woman.' From there, it's all yours.........
Yes, titles are irrelevant.

Clearly, you're the type of man who's entirely too focused on a woman's title.

<hanging head in shame>

I guess I was sucked in by the was just so compelling...

Just keep reporting every single post you see to a moderator.
Especially when the one you like is online.
Sooner or later, they'll become so enamoured (read: pissed off) that they'll join together to pat you on the back (read: beat the living snot out of you).
Just think of the joy you'll have from gaining the attention of not just one, but many moderators.
Oh, rapture.

BlazeofLife said:
Just keep reporting every single post you see to a moderator.
Especially when the one you like is online.
Sooner or later, they'll become so enamoured (read: pissed off) that they'll join together to pat you on the back (read: beat the living snot out of you).
Just think of the joy you'll have from gaining the attention of not just one, but many moderators.
Oh, rapture.



I was going to suggest that.
Hmmm...I was really shooting for the attentions of just the one...I'll have to think about it before I try that idea.

Call me blunt...but wouldnt just dropping her a message saying you are intrigued by her get the job done?
Yeah but she's just so intelligent, beautiful, not to mention hot...and I'm shy.

Hey who knows...maybe she'll PM me???
hmmmm....I'd like to see her in pigtails...I wonder if she'd like them pulled???
Well honey, you could be waiting around forever if you dont do something. The worst she can say is no!!!
I guess jumping up and down while naked screaming "take me! take me!" is not an option?
dreamer0919 said:
Any tips, suggetsions??


I realize that I'm late in posting this, but I've been kinda busy.

Hmmmmm, well dreamer, you might want to just get down with your bad self. ;) Oh and then use those certain words and key phrases that moderators, in your case, a moderator would frown upon. Then use that naked jumping thingy. I think that just might work. LMAO!
Lick secret messages on her back.

Try this in class. She will notice you.

You could always start a thread on How To attact a Mod. I'm certain she'd notice.