How do you feel RIGHT this moment? "I'm ________________"

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Slightly ecstatic as, Yeishia's new word choice thrills my Loins. I'm going to have to write something VERY special for that particular set of wanton words.
absolutely, positively giddy!!!

*hops up and down----topless!!*

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I'm a little depressed, almost totally useless, and pissed off at my computer for dying again.
Thanks yeishia, my comp died, am bumming around the family ones until I can get it fixed. Since this is my primary ocial outlet, it makes me feel isolated and useless. Though I've been useless for sometime.
I am totally and completely wrung out; and so glad it's Friday.
Thanks yeishia, my comp died, am bumming around the family ones until I can get it fixed. Since this is my primary ocial outlet, it makes me feel isolated and useless. Though I've been useless for sometime.

I'd offer to build you one, but you're probably having similar financial trouble, huh?
Yeah, worst mistake I ever made was leaving my retail job and do security instillations a few years ago. Haven't recovered from that decision.
Yeah, worst mistake I ever made was leaving my retail job and do security instillations a few years ago. Haven't recovered from that decision.

APX, Or Pinnacle, or ADT?

Is strange there actually is money in that, but you gotta be a freaking zealot in a cult to get it. Mind you I didn't do too terrible doing it. 3 grand a month isn't that bad. But apparently people will buy anything from me in order to get me to shut the hell up.
APX actually CT, wouldn't have been awful if I hadn't been bounced to four different offices over the summer. I know reps can make good enough money, we techs don't have it quite so easy. Oh well, live and learn I suppose.
APX actually CT, wouldn't have been awful if I hadn't been bounced to four different offices over the summer. I know reps can make good enough money, we techs don't have it quite so easy. Oh well, live and learn I suppose.

This is true. I worked for pinnacle, and we had a mobile office as well. When we hit our ninth city in 7 weeks I was pretty damned burnt out.
Yeah, worst mistake I ever made was leaving my retail job and do security installations a few years ago. Haven't recovered from that decision.

heh. You might actually be having worse trouble then. I at least have a steady income. It may not be nearly what it costs to live in today's economy (or even the economy of ten years ago) but it's steady.
a little frisky, fairly bored, but pretty happy happy, although I am slack ( I have been very lazy on my srps)
feeling good, tired and slightly sore from carrying my youngest up on my shoulders during the ANZAC Day March.

We will remember them
Lest we forget
Tired after yet another sleepless night..making an energy shake right now:D
The zing from my drink and the arrival of my Rose has jump started me into full alertness:D
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