How do you define great sex?


Apr 10, 2001
Is it the earth-shattering orgasm, or is it the way in which you connect with your partner? Can you have great sex within the context of a one-night stand, or does it take something more meaningful to achieve "great sex"?

But not cheap, darlin. ;)

Should I answer with a tone of seriousness?

I think it's more the connection, for me.
Which I believe can happen without the context of a relationship- but it has been rare, for me. I really do not need an orgasm to consider the sex to be good.
Re: Re: How do you define great sex?

Mia62 said:
I think you have to actually have it in order to discuss it.
Please see the post immediately above yours for a refresher course.
raindancer said:
But not cheap, darlin. ;)

Should I answer with a tone of seriousness?

I think it's more the connection, for me.
Which I believe can happen without the context of a relationship- but it has been rare, for me. I really do not need an orgasm to consider the sex to be good.

Interesting. I've always defined good sex as the ability to give my partner an orgasm. Having one myself is of secondary importance.
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I can give myself one hell of an orgasm. It's the skin on skin, getting lost in the eyes, and that warm feeling in my gut that really makes sex wonderful.

Orgasms for both- well hell, that's the icing! :)
If the scratches on my back scab up, it was good. If they scar, it was really good.
Re: Re: Re: How do you define great sex?

islandman said:
Please see the post immediately above yours for a refresher course.

I would have but I thought that might have just been my paranoia.
LOL! You're funny.

Great sex to me is a merging of two bodies in a way that creates heat, some sparks, and a connection. The orgasm is icing on the cake, but if the two are connecting well, it should almost be a given. Great sex is a natural flow between the two so that each seem to be instantly compatible to each others style and movements - two people in synch with one another. To be able to determine their needs, likes and dislikes by paying attention to sounds or reactions - not to just continue with what your "normal" process is.
islandman said:
Interesting. I've always defined good sex as the ability to give my partner and orgasm. Having one myself is of secondary importance.

Would you mind if I borrowed that for future use
I love it when she says stuff like "thirty minutes or you cum."

Given that I paid for the hour it seems cold to say that to me.
Re: Re: Re: Re: How do you define great sex?

Mia62 said:
I would have but I thought that might have just been my paranoia.

You're going to need to start dating Prozac salespeople with all that paranoia. :D
marksgirl said:
#1tankcomander + Marksgirl = great sex. :D

ya... what ever?....... any sex is great sex.......... duh.... like i know........
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How do you define great sex?

islandman said:
You're going to need to start dating Prozac salespeople with all that paranoia. :D

Good lord. That would combust with all the alcohol presently in use for it. :p