How do you cruise Lit?


Basic Limerent Object
Jul 30, 2001
When I first got here I just read stories and poked around the various forums.

Then I mostly settled on the GB, but I usually just read threads that had interesting titles.

It didn't take long to realize I was missing a lot of the subtext and undercurrents, so I found myself backtracking and reading all the posts by a person over the previous day. What a time saver! I found that if you read everything posted by certain people you didn't have to waste time opening threads because if there was anything good they probably had posted to them.

Things started to fall into place. So I started adding people to my Buddy List and reading ALL of their posts. I was in the loop!

By then I was logging in, checking my CP to see if any threads I had posted to were continued, reading the last days posts from the people on my ever larger Buddy List, then reading the GB threads once I was up to speed.

It just became too much fucking work. I checked myself in to Litsters Anonymous, but I only made it through 4 steps before I quit. Didn't like the crowd. There's nobody that acts superior like a reformed junky. Besides, because it was Anonymous everybody was Unregistered, and I had a problem with that. All they wanted to do was talk about Literotica, anyway.

Now I just rummage through the board like I root through the kitchen junk drawer when I'm trying to find the potato peeler, then give up and use a pairing knife. Occasionally I do a search on my name to see if somebody's trying to get my attention. I'm even thinking about reading some stories.

How do you cruise Lit?
I look for the people I stalk and then throw in some acerbic humor.

the sex stuff, yeah, that's just gravy.
Mostly by thread title, sometimes because of the author of a thread, or the last poster to it.

Occasionally someone tells me about a cute or interesting one to look at.
perky_baby said:
I look for the people I stalk and then throw in some acerbic humor.

the sex stuff, yeah, that's just gravy.

Yeah, nothing goes together like sex and gravy.
I'm pretty sporadic.
I'll click on almost anything.

I hardly ever backtrack though.
Not enough time. :(
I actually kind of just mope around this place. I don't cruise anything. I do however tackle things on occaision, or I do cartwheels when I am elated.
By the titles and then the first post. If the post takes more than a half page, I pass and go to something else. My time each day is reading and I don't want relaxation to involve a lot of reading.
Yeah, right , loser, gat, mack. Ok, we're scared.

Say, Hanns, I was wondering, you're some kind of an automated trollbot, right? Do you think you could ask your programmer to rotate your vocab list? Just a thought.
Usually I look at the first page of threads, read what I like and post occasionally. Lately though I've been looking at the first page and then just closing my browser.

If I come to a thread that has more than two pages I usually won't open it at all.

I'm kind of persnickety, now that I think about it.
I open each interesting new thread in a New Window, then click to page 2, and so on, and so forth. When nothing looks interesting anymore, or when I've gotten to dead threads I've already seen, I go back to page 1 and start all over.

When I first joined Lit, I was linked at another board to Lit and the Amateur Pics Feedback Forum, and thats where I lived for months. Eventually I spotted the Personals forum, and played there awhile, and then the BDSM board. That scared me, so then I ventured to the General Board, and that scared me worse. It took me a very long time to finally take part, and even longer for someone to actually speak to me.
My method of browsing has been tweaked and refined and now it's very simple. If I'm following a thread or two, I keep them open in seperate windows, and whenever I reconnect, I just refresh them.