How Did You Discover You Were Kinky?

It started with the pin-up girls..when I was a teen...from there forward.. ;)
Coming from a large family on both sides, I had plenty of uncles who had “dirty” books as we called them laying around. My cousins and I would sneak peaks but it was a particular Playboy mag an uncle had that did it. It was a picture of a girl on all fours, leather studded collar (can’t remember if there was a leash) and a man standing behind her dressed in leather brandishing a whip.

What is interesting is this was a small pic (a collage with others IDR) not a full shoot on this subject. That image, although now foggy 45+years on, remains burned into my brain and started me down the kink path.

Oddly I’m not that into BDSM themed pics or porn now or even when I became sexually active?
When I was in my 20s, I joked with a coworker about leather, stockings and spanking. It turned out that she (20 years older than me) was into that scene and, after another few months of flirting and innuendo, I ended up with her over my knees being spanked. The rush of pleasure as she yelped every time my hand landed on her butt cheeks was intoxicating. She came while I was spanking her and that lead to a night of sex that will live with me forever. She was no "stick insect" with plenty of curves and a voracious libido. I spent the whole weekend with her and ended up a lifelong convert to the art of spanking with light bondage as part of the preparation for a good paddling... or open hand spanking. She changed my life and, to this day, I am grateful to her for opening me up to a world of sexual joy that I did not know existed until that weekend!
Oh... and she was the very soul of discretion and grace at work despite the fact that she and I often had our "private times" in her office after normal working hours!
I have been interested in porn and written erotica since I was a teenager (we had one boy at school who used to shoplift "adult literature" from the local newsagents and then share whatever book with us) and have been exposing my cock to girls from a similar age - I'm not exactly huge and I'm pretty sure they were unimpressed for the most part - but I loved it!
Since joining Lit I've had my eyes opened to much more, some of which I'd love to explore further and some not so much - and because I'm now in a sexless marriage (wife pulled up the drawbridge as a condition of me staying in the family home and "married") I'm not likely to ever experience stuff except vicariously through adult websites.
Recently I've been much more open to meeting guys for mutual masturbation or oral although I wouldn't say "no" to a lovely female FWB either, especially one who would indulge me in some of my kinks!
I grow up in a traditional family. When I went to college I hang out with my roommate and friends. They were very open. We will approach and did a Girls gone wild video and my bf at the time talk me into doing a amateur video and took a semester off and did three video (parents didn't know I took the time off). After marriage I thought I would be a good wife. But after hearing my friends becoming hot wife, cougars, etc. and my husband working all the time I started day dreaming.
Had my first experience outside of marriage experience after having my 2nd child that open my ears and remind me what I been missing the last few years.
How did you discover you were kinky?

Through kinky stories and films when I was younger! Now, I share my tastes by talking about my fantasies and my sexual desires, and encourage folks who might be interested in a sexual chat with me to do the same. 😘♥️
I discovered my kinky side by stumbling onto this site and am always down to chat
Just sort of knew it since I came of age. I remember doing dares with my buddies back in the day. Mostly harmless stuff but definitely kinky.
I realised during my first marriage. The sex wasn’t great, and the only way I could orgasm was if he fucked me anally.
Then I started chatting to guys online and realised how much more was out there. When my marriage broke down I vowed to have fun and try anything once, with very few boundaries.
And how's that been going ?
Right out of high school, buddies and i would party around a campfire out in the woods. Once drunk, a buddy and I went for more wood. Once away from our friends, we whipped out his dick and told me to suck it. I said only if you will suck me too. He did and I did!
I grew up under Soviet rule, I was taught from a young age to keep quiet, keep my head down and avoid drawing attention to myself, as a spiteful neighbor, friend or even family member could, without any justification, get you into some serious trouble with the KGB.

That sort of environment isn't conducive to exciting or adventurous sex, either real or imagined. So I never had a single thought about anything kinky . . . . . .

until I was in England for a gap year after my studies.

I occupied the only room on the third floor of a house-share in London.

My room door was difficult to close and would spring half open unless locked, as I was the only one up there, I just used to leave it open until ready for bed.

My after work routine was to strip off naked in front of the mirrored wardrobe, put on a robe and then go downstairs for my shower.

Long story short, due to a squeaky stair, some hasty footsteps and some muffled giggles, I realised I was being watched by the two, young French guys from the floor below.

I didn't know how often they had been watching me, or how much they had seen, but it did some very surprising things to me, heightened by the fact that there was two of them watching me.

I was due to move out in a couple of weeks, but they got some really good 'shows' during that time!

I have no idea if they knew that I knew, or if they thought they were just super lucky 🤣
I guess I've been kinky since before I even hit puberty. Always had a thing for my mom, who smoked, so now mom/son sex and smoking are my two biggest fetishes. And when I was old enough to truly explore porn (back in the days when you had to rent a VHS tape from an adult bookstore), I checked out every sort of video to see what got me off. Then the internet came around, and it was "Katie, bar the door!" Can't remember how much I spent on eBay in the early days on videos that were likely illegal in the US (no, no kiddie stuff). Now, I've found that just about anything unusual or controversial or perverted does it for me, especially now that I've had my fair share of "regular sex".
When I spent time with an escort, I realised I was gay, I was like a kid in a candy shop!