How complex is adoption?


Really Really Experienced
Feb 1, 2010
Are there any fees or repercussions? How long does the whole process take?
You could find far more info quicker by googling this topic.

Timelines vary widely based on a variety of factors, like where the adopter and adoptee live, the type of child one is seeking and financial resources.
Things are different today than they were 35 years ago when we adopted. It's gotten more difficult over the years as the stigma of birthing and raising a child out of wedlock has gone away and not what it was back in the 40's and 50's and even early 60's. What was once a terrible life changing problem of teen pregnancy has almost become a "cool thing to do" in a lot of high schools.

The safest way to adopt is through one of the charitable associations like Catholic Charities or Jewish Charities, etc. They have the experience and legal know how to avoid issues with "private adoptons". The fees associated with these organizations are significantly lower than private adoptions which could be in quite high. There are those who have worked out "surrogate mother" arrangements but these can cost upwards of a hundred thousand dollars and you still have risks of the surrogate backing out at the last minute or wanting to "remain in the child's life" forever. The best thing is to go through an agency designed for this to avoid legal issues and being ripped off. Going "foreign" adds a level of risk although I've known people who have adopted children from Asia, Africa, and South America. How liberal and tolerant are you with adopting a child of a different race from you? How tolerant are your friends and family? I know of a family in our church that has a mix of Asian, African, and Columbian kids. If the world got along as well as they all did, we'd be in great shape.

Adoption can be one of the most wonderful satisfying experiences in the world but it should not be taken lightly or frivously and it will take time. Good luck.
In the U.K. I have no idea.

And even in the United States Of America it's different in every state.
Cathlic Charities is probably one of the least exspensive ways to go but you are probably going to have to wait 7 years.

Yes you are going to have to do your home work. There are books on it a the libary and of course search the internet.
Also call some adoption agencies, they should have free seminars and or consultions.
Visit more than one, like try atleast three.
Adaption is great all that lovely touchy feely crap about how everything is great. What you are really doing is buying a baby. Some agencies are better than others. Different kids cost different amounts of money.
Sounds bad I know but that's just the way it is.
In the U.K. I have no idea.

And even in the United States Of America it's different in every state.
Cathlic Charities is probably one of the least exspensive ways to go but you are probably going to have to wait 7 years.......

Had no idea it had gotten that bad. Seven years? Back 35 years ago, we waited probably 3 years because we strongly wanted an infant. It could have been a lot shorter if we had been willing to take a 5-6 year old child, and zero waiting time for a black child. I know that's an unfortunate situation, but it is a fact of life. I have always had a special kind of respect for people who can build a family on ethnic and racial diversity, but it can be quite difficult. Perhaps not as tough today as decades ago because I think people (at least some people) have become a lot more open minded.