How can I remove a story I posted?


Dec 7, 2020
I have a series up and a stand alone story up that I want to remove as I plan on rewriting both of them. How do I do this, or can I?
I have a series up and a stand alone story up that I want to remove as I plan on rewriting both of them. How do I do this, or can I?
Submit a story with exactly the same title plus the word DELETE. Add a note to the site editor that you want to remove the story. It'll take a couple of weeks, I don't think you get a notification, and the whole thing will be purged from the story file.

Alternatively, prepare your new text and submit, but add EDIT. This way, you keep all scores and comments, and the content is replaced with your new version.

Better yet, write another story and stop futzing with the old ones. We all move on from our early work and become better writers by writing new stories. Do an apprenticeship with more stories, you'll learn more that way.