How can a lack of self control be attractive??

Dude, You really need to get a grip! WTF is with you and your constant ranting about 'fatties'? Christ! I think everyone here Knows by now you don't like overweight women! Do you HAVE to make a gazzilion threads every fucking day about it? Sheeeeez, get a freakin life!!!!
4laterer said:
I fail to grasp this

obviously this kernel of knowledge eludes me

Irony is grand. The thread title, the overly stated topic, it's too much!
Re: Re: How can a lack of self control be attractive??

sterlingclay said:
Irony is grand. The thread title, the overly stated topic, it's too much!


That was brilliant.

Nice Av, Clay. :)
4laterer said:
I fail to grasp this

obviously this kernel of knowledge eludes me

and this kernel is one from which you all collectively nibble, it is one which serves to artificiallly inflate the view you all have - namely, that your standing on the subject is more valid than mine

that it is more valid to say fatties are attractive than unattractive

so, someone explain to me how rolls of excess flab can be nice to look at/feel/kiss

OK, you're right. I much prefer a lack of self control in the area of being an ass hole. Ass holes are much better to be around. Better to look at, feel, and kick. Ass holes are much more attractive than unattractive. And they cook better, too.
Re: Re: Re: How can a lack of self control be attractive??

vixen. Shiny hair, beautiful lips, full lips and great with pets! How can you go wrong with that?
sterlingclay said:
vixen. Shiny hair, beautiful lips, full lips and great with pets! How can you go wrong with that?

Why thank you.

And okay, 4L, perhaps you're right about the irony.

How about we just agree that you're a pot calling the kettle black with this thread?

you live in Europe and seem well traveled. I am to assume you have visited many art galleries that holds within its walls centuries of art. Have you ever seen the beauty of the pictures that were drawn 100 of years ago. The full figured woman spread out in so many various poses. It seems that only in contempary times is it that woman have to be silicon and size 0 to be considered to be attracted by those brain washed by Madison Avenue.

We all have likes and dislikes. I can say I find several types of people unattractive because of something different they have. Either too tiny or too big, but on those occassions it is not the way they physically look but more so the way they present themselves. A friend of mine who took me in in Europe was obese but realize I didn't see it until months later when I got the pictures developed. He drew the negative attention to himself because of the way he held himself in public. His inner description of himself and what he projected. In all honesty he had a chance to get many women if his attitude was different back then. He has the most incredible blue eyes and a smile that would melt one's heart. It amazes me that he didn't because he is smaller than some rap artist in America that have women swarming over them. It is all in the attitude and self worth we hold within. It is also ideas that others spew attempting to force their opinion down the masses.

There is no clear answer here. Again it comes down to the individual taste. Your taste is you do not admire it. That is fine. My taste is I attempt to see the whole person in front of me.

I am going to back off on these threads of yours about this topic. It is just negative and negativity breeds negativity.

Again I can only say try not to dig your hole here so deep. The majority are not listening to the point you are trying to make as well as you are not in a listening mood to listen to what others are saying to you.

Vixen already said in another thread fine you don't like big chicks your point taken. Move on with a new topic.

4laterer said:
wrong use of irony you undereducated schmucks

in vixens case

undereducated, overfed

vixen, when you giggle does the world giggle with you?

Another lame flame worth a frame. Are you done with that turd ball yet or do you need a spoon?
vixenshe said:
Why thank you.

And okay, 4L, perhaps you're right about the irony.

How about we just agree that you're a pot calling the kettle black with this thread?

YW and a big LMAO on the black kettle.

4laterer said:
yes, tulip, I am aware of those women, I forget the artists name, began with Re....

they were chubby, and graceful, but look at the factors determining their beauty

a fuller figure signified wealth, abundance, and maternal charm, especially from times afore when people rarely lived beyond 40, and if they did, it wa susually in conditions of abject poverty.

now, we have food mountains piling up, we do everything to excess, whether its eat, drink or smoke

fat men and women are a sign of greed, lack of self control, a fucked up mind, unhappiness,

it is, quite frankly, unaesthetically pleasing

the human frame was not built to look good with 50kg of excess fat hanging off it in an ungainly manner

I contridict myself because I am responding but I see you are contridicting yourself in this post to so we are fair.

In some countries even today it signifies wealth and what not. Realize that people are attracted to the non norm conditions. If I was the only blonde about I would be bombarded by some. If I was the only full figured woman I would be too. Same as if I was a pixie. A percentage of people flock to different rather than what the norm is telling them. I think that is called individuality.

OK hugs to you 4 and good luck.

4laterer said:

fat men and women are a sign of ...a fucked up mind, unhappiness,

it is, quite frankly, unaesthetically pleasing

So are many other types of people. I'm glad you have standards for your own life. They're just not mine.
Hanns_Schmidt said:
You didn't mention her body

Never seen it, but if there more cushion for pushin then let ride!

I hate the bruising I get around the pubic bone when slamming skinny broads.
Re: Re: 4

4laterer said:
but there are factors determing what you find attracitve

eg, what your parents are like, social conditioning, biological factors of which one is unaware

I also think people pitch themselves

the fat and ugly go for the fat and ugly, for it is futile to aim higher

which says a lot about the people on this board.....

I don't think I'm ugly. Fat, okay, I'll grant that.. I'm a big girl.. tall and overweight. But I've never dated a fat or ugly person. My current SO is tall and handsome.

But, before you do it... you just think he's a ginger, and of course gingers are attracted to unattractive fat slobs like me.. it's a genetic defect, right?

Jesus, 'it', you are starting to become redundant.
Re: Re: 4

4laterer said:
but there are factors determing what you find attracitve

eg, what your parents are like, social conditioning, biological factors of which one is unaware

I also think people pitch themselves

the fat and ugly go for the fat and ugly, for it is futile to aim higher

which says a lot about the people on this board.....

So that's the fascination you and Hanns have with each other. Trolls stick together.
oh Hanns... even when I point out your predictability, you must say your predictable line.

*rolling eyes*

Find a new act.