How bad is this?

Gilly Bean

Princess Spanky Pants
Aug 29, 2001
I'm sitting a quiet, well lit living room, on my sofa. The TV is off, I have my blanket and pillow with me, and I'm reading the non-creepy urban legands, and I am still getting the 'wiggens' from it.

I love scary stuff. Been renting cheap and good horror flicks since I was 8 or 9. Loved having em scare the day lights out of me, and now, I am seriously creeping myself out over stories such as the Ivy League Nude Posture Photo's.

There is nothing remotly creepy about it. Not a single story I've read has any creepy back ground, yet here I am, reading the goddamn things, feeling my skin tighten with any small sound, my ears perk up, and I just feel... wigged out.
I have hubby, who is sound asleep in our bed. I could simply stand up, and go to him, but that means.. standing up. And, worse yet, getting that creepy feeling while running my ass across the house in the dark. God, what the hell was i thinking, looking at urban legands. ;)

Go ahead, laugh, I know ya'll wanna. ;)
Ya I was gonna ask where he was. Heh, you're getting as lazy as I am GB...that's not a good sign. :p

Heh, urban legends are fun to read in the dark. Especially if you get really creeped out and you start to imagine things....
Ham Murabi said:
You just need a nice, warm, soapy enema to calm you down.


And, it's time to make a mad dash to bed. I'm way creeped out.

Ta guys. if I am still around on the morrow, nd havne't freaked to bad, I'll be back
Gilly Bean said:
I'm sitting a quiet, well lit living room, on my sofa. The TV is off, I have my blanket and pillow with me, and I'm reading the non-creepy urban legands, and I am still getting the 'wiggens' from it.

I love scary stuff. Been renting cheap and good horror flicks since I was 8 or 9. Loved having em scare the day lights out of me, and now, I am seriously creeping myself out over stories such as the Ivy League Nude Posture Photo's.

There is nothing remotly creepy about it. Not a single story I've read has any creepy back ground, yet here I am, reading the goddamn things, feeling my skin tighten with any small sound, my ears perk up, and I just feel... wigged out.

I wish I could get this reaction from something. Nowadays, it seems I'm totally numb tonthiese sort of things...
Enjoy it. If it was gone, believe me, you'd miss it more than you realize.
It me nearly 30 minutes to stop clinging to Hubby last night, though he got a laugh out of it. :rolleyes: I, on the other hand just kept jumping at shadows, and hiding under my blanket. I strongly insisted that 'they' would get me if my toes were hanging out of the blanket.

:rolleyes: How embarrassing.
Hiya Gilly Bean!

*giggles* I am so glad to see you posting again. When I first saw your threads, I thought someone had been bumping old threads.

:rolleyes: Silly me!

So, what happened after the cuddling, dear heart?

Gilly Bean said:
It me nearly 30 minutes to stop clinging to Hubby last night, though he got a laugh out of it. :rolleyes: I, on the other hand just kept jumping at shadows, and hiding under my blanket. I strongly insisted that 'they' would get me if my toes were hanging out of the blanket.

:rolleyes: How embarrassing.

It's pretty cute at the same time though.
Hi MissTaken :)

No bumping, I'm back. ;)

After the cuddling, I finally let the rational part of my brain take over, and I was able to laugh about it.

I just kept getting that creepy feeling down my spine. Ugh. Then, hubby started making referrences to other scary movies: Rose Read (Uugy LADY- accompanying the wide open closet door of mine.), They (They- IE, the damn things that were gonna get my toes!), and all on his own, The Ring. (Uhg, just ugh!)

Smiley- it was fairly cute.... after the shiver, quivery fear dissapated. I actually made hubby get up and escort me (covered with a blanket) to the bathrom. :eek: adorable is that?

Well, except for The Ring and all that spine-tingly scary stuff.
Smiley777 said: adorable is that?

Well, except for The Ring and all that spine-tingly scary stuff.


And now, all alone in the house with just my 1 year old. :eek:
bluespoke said:
Just you, the one year old and whatever else inhabits the house!:eek:


Ok, that's it, I got the damn site open again, and I'm all alone out here. Baby's still sleeping. Someone come excersize my demons? :devil:

JP- No, that would have meant that I had to stick my hand out of the blanket, and then They would have seen me, and therefore, would have gotten me.

you couldn't pay me to watch scary movies and then have to be alone *cringes*
jadedpast said:

you couldn't pay me to watch scary movies and then have to be alone *cringes*

Not watching anything scary, not even reading scary stories... it's all got a decidedly non-creep tone to it. And still, creeping me out.