How are you doing on your goals for 2023?

Bit of a mixed bag for me, I have achieved less than half of my 2023 goals that I wanted done by June as life just keeps punching me in the face (so to speak). Betrayal by close friends, business mergers, stress and kids. All in all, there are days I feel like one of the characters in one of my stories.

I hoped to have about three or four new stories up, but have been struggling to get my head into a place to complete them. That said, I am still knocking out concepts and getting words on a page. Just fighting life to get them there.
Thanks. In and out of the hospital for six weeks so far. Now waiting for a hospital bed to open and a surgical team to form. Hasn't interrupted my posting routine yet, but that's soon to happen.
I know how that kind of shit wears on you, if you need to vent I'm just a DM away.
Goals for this year were to get to the total solar eclipse in April. Tick. Awesome.

And finish off the final story arc on here. Also tick. Also awesome.

Now it seems I have a new goal... keeping one story category ahead of @NoTalentHack

Dude, I'm running those numbers, have been asking @djrip about I/T. I'm gonna do whatever it takes.
Well I still have the same problem of getting stories to the 80% mark and then loosing steam and starting a new story. I seem to enjoy the plotting and research part of writting more than the actual writing part.
My writing goals for this year have been going great. The first to write more has been successful I've written more and gotten more published this year than the previous 2 years combined. And I've been happy with the scores and views. My second goal was to get my supporter page running and I'm happy I've actually gotten some supporters this year. Overall I'm very happy with how things have been going.
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I have no goals, nor goats.

I do, however, have two 8 month old 100# Great Pyrenees boys who KEEP begging for goats. Sadly, having no goals for goats, I disappoint them regularly, so they are forced to watch the goats across the road cavort and make goat noises. They continue to long for their own goats; I've informed them that they need new goals.

Recording that audio was loads of fun, and my goal is to record another for you @NoTalentHack - when you have time to write. Also it would be nice to have some motivation to return to the 472 current works languishing in half- or mostly done land. Instead, I continue to watch Bigfoot movies on Prime.

Less successful than I wanted.

Complete a comic book by year end, nowhere near, but it is fun when I do get to do some artwork.

Keep writing, am doing, but I don’t get how people write small stories quickly. I mean I’m just shy of six thousand words on part one of THE PROCESS and I’ll need to double that to get to the end of this part.

I actually don’t even know how many parts it will be but it’ll probably rock out at around another 100,000 words.
Less successful than I wanted.

Complete a comic book by year end, nowhere near, but it is fun when I do get to do some artwork.

Keep writing, am doing, but I don’t get how people write small stories quickly. I mean I’m just shy of six thousand words on part one of THE PROCESS and I’ll need to double that to get to the end of this part.

I actually don’t even know how many parts it will be but it’ll probably rock out at around another 100,000 words.
Ooo a comic book! What kind?