"Hotaznslut" Still looking......


Jan 5, 2003
I was previously posting under my husbands user name (FLEXXX), under the thread "Slut wife wants gangbang...." but I've decided to get my own user name so not to confuse people as to who is actually writing.

Anyways, I'm still looking for people who are interested is possible having group sex or provide me with a gang-bang. My husband was not very successful in getting me a gangbang on his thread, so I decided to see where my luck will take me.

So if you're in the Winnipeg area or will be coming to Winnipeg, drop me an email (hotaznslut@yahoo.com) or PM and lets get together and see sparks fly!!!

A big shout out to: Boy Wonder and Saskatoon Guy!!!

Here's something that Saskatoon Guy submitted on "slut wife...." that I thought would be worth putting onto my thread:

It's kind of a moot point, as this topic is almost 2 months old. but I'd just like to independantly confirm that this offer is genuine. this couple does exist and the "hotaznslut" is very much a stunning asian woman. In fact she is exactly what she says she is in her post.

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I wish...

I wish that I was going to the winnipeg area but I can't go there till I finish my term of service in Korea with the US military but I just want to say that if I could I would go to you and give you the experince of a lifetime....

I just wanted to verify, for any non-believers, that this offer is for real and YES, she is my wife, and YES, she is a slut.

I also wanted to remind her that she was gangbanged, but not as a result of the thread that I had posted. She got that done on her own.

That's my girl!!!

Okay, lets make this easy.....
Not interested in group sex or a gangbang????
Then here's my offer to just fuck me and drive me wild.....hopefully there will be more response to this!!!
if i were in canada, i would take you up on your offer, but I'm in new york city, sorry
You can always fly up to Winnipeg.....If you really want it....come and get it!! :devil:

Lol, I'd love to, but afraid that'ss cost me a pretty penny, although if you're ever in new york, i'd totally be up for anything

I don't see myself coming down to New York anytime soon, but you never know right? But thank you for your offer......I'll definitely keep it in mind!!

Glad to hear it. Hey, if you know anyone in new york, let me know, maybe i could get to know them too, lol
Oh well, but if you are ever down here, or I'm ever up there, i'd totally be up for getting together
:( :(
What no takers?? Since Winnipeg isn't really a place where alot of people go to vacation or plan on visiting.....let me lower the standards a little....if you want to have phone sex or you would just like to "chat" or email, let me know via email (hotaznslut@yahoo.com) and we'll set something up. Hope to hear from more horny guys out there!!!



I just emailed you. Since I'm not getting to Winnipeg anytime in the future, hopefully we can meet online.

There are 2 seasons in Winnipeg - 8 months of Winter and 4 months of poor skating.

But for a sexy Asian woman.. hmmmm might freeze my nads off though
:D :D :D :D :D
Thanks for all of the response that I have been getting thru this thread.....Keep 'em coming!!!!

How u doin there Kitty?

just wanted to say hello quickly...u available to chat a bit?
