Horny in Minnesota


Very Intelligent & Horny
Jun 18, 2002
You may also know me as bulging jeans...I am looking to have some sort of literotica get-together i the Minneapolis/St. Paul area this sping..but to make this work there must be a good blend of men and women. ...so let me know if you are interested
You are not the only one. I am very horny too but I am also looking for things I may never find. Feel free to look me up anytime. Have fun and good luck.

Sounds like fun. although I dont think my wife would understand me going to such an event. LOL A good blend of men and women is a good idea, unless of course there those that are interested in same sex fun. I havent tried that yet, but have not ruled out the possibility.
MsSpellChecker said:
You are not the only one. I am very horny too but I am also looking for things I may never find. Feel free to look me up anytime. Have fun and good luck.

:kiss: [/BI would love to look you up, North St. Paul is not too far from me
maybe we should meet ourselves sometime

It might be a lot of fun:p
i dunno

You are a bit older than i am looking for. Maybe at some kind of Lit event or something. :)
If 8 years older is too old then 10 years younger is too young. Besides, I want a husband that can drink at his own wedding. LOL

Geez, I am not looking to get married, did that once already.
Fortunately, I came out the other side:D
It is the "Personals" after all!

Sorry!!!! Guess I am just used to those "AOL Get-Togethers" where the only place they go is a bar and it just got my mind wandering. The 19-yr-old can't go to the bar except on 18+ nights so it rules him out of any alcohol related events.
I agree...

Horny in MN...i agree...anyone around who is still...I'm just putting a line out if there is a female who's lookin for the same...

hope to hear from someone, sometime!


i would love a get to gather but it would have to be in april because i live in west centeal mn
Re: It is the "Personals" after all!

MsSpellChecker said:
Sorry!!!! Guess I am just used to those "AOL Get-Togethers" where the only place they go is a bar and it just got my mind wandering. The 19-yr-old can't go to the bar except on 18+ nights so it rules him out of any alcohol related events.

U mean u can't drink in a bar at 19? Where's that?
April is a ways away

With April still so far off it leaves plenty of time for you to plan the lil shindig. :)
Emerald_eyed said:
lol, how did a "lets get together and party" thread turn into a marriage thread?


I work off and on near the cities.

Hi Emerald_Eyed!!!!

If you ever get to the western suburbs...i would love to meet you for lunch....i used to live in hutch but moved to the cities...

slut steve
Hey folks...
25, male from Maplewood (near the No St Paul border)
A get together sounds like fun. If someone does arrange something, let me know. It would be cool to meet some "online" people face to face. (Or, perhaps, with other body parts. *wink*)
How about Timber Lodge in Eden Prairie...they have a room we could have dinner then a couple of drinks at the bar......
get together

april sounds great, Eden Prairie is a southwest suburb of Minneapolis
I made it!

Took me awhile dr bong but I finally found your thread about a get togehter. I just might be interested!:kiss:
ok, so who is in

i need to know, who is in and when is good, so we can get this set up wa-hoo