~ Honey's Blanket Fort of Bliss ~

oh nonononono I have boundaries!

... says the germ-phobe who was once so hypnotized by a young woman's perfectly poetic description of her blood drinking fetish he almost took up cutting on the spot. I can almost remember her voice; I was a couple drinks in to the evening myself. If she'd asked... or even acknowledged my existence... I might very well have regretted that evening differently.

yeah sometimes restraints are a good thing... and gags could even be called "important safety precautions" around those of us that *DO* bite.


fortunately those particular cravings turned out to be linked to the migraines i now have pretty much under control.

too early for blood, i need coffee
Just make sure the binding & gagging fun is consensual & first. After that it was just a case of poor communication. :D


not as funny to read as it was to type.

Haha... Remind me never to let you tie me up:eek:
(Actually I never let anyone tie me up - except one and that was a very special case)

Unlike you it seems, I'm a stickler for consent... Even when I probably don't need to be:D
It was rather funny the first time I had PIV sex with one of my FWBs. He was tied up so I insisted on stopping and checking... And double checking... that yes he did give his consent for sex:D
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Ahhh.... I feel good:)
I just had a facial.

Get your mind out of the gutter! A beautifying treatment for the face:cool:
my eyes hurt and worky is frustrating, i need some blanket fort time :(

p.s.: honey, check out slothilda :D
*sneaks in and hides under a blanket in the corner*

They won't find me here.