Homosexual, or Bi- Sexual?

Nov 22, 2002
Ok this may ruffle some feathers......but discuss your feelings on it.
I have heard all these women in the past ten years claim to be Bi Sexual. Men too.
This is my belief as to how this works.
If you have same gender sex, you are Homo sexual.
If you have sex with same gender types, and opposite gender types, you would be considered Bi Sexual.
But.....you are still Homo Sexual.
You are also Hetero Sexual.

I think a lot of people want to hide behind the Bi Sexual nametag to somehow not be classified as Homo Sexual....because whether you like it or not, it has negative conotations.

Im not disrespecting anyone for their sexual direction here. But if you have sex with people of the same sex....you are...Homosexual.

Your thoughts?
I'm bisexual. I'm not homosexual, because I am not LIMITED to sex with my own gender, and I am not heterosexual, because I am not limited to sex with the other gender. Homosexuals are people who engage ONLY in sex with their own gender, and heterosexuals are those that engage in sex exclusively with the opposite gender.

However, I DO consider myself queer. Queer does not mean gay, or homosexual.. I believe it is something of a blanket term that covers gay, lesbian, bi, trans, etc. Another way to put it would be 'alternatively lifestyled', but then, that could also include the BDSM community.

To sum: I'm not homosexual or heterosexual, I'm bi, and queer.
It's been so long since I last posted here and now I find this thread! Was it fate? LOL

No, really...here is my input. I, personally, do not hide behind a title. Call me what you like. I have enjoyed sexual relationships with both sexes. I consider myself bi sexual. If that name doesn't suit you..fine. Give it another. I'm not in it for the title. No matter how you phrase it, it's still fucking awesome. lol

How's that for input?
vixenshe said:
To sum: I'm not homosexual or heterosexual, I'm bi, and queer.

And cute. ;)

I really hate the semantic thing here, though. To me, "homosexual", through general usage, seems to imply that you have sex strictly with members of the same gender. if I classify myself as bi, that means I'm attracted to both.

But still ... it's really just semantic hair splitting.
Agreed. I title does not determine my path. ;)

*edited due to a blonde moment. hehe
But see...that is where you are wrong.
Homosexual as defined by websters dictionary is...
of, related to, or characterized by, a tendancy direct sexual desire toward another of the same sex
Homosexuality...erotic activity with another of the same sex.

My point here is to clarify that...in order to be classified or described as being Bi Sexual....you need to be both "Homosexual" and "Heterosexual"

Its like being Bi- Polar....in order to be Bi Polar...you need to be both Manic, and Depressive.
cherrypop said:
Agreed. I title does not determine my path. ;)

*edited due to a blonde moment. hehe

LOL POP it's good to see you......

As for my title, name, whatever I'm a girl in love.....Does it really matter with whom???:)
I can see your point. It's a valid one when you word it that way. You must have both homosexual and heterosexual tendencies. Yes? I guess I'm just a woman of many hats? lol
Killswitch said:
But see...that is where you are wrong.
Homosexual as defined by websters dictionary is...
of, related to, or characterized by, a tendancy direct sexual desire toward another of the same sex
Homosexuality...erotic activity with another of the same sex.

My point here is to clarify that...in order to be classified or described as being Bi Sexual....you need to be both "Homosexual" and "Heterosexual"

Its like being Bi- Polar....in order to be Bi Polar...you need to be both Manic, and Depressive.

Okay, so have it your way. I'm both heterosexual and homosexual. great. I have a label. Feel better now? It doesn't change who I am.
april-wine said:
LOL POP it's good to see you......

As for my title, name, whatever I'm a girl in love.....Does it really matter with whom???:)

Good to see you, too! I admit, when I saw a thread declaiming YOU were horny..oh yeah, I had to giggle. lol ;) How goes it, chica? Wait, you're in love...need you say more? *g*
you can call me queer if you want, I know my husband does.

Does that work for you?
I dont like the term queer, for Homosexuals. I know there is a group called Queer Nation, and I also dont like their "Im gay, and I am in your face" attitude. It does all the Bisexual and Homosexual people a dis service, and creates an even worse stigma to the sexual orientation.

My point here was not to cast any stones ....because frankly I dont care what anyone sexual orientation is, Dietrich.

My point was and is to make clear that if you are bi sexual then you are also by definition,...Homosexual.

This was simply a thread about symantics, and proper definition.
It was not a thread about why you are the way you are, or why you arent like the majority of this planet. But I hear and see the term Bisexual thrown around a lot, and I also had someone try to convince me that because they had sex with the same gender type, that they are no way homosexual, just because they also have sex with the opposite gender.

For comparrison, my definition, and I think the universal definition of a Gay male, or Lesbian female is someone who "Only" has sex with thiose of the same gender type as that individual.

I knew it wasnt long before someone let a horny goat loose in this thread....it was inevitable;)
Killswitch said:
I knew it wasnt long before someone let a horny goat loose in this thread....it was inevitable;)

hey, I'm a queer duck, not a horny goat.
Good evening, Mr. Switch.

Personally, I don't like to label myself at all. Even while I was dating women exclusively, I resisted the label "lesbian." It just didn't seem to fit.

I am a sexual being.
Hmmmmmm... I guess I'd call myself slightly bi-sexual... I do like to play with girls, but only in settings where there are men playing too. Like threesomes, or more...

OK, I admit it. I love the way women taste, the way they feel, the way their breasts are full and their skin is soft...

But it takes men, with their lovely hydraulic parts and all those very exciting ways they are different from women, to excite me.

I kind of like the term "Tri-sexual - will try anything once."
homosexuals and bisexuals are all part of the gay community.

To be homosexual is by definition to love one who is the same sex as your are

Bisexual means to have sexual relations with both sexes

Heterosexual means to have sex with one who is of a different sex than you.

Switch you can argue that when I am having sex with a girl I am indulging in homosexual behavior, but by that argument when I'm having sex with a man I'm indulging in heterosexual behavoir. However, when I am discussing my preferences overall, I am bisexual because I enjoy being intimate with both sexes (male and female). I would also argue that I'm part of the gay/queer/lgbta community.

Picky point...sex and gender are not the same term and should not be used interchangably
I agree with every thing you said DN, except I would not classify someone who is Bi Sexual as being Gay........well I dunno.......maybe I would if we can agree that Homosexual=Gay, and Heterosexual= Straight.

I am not homosexual. But even I find the term "Queer" to be a very derogatory label for the gay, or Bi community.

Some references on the word Queer from websters.
Differing from what is usual or normal in an odd way.
Eccentric, Unconventional.
Mildly insane, touched
Sexual Deviate
It (websters) also defines the word Queer when used to describe Homosexuals, as being used disparagingly.
I've noticed that a lot of people have a double standard about this when it comes to men and women. When a man sleeps with other men he's automatically called gay - regardless of whether he sleeps with women or not. But women who sleep with other women are automatically assumed bi-sexual. I think that comes from a homophobic male-centered society, that thinks men who sleep with men couldn't possibly be into women, and women HAVE to have a man in their life. It's ridiculous.

Technically if you sleep with both you are bi, with opposite you are hetero, and with the same you are homo. But I think a lot of women nowadays hide behind the name of bi-sexuality so they can avoid the label of homosexual. I have several friends who only sleep with other women but they still call themselves bi-sexual.
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