HOLY SHIT! THERE IS PORN ON THE INTERNET? What happened? How did this happen?

Hey, that's their job - being our mommy and daddy. If they didn't have this hearing, how would we ever have known of the danger? :eek: :rolleyes:
From the link:
During the hearing, a committee staffer showed how easy it is to access pornographic images. The staffer performed a Google search to reach Kazaa, then once on Kazaa searched for Britney Spears. Hundreds of downloadable files then appeared on the screen.
I'm sure after the hearing, several Congressmen did even more extensive research.

I have been doing this for years, it feels good to be a few steps ahead of the government.
Maybe these porn filters will get rid of all the cheese porn and just take us to the really good stuff.
I don't think I can come here in good faith knowing that there's disgusting stuff like that on the internet.