His Partner's Daughter (closed)

I was almost at her pussy when I felt her relax, just a little. It was a start.

As my hand covered her slit, I dragged a finger into her, then pulled it up and over her clit...
A soft gasp feeling his affections begin.

Beautiful was finally starting to get into what I was doing to her, and was concentrating less on the blindfold and what that meant to her. Then again, I had my hand in her pussy, making it feel good. It made me glad that I was distracting her so. It had been what I was hoping for.

I began slowly circling her clit with my finger, occasionally sliding down the wet slit to get more lubrication... Meanwhile, I let my other hand slide over the swell of her breast, and began to pleasure her there, too, while I kissed her neck...
She enjoyed the sensations and relaxed more and more.

Mmmm lover
The longer I rubbed, squeezed and caressed Beautiful's body, the more delectable sounds she made and the more her body relaxed. If it had been anybody else, I'd have probably stopped what I was doing for a few torturous seconds before starting up again, but that wasn't our dynamic. Later, who could say? For now though, nothing she could construe as me trying to make her any kind of bottom to my top. Of course, to listen to her earlier, it sounded like she had no problem with the tables turned the other direction...

"That's it, Beautiful, relax," I whispered into her ear. "Concentrate on where my hands are and what they're doing. Cum any time. That's what this is all about. Trust me that your pleasure is what I'm thinking about. I've got you. Nothing to worry about."
She let the pleasure carry her as she moaned at the sensations and his touch.

She was practically melting in my arms. For a woman who didn't trust anybody, she certainly liked what she could experience when she did take that leap if faith.

I worked her clit a little harder, her nipples a bit firmer.

"Cum any time, Beautiful. I've got you. Nothing can harm you while I'm here. Just feel the pleasure...:
Whimpering orgasm taking over her as she sank more into his affections.
Feeling Beautiful cum in my arms was amazing. I made sure to hold her tight, especially when I felt her legs start to weaken. There was no way I was going to let her get hurt, even without my assurances.

"Oh yes, Beautiful. Cum for me. Let me make you feel safe. You make me feel good when you trust me."
The very essence of her job made trust a bad thing hell her own family did too to a point except for trusting in them.fighting but for now it was intoxicating to trust him.
I just held Beautiful's limp, post-orgasm form close, making sure all my assurances wouldn't be for nothing. This was the climax of the balancing act. If I fucked it up now, even accidentally, I was certain she wouldn't trust me like this again.

"Take your time. I'm here. Nothing bad can happen while I'm here. I'll protect you to the extent of my ability."

Gently, I slid a finger under the blindfold and lifted it off her.

Kissing her cheek, I whispered, "Thank you for trusting me."
She just smiled.

So time to eat or get some sleep or whatever.

She started into his eyes.
"Come on," I said as I took Beautiful's hand and led her from the dungeon. It wasn't exceedingly late, but we'd burned plenty of daylight.

Sitting Beautiful in a chair in the kitchen, I started preparing something to eat.

"Again, thank you for trusting me," I said as I began chopping vegetables. "I understand your reluctance before. We haven't known each other long, and the main thing we do know is that we both like sex... a lot. A lot of people would say that isn't a very firm foundation to build a relationship on, but a lot of relationships are ruined by unequal libidos.

"That said, I can't say, once we finally part ways, that we'll ever see one another again, but I'm really hoping this weekend isn't the last time our paths will cross."
Well I am sure it won't be lover.

She smiled with a wink.
Finally I got things cooking, so while that happened, I cleaned up. Yes, I could have asked for help, and I suspect I'd have gotten it, but I wasn't going to make this luscious woman do such things at this point in what I hoped would be a regular occurrence for us.

Once clean-up was finished, I sat down across from Beautiful, saying, "We've got about twenty minutes. We can talk, or we can do something. What's your choice?"
What would you want to talk about?

Her hand rested on his cheek.
I gazed into eyes that were just as beautiful as the rest of her and said, "Part of me is burning to know more about you, but I think part of the thrill of this is the anonymity. Besides, if this indeed isn't our only adventure together - and you can't believe how happy and horny to hear you say it won't be - there will be time to learn more about each other. Probably about the time we decide to learn each other's real names."

I paused, then laughed.

"Jesus, you sure make me talk a lot."
Mmmm yeah we will have plenty of time to learn everything about each other in due time.

She smiled at him and reaching a hand to his cheek.

Is that such a bad thing that I can get you to talk so easily?
I laughed, "It's just a damn good thing I'm not a spy or something like that. You'd have me spilling secrets as easily as you make me spill semen..."
You really do enjoy doing both for me don't you lover.

She reached a hand to his cheek with a wink.

And After we eat you can do plenty more of both.
It was cliche, but I responded, "I like doing whatever you like. Of course, if it makes me feel good at the same time, all the better.

"After we eat, I intend to fuck the rest of the day away with you."

I do love the sound of that.

She leaned close and kissed him softly.
Her kiss started slow and tender, but, as with practically everything with this woman, it heated up quickly. My cock was hard and ready to go, but my brain kept reminding me there was food on the stove to keep an eye on. As we kissed, I circled one of her nipples with a finger.

While I could just kiss Beautiful the rest of my life, I needed to check the stove. Giving her nipple a little tweak, I went back to make sure everything was okay, stirred things around a little, then announced, "I think it's about ready." That said, I dug out a plate and two sets of utensils. A couple wine glasses and a bottle later, food dished out on the plate, I set everything before her.

"Considering everything we've done already, I think we don't need to dirty a second plate, unless you object. I thought of doing the same with the wine, but maybe that's getting too far ahead of myself."
That's perfectly fine lover.

She smiled as they sat there eating.

It's wonderful lover. Great sex and can cook too. Yeah maybe I should plan on keeping you around.

She lovingly teased.
At her response, I smiled and picked up one of the wine glasses and placed it on the counter behind me. That done, I filled the remaining glass and held it up as in a toast. "This is a little awkward with just the one glass, but here's to keeping me around." I then took a sip and handed her the glass.