His Partner's Daughter (closed)


Jun 9, 2003

Ember Wolfe
Daughter of Sebastian Wolfe.

She sat at the open bar at the office party her father insisted on dragging her to so she could meet the people she would be working with the following week without it being tense with them knowing who she was. She could care less about such corporate events. They were so shallow and boring to her.


She sat back with bourbon in her hand with a sigh. She knew that none of them would notice her suspecting she was some girlfriend or whatever of someone in the company. The surprise would come when she finally started work next week. While she sat there nursing her drink growing far more bored than she had ever been since her mother's last social party trying to pawn her off on some son or grandson of some wealthy friend since she did not like or understand her daughters desire to work in security and do all that training and weapons and all that rubbish. She was about to leave till she felt someone sit down next to her.

Aside from the great food, even better drink, and some tremendous eye candy, I hated, HATED these big get-togethers. Still, I was now second-in-command, so to speak, at Wolfe Security, so it was expected I at least be seen by certain people, particularly Sebastian, my partner and the man who'd taught me most of what I knew.

Sebastian was a great man. What he didn't know about the security business wasn't worth knowing. In the months I'd known him, I'd gathered that he was divorced and that he had a daughter, not long graduated from college. Beyond that, his family life was a mystery to me. I'd taken his cue and let slip that I'd been engaged, but it had been called off for reasons that were still vague to me. There were no little "mes" running around. Even in college, I'd taken care not to let that happen.

The noise was about to drive me fucking berserk, and I couldn't be sure, but there was a part of me that thought the miasma of mingling perfumes and colognes wasn't more nauseating than if the place smelled like a goddamn locker room.

I'd shaken hands with dozens of people - most of whose grips were like grabbing hold of a fucking marshmallow, just not quite that firm - and I'd made small talk with the requisite entities. God, what inane conversationalists a lot of these folks are. If I was to hear one more drawling exposition about somebody's "portfolio," I was going to puke.

The moment had come to blow this ritzy, oh-so-fucking-boring pop stand, when I saw a young woman who appeared just as enthralled by the whole thing as I was. She was definitely easy on the eyes, and I made a snap decision to stick around a little longer.

She looked younger than I, but not egregiously so. Taking a chance, I stepped over and sat down.

"Have you spotted the phony in this picture yet?" I said over the din, hoping I sounded clever, and that she wouldn't look me up, then down, then dismiss me entirely.
The bartender was sliding her 3rd or was it 4th bourbon straight when someone spoke. Glancing over she smiled and shrugged.

Are they always like this?

She had agreed to come so that she could have a no-stress intro to the company without setting everyone on edge about the boss's daughter. Luckily bet two brothers ran offices in other states so their big mouths wouldn't give away who she was. Mom had raised her and her rebellion had struck out in the form of military-grade training to be the top in private security which for now has only landed her a job as the in house security for her fathers financial securities and trusts company. Even he was not sure he liked what she had done but was a little more understanding of when a person finds their passion in life. Her mother had always just wanted her to be like her marry rich and just shop her life away.
I saw the up, then the down. Apparently she wasn't appalled by what she saw, because she half-shouted over the noise in the room,

"Are they always like this?"

I leaned in closer so I wouldn't have to be quite so loud, "Sometimes they're worse. I don't know where the planner found this DJ, but his equipment must go to twelve. A live metal band wouldn't assault the ears this much."

Regarding my earlier comment about scent: I had to admit, this woman smelled good. Whatever scent she had on, it wasn't nearly as objectionable as 99 percent of the people here. Then again, I might just be smelling her and whatever soap she used that night.
So no idea how to get away without insulting anyone?

She turned slightly towards him as they sat at the open bar. She had told her father she would stay for as long sd she was comfortable. Till now she had been bored but with this vod looking guy to talk to maybe she had a way out of here to a better evening
I laughed, and the sound was carried off by the pounding of the sound system.

"At this point, I'd be really surprised if anybody even noticed we were gone. Most of them have been drinking since they set foot in the place, and those that aren't completely out of their minds drunk are most likely trying to figure out whose wife they're going to fuck when they leave.

"Speaking of leaving, let's at least go outside and out of this fucking noise. If I feel my insides rumble from the bass one more time, I think I'm going to kill somebody."

I got up and held my hand out...
She took the offered hand with a smile.

Let's go then.

She wondered if his comment on who's wives they were fucking about some of the people here was not direct as to his thoughts and intentions. A smile graced her lips and one last glance around the sea of noise and security nightmare and nodded to him

Yeah let's get out of here.
It would have been fully in her rights to refuse my invitation. After all, we'd known each other for, what, ten minutes, tops? However, it only took a couple heartbeats for her to smile and take my hand.

I led her through a maze of corridors, through several doors, past the kitchen help, scrambling to keep the expensive food on the plates for the drunken elite up above.

Finally we emerged out into a very well-appointed English-style garden, complete with hedge maze and fountain. I continued leading her from the house, until the only light came from the moon, and the hubbub from the party was nothing more than a distant murmur.

"Finally!" I gushed. "Even when I was younger, I was never a fan of loud music. My ears are ringing already."

I once more took the girl's hand and led her over to a low wall. It wasn't intentional, but the setting was romantic as hell. Any Hollywood director would kill to have this as a location for a rom-com.

Turning to my companion, I asked, "I hope this is better. If it's too much, I'd be happy to take you back to the drunken meat market."
This is perfect. Do they always rent out the entire old historic mansion? Guess it's cheaper to pay for repairs here than their own modern homes.

She looked around.

No... It's perfect.

She turned briefly looking out over the river below and smiled.
For a little bit, I just looked at my companion. She'd been lovely in the low artificial light inside; out here, in the moonlight, she was positively haunting.

"Always here. I think the place belongs to a shareholder. Gives the attendees the impression they're some manner of aristocracy or something, I guess."

Her gaze had fallen on the river flowing below. The moonlight glinting off the water lent the whole scene yet a greater air of romanticism.

"Makes me wonder what this place looks like in the daylight. I've only ever been here at night." I gave a little chuckle. "If I hadn't seen some of the people inside during the day, I might think they were all vampires or something, afraid of the sun."
It is very beautiful here and good to know they are not vampires.

She smiled with a soft chuckle. She turned to face him brushing her hair back behind her ear.

So what to do now handsome?
I smiled at the fact that she played along with my vampire comment. However, her next question made me think. What next? I'd gotten her away from a situation she obviously didn't enjoy, and she'd willingly come with me here, to the farthest part of the grounds. The river was far below, but I wasn't sure how to get there, anyway.

Then there was the matter of attraction. To claim I didn't find her simply stunning would be a bold-faced lie. However, we might have known each other for all of an hour by this time. There was no telling how she'd react to any kind of advance on her.

Then again, the worst that could happen would be that she'd get totally pissed off and storm away.

So, I leaned in and pressed my lips to hers...
This place the moonlight and the fact that he was impressively handsome the kiss seemed natural and she softly pressed into the kiss a hand moving to his cheek. Her other hand moving to rest on his chest.
To my intense delight, she didn't push me away. Instead, she relaxed into my kiss, her hands reaching up to touch me.

I slid one of my own hands up into her hair, while the other slipped down the curve of her side and rested on her hip.

My god, she tasted good. She smelled good, too. Unlike so many of the people I'd caught a whiff of in passing tonight, her scent was subtle, honest.

Our kiss lasted several minutes. When our lips finally parted, we both were breathing more heavily than we had been when this started.

"Are we really doing this?" I asked her quietly...
Seems that way.

She softly spoke between breaths. Her arms wrapping around his neck and shoulders as they kissed stain with more passion.
She wasn't against what was transpiring. That was a good sign. I couldn't say it had been at the top of my list when I'd first met her, but the longer I remained in her presence, the higher it climbed the rungs...

My heart thumping, I took her a bit more forcefully as we kissed yet again.

The party was forgotten. Swiftly there was nothing but the two of us in the world. At least at that moment, she was mine, and I'd fight anyone who tried to take her from me...
Curling against him arms around his neck and shoulders as they kissed. She held him close letting this moment be all there was around them. Truth be told she was wanting more from him but things would progress as steady as they needed to.
The longer we kissed, the hornier I became. The night was cool, but not uncomfortably so. We were far enough from the house, there was little chance of any of the other attendees discovering us, but I was getting to the point where I really didn't give a fuck whether anybody did.

Gently slipping the hand in her hair down, I eased it behind the fabric that looped behind her head. Carefully I started to pull it up, not wanting to get it hooked on her earrings....
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Her hands moved to his suit jacket as she stared into his eyes. Buttons escaped their proper little stations as she let her hands dance over the jacket slowly and carefully.
Apparently she was ready for whatever I wanted to do, because as she ducked her head to allow the halter to slip over her head, she started working on the buttons of my coat.

I was quite obviously wearing far more clothing than she was. For all I knew, the dress she wore allowed for no undergarments of any kind. It certainly didn't allow her a bra, because once I released the halter loop and let it fall, her perfect breasts, came into view. Almost as soon as they were exposed to the cool night air, I saw the nipples harden into tight little points.

Since I was wearing more than she was, I began to help. Pressing my lips to hers once more, I started in on my trousers while she worked on my upper body...
She got his jacket open and pushed off of his shoulders. Her hands moved to his shirt curling closer to him as she looked deep into his eyes.

Out here under the stars... Seems like a very sensual yet risky idea... Mmm
We were getting hotter and hotter the longer this went on, and the fewer articles of clothing we wore.

"This is the only place I can imagine doing this right now. Let 'em all watch if they want," I panted.
Her eyes trailed from his eyes to his now exposed chest. Some part of her mind was curious if she would see any tattoos or even chest hair if was it a clear canvas.

Here... Is... Perfect... Lover...

Her voice and words an almost purred gasps
Once she had my upper body bared, I saw her eyes roam my skin appreciatively. I'm not a personal proponent of ink, so if she was looking for it, she wouldn't find it. However, my regimen of weights, swimming and yoga, with a twice a month aikido class, was giving her no reason for disappointment.

While I stopped disrobing in order for her to "check out the goods" so to speak, I took the opportunity to truly admire what she had to offer, while she inventoried the upper part of what I was bringing to this particular party.

Just as I felt I had nothing to be ashamed of, she had to be quite proud of what she was putting on display to my appreciative eyes.

After maybe a minute, I stepped in and tried not to grope while attempting to discover the most elegant way to get her dress onto the grass beneath us...
She looked back up to his eyes as her hands moved his to the low zipper just below the small of her back. Only one little bit of ink on her. A single Raven roughly the size of a quarter over her heart with finite detail. She leaned close pressing a kiss to his lips once more.