His Lucky Night (closed for Sakura_doll)

"Well...I mean...if you don't have to work, you could always come with me to my apartment," Dom suggested. "It would be nice to have someone with me in case my girlfriend...my ex-girlfriend is there. She'd probably be less likely to make a scene."

"It's really not that far from here," he pointed out. "We could walk from here. You know, if you want to go. If you have stuff to do..."
Yuri nodded in agreement as she finished off the piece of chicken she’d had on her fork. “I’d be happy to help ya avoid fighting with your former girlfriend.” She said with a nod getting to her feet she put away what was left of her chicken.

“When did you want to go?” She asked in a polite tone yawning. “If ya don’t mind maybe we can stop at StarBucks if ya want I could get ya something but I go there almost every morning to get a tea latte, a guilty pleasure of mine.” She said with a slight smile.
Dom gladly accepted Yuri's offer to go with him, and to the suggestion of a stop at Starbucks. A few minutes later they were walking down the street outside her building, and for the first time in twenty four hours, Dom actually felt somewhat optimistic.

"I think it's going to rain today," Dom said, glancing up at the clouds overhead. "Hopefully we can get some things packed and back to the apartment without getting too wet."

"I should have some boxes at the apartment that I can use to pack stuff...and a suitcase," he said as much to himself as to Yuri. As he tried to decide what things he needed to pack the most, he saw the Starbucks sign on the corner.
"Well let me get a quick shower and get changed the i'll be ready to go." She said before leaving the kitchen heading into her room fishing through her drawers she grabbed some clothes heading into her bathroom to get a shower and get dressed. She cleared her mind as she felt the cool water run over her skin. After washing her hair she shut off the water and stepped out wrapping herself in her warm towel. Drying off her hair she slipped into her snug hoodie and low rise jeans accentuating her curves. Brushing her hair she made her way to her bedroom tossing her towel on her bed.

Walking into the kitchen she grabbed her wallet before they both made their way to the door slipping into her shoes and they were on their way.

It only took a few minutes before they could see the Starbucks sign. “I think you’re right. But it’s supposed to rain for a few days.” She said agreeing with his remark as they walked into the coffee shop. “Do you know what you’re going to get?” She asked with a sweet smile, as they made their way to the counter.

As they entered the coffee shop, Dom was grateful to see that the line wasn't too long. He followed Yuri to the counter, his eyes studying the menu in front of him.

“Do you know what you’re going to get?”

"I think I'll have a grande italian roast," he answered with a smile. He glanced around the small shop as Yuri placed their order. "Did you want to sit for a few minutes and have our coffee or just get it to go?" Dom asked, noticing several empty tables.
Hearing what he’d wanted she turned her attention back to the attendant behind the counter telling him what they wanted, after paying she turned her attention back to Dom.

Thinking a moment about his question she shrugged, “We could sit for a bit before heading to your place. It’s your call really.” She said crossing her arms in front of her as she stood to the side of the counter.

A few minutes later their order was up and she took the drinks handing Dom his and making her way to a table sitting with her back against the wall. Looking at the drink in her hands she bowed her head slightly her hair hiding her face, feeling like others were staring at her lifting her gaze towards Dom.

“Did you sleep olright?” She asked quietly
As they made their way over to a table, Dom realized that his desire to stay and have their coffee in the shop was just a stall tactic. The truth was he was trying to delay going back to his apartment, to delay seeing Mai. Sober and awake for the first time in hours, the reality of his situation was beginning to come back to him. Just twenty four hours ago he had everything he wanted, a good job, a nice place to live, and a beautiful girlfriend who loved him. Now he had nothing.

But it was a lie, he thought to himself, she didn't really love me. And I can always get a new apartment and a new job. Especially with Yuri's help.

Dom glanced up at his new friend, smiling at the way her hair fell down over her face. Just then she looked up at him, asking how he slept.

"Not bad," he replied, taking a sip from his coffee. "A lot better than I would have if I hadn't met you. I don't think I want to try sleeping in an alley in the rain ever again, that's for sure."

"So tell me more about you," he said. "All I know so far is that you work at a bar. You are extremely generous. You have good taste in hair color and bad taste in men."
Yuri glanced at him waiting for his reply smiling slightly glad he’d slept well on her couch. “Well I’m glad you had an olright sleep.” She nodded eagerly. Feeling glad she could help him. “Well I’d imagine a semi-comfortable couch is better than a hard cold wet alley.” She said sitting up taking another sip of her drink.

A hint of a blush colored her cheeks as he’d complimented her sighing deeply at the mention of her taste in men. “You like my hair?” She asked quietly fiddling with a few strands looking at it. “Rin used to make fun of it all the time. Called me candy since he says it looks like cotton candy exploded.” She explained with a heavy sigh dropping her hair resting her head on her hand once again.

“Well there’s not much to me. I’m 21, considering going back to school.” She said with a shrug, “Anything specific you wanna know feel free to ask.” She said placing her cup on the table once more. “What about yourself? I know you’re alittle down on your luck at the moment. But a nice guy kinda cute.” She finished with a light chuckle.

"Cute, huh?" he said with a smirk as he brushed a strand of hair from his eyes and looked at Yuri.

"What's to know?" Dom said, shrugging. "I'm a city kid. No family to speak of, at least not around here. I'm not as dumb as I look, though lately, I'm starting to have my doubts."

He glanced out the window as he took another drink from his cup, "We should probably get going if we don't want to get caught in the rain."
Yuri chuckled a little at his response to her comment. “Yea you’re cute but ya probably know that already.” She said matter-of-factly.

Listening as he spoke of himself she nodded absently. “I don’t think ya look really dumb, maybe a little bit of a bad choice in girlfriends. Well this last one.” She said looking at her drink feeling like she was rambling and decided to hush.

“Everyone has rough patches. Well one good thing. You made a new acquaintance.” She nodded looking outside after his comment nodding. “I suppose you’re.” she said getting to her feet fixing her shirt as she waited for him to stand and lead the way.
The walk from the coffee shop to Dom's apartment wasn't a long one, and thankfully the rain held off. As they entered his building, Dom's mood darkened and the friendly chatter that had occupied the two as they walked along the street came to an end.

I just hope she isn't home, the thought echoed in Dom's mind over and again as he and Yuri rode the elevator to the third floor. And if she is, I hope she's alone, he added, remembering the scene the day before when he'd walked in on her.

"It's number 33," he said as they stepped out into the hallway and turned to the left.
Yuri followed him outside and walked beside him chatting casually as they made their way towards him apartment. She could tell with each step he was getting more and more tense a little worried his ex might be there and they’ll argue, or she’ll get the wrong idea seeing her with him.

She sighed as they stepped into the elevator. She hated them but closed her eyes keeping her mind on her new friend. Jumping slightly when the machine jolted to a stop she got off quickly looking down the hallway when he’d said which was his.

“You don’t think she’ll get the wrong idea?” She asked as she walked down the hall leaning against the wall by his door letting him open it. Giving him a reassuring look after the door was opened.
"Honestly, after what I caught her doing yesterday, I don't really care what she thinks," Dom answered as he opened the apartment door and stepped in.

The apartment was dark and quiet and apparently unoccupied. Dom switched the kitchen light on and motioned for Yuri to come on in. As he stepped into the living room he immediately noticed a suitcase and several boxes sitting in front of the coffee table. A large note was pinned to the top of the suitcase.

Breathing a sigh of relief at the realization that Mai wasn't home, he walked over to the pile of his belongings and read the note. "Looks like she saved me the trouble of packing up my things," he called to Yuri over his shoulder. "Have a seat, I'm just going to look through these and make sure she didn't leave out anything I really need."
Yuri nodded as he spoke still a little worried if she was there turning her attention to the door as he’d opened it stepping inside. She moved stepping in the doorway watching him seeing the pile of boxes guessing the girlfriend gathered his belongings. “She works fast…” She huffed to herself wondering what kind of girl he was with.

When he’d gestured for her to come in she nodded as she did so, walking up to him looking around the dim apartment. "Looks like she saved me the trouble of packing up my things.” She frowned

“Wasn’t she considerate.” She said sarcastically patting his shoulder trying to be somewhat comforting but when he’d suggested she sit and wait for him she did so watching him as he skimmed through his stuff. “Take your time.” She said watching him, glancing around the room.
It was a strange feeling, seeing his whole life reduced down to a haphazard stack of boxes sitting in the middle of the living room floor. A part of Dom almost wanted to just walk away from those things, just start over, but the practical side recognized that he would need some of the clothes and shoes and other items if he was ever going to get back on his feet.

Resolving himself to the reality of the situation, he began to sort through the boxes. When he'd finally gathered the belongings he intended to keep, he excused himself and went into the bedroom. When he returned it was with Mai's large, rolling suitcase and a duffel bag.

"I think giving up her suitcase so that we can take my things to your place is the least she can do under the circumstances. Right?" he said to Yuri as he began to fill the two bags with his things.
Yuri watched him seeing the saddened confusion in his eyes as he stared at the boxes. She knew there wasn't anything she could say that would make him feel better so she sat quietly on the chair waiting for him to ask for her help. She turned her attention around the room seeing how barren it looked. Guessing that was in part to all his belongings being in the boxes. When he'd excused himself she nodded watching him leave. Sitting back uncomfortably in the chair she waited for him to return which he did shortly with a suitcase and bag.

She nodded in agreement. "True least she could do..." She said lightly. "Is there anything I can do to help?" She asked feeling like she wasn't doing much watching him sort through the boxes. Though he didn't seem to hear her putting things in the luggage. He was almost done when she got to her feet slowly stepping up to his side. Hesitantly placing her hand on his shoulder offering him a small friendly smile.
Dom was pushing the last of his clothes into the duffel bag when he felt Yuri's hand on his shoulder. He turned his head toward her and saw the smile on her face. She was trying to comfort him, he knew that, and right at that moment he needed that smile. "Thanks for...well, just thanks," he said, turning to give her a quick hug.

"Already found yourself a new girl, have you?" Mai's shrill voice came from the doorway.

Dom turned to face his ex-girlfriend, who stood just inside the front door, her hands on her hips. She was clearly waiting for some explanation. Lifting the duffel bag onto his shoulder and grabbing the handle of the rolling suitcase, Dom prepared to leave without giving her what she wanted.

"And where did you find her?" Mai said as she looked Yuri up and down. "Judging by her ridiculous hair, I'd have to guess the carnival?"

"You know what, Mai, just leave Yuri out of this. This is between you and me," Dom said, instinctively stepping in front of Yuri. "Besides, what I do and who I do it with aren't really any of your business anymore."
Yuri blushed a little when he’d hugged her for however brief it was patting his back gently glad she could comfort him if only a little. Glancing past him when he’d pulled away she saw a girl in the doorway watching them looking agitated. She looked the woman over assuming she was his recent ex. She was pretty, taller than Yuri was, long dark blonde hair pulled back in a tight bun her bangs clipped to the side. She wore a low cut shirt which accentuated her small chest and tight jeans.

"Already found yourself a new girl, have you?" The Woman spoke. Giving her a look she already didn’t like her sighing she shook her head, trying to ignore the woman till she asked about her. “Where did you find her.” Her attention grabbed by his ex for a moment till glancing at Dom hearing her answer her own question. She bit her lip, she didn’t know the woman but it made her mad that she’d made fun of her none the less. Pulling her hood over her head she looked down her bangs falling in her eyes.

Though Yuri glanced up at Dom surprised when he’d stood between her and his ex. Peering past him as he spoke she knew the impression the woman must have been getting of their friendship and grinned to her. Placing her hand on his arm squeezing it gently. “Dom just go. She’s not worth it anymore.” She said softly trying to urge him to leave before the former couple fought anymore. Or before she did something.
Mai's face was turning red, her hands balling into tiny fists, possibly because Dom had stood up to her, or possibly because Yuri had touched him. Either way, Dom decided Yuri was right. It was time to go. Grabbing Yuri's hand and the suitcase he started toward the door, pulling her with him.

"Where the hell do you think you're going with my suitcase?" Mai asked, clearly frustrated that Dom wasn't going to fight with her.

"You get the apartment, I get the luggage," he said without slowing down.

"Dom! Don't you walk away from me!" Mai yelled just before Dom let the door slam shut behind them.

"Well, that was..****," Dom said to Yuri, releasing his grip on her hand now that they were in the hallway. "I guess it could have gone worse."

Yuri watched the woman as she seemed to be getting angrier. But wasn't sure why Dom hadn't said anything to make her so upset, and she didn't talk back and stick up for herself. She was surprised when he'd grabbed her hand looking from him to his ex as they made their way towards the elevator. The woman had commented on the luggage and he didn't give her much attention as he walked by.

Once out of her sight he let go of her hand she fixed her hood hiding her hair and the blush on her cheeks. "Sorry she might have been less of a bitch if I wasn't with you." She said with a sigh as she turned onto the elevator when someone got out.

The trip to the lobby was a quiet one, stepping out after the door shut looking up at Dom from the corner of her eye. "Umm... Are you olright Dom?" She asked fiddling with her fingers awkwardly.
"I'm fine," he replied. "I think it's funny how you can be with someone and you can just over look all of the crazy that's swimming around in their head until you split up. Then it's like that's all there is to the person, all the good stuff disappears and you're just left with the crazy stuff that you tried so hard to ignore."

As they exited the building, they turned to the right and headed down the street, weaving their way through the throngs of people on the sidewalk. Dom didn't say much, his mind working overtime trying to convince himself that losing Mai was all for the best, and that in the end, it would all work out.

"It's the tall, blue building. That's where I work," Dom said motioning toward a large building a few blocks away that towered over the surrounding buildings. "Well, I mean, that's where I worked before..."
Yuri looked to him and nodded not really believing him but not wanting to bother him too much over it either. so she settled in walking a little behind him giving him his space. Looking around as they walked down the street she turned her attention to him with a nod. "I can understand. Everyone around you can be telling you they're wrong for you and all that but you're... Least for that moment lost in them unable to see the faults." She sighed looking back tot he sky.

She managed to stay behind him as they worked through the mass of people taking up the sidewalk. When he'd pointed out a building she nodded. "Well I'm sure you can find an even better job." She said attempting to cheer him on. quickly quieting herself looking away once more.
Dom glanced over his shoulder at Yuri as they walked, trying to smile at her optimism, even if he didn't share it. A better job...maybe she's right, maybe my life is going to turn around...

Two weeks went by, and Dom was still looking for that better job. He'd found work down at the fish market, but it wasn't enough hours or enough money to get him back on his feet. And so, still living with Yuri, he continued to look for a full time job. A better job.

Yuri had been great. She'd never once acted as if it was a problem for her to have him staying in her apartment. Dom used what money he was making to help pay the bills and buy food even though Yuri had tried to convince him to save it all. But despite the friendship that was beginning to form between he and Yuri, Dom still felt like he had to get his own place, and getting his own place meant getting a real job. A better job.

When he'd finally gotten an interview with a local publishing company he convinced himself that this was best chance yet to turn his life around. Unfortunately for Dom, the interview had been a disaster. Everything he'd said had come out wrong and by the time he'd left the hiring manager's office, he was sure he'd completely blown it.

Not wanting to go back to the apartment and face Yuri, Dom stopped off at the bar where she worked to get a drink.
Yuri hoped Dom was able to find a good job she could tell how down he was about his situation. She chose to give him his space as they walked back to her apartment in peace.

.Yuri and Dom had been getting closer, dare she think it they were almost friends. She'd never been very comfortable around men, but dating guys like Rin who could really blame her. But Dom was different he was nice and gentle with her. Though she knew it was easy when there were no romantic feelings involved.

The next two weeks passed rather uneventful. Dom was having trouble finding a good job. He'd managed to find a minium wage job at the market by the peer but he wasn't happy doing that. She tried to tell him to save his money so he could save for his own place but he'd insisted on helping her out and after a while she'd given up on trying to persuade him differently.

Today was the day of his big interview. He hoped if he got the job he'd be able move out on his own. She'd had the day off and did some shopping with her friend to pass the time. They were out all day, she'd gottn some food, some clothes, a nice blanket for Dom to use, and a few shirts for him. she got home around 5 thinking he would have been back already. "I guess he's out celebrating." She said walking into her room dropping her bags on her bed she took off her clothes taking a quick shower reemerging pulling her hair into a ponytail deciding to try on her new clothes making sure they looked olright on her.

It was going on 7.30 and she was wearing a dark teal tube top and hip hugging black pleated skirt, she was standing in her kitchen trying to decide what to eat when he phone rang. She picked it up greeting whomever was on the other end."Lily..." She heard a familiar voie say. "Was I supposed to be in tonight?" She asked worried when she' dheard her boss' voice. He chuckled followed by an annoyed sigh. "You're friends down here. He's been drinking for the better part of the last hours." She sighed nodding before saying she'd be down to get him soon. Hanging up her phone she walked to her front door slipping on her sneakers and grabbing a fleese zip up shirt heading out her down and down to the bar.

It was a 20 minute walk wishing a little she'd changed she stepped into the bar seeing Dom leaning heavily against he bar walking up besidde him placing her hand on his shoulder lightly. "Dom sweetie, everything ok?" She asked worried about him.
Dom hadn't intended to stay at the bar for as long as he had, nor to have as many drinks, but one drink led to another and the more drinks he had, the worse and worse he felt. He couldn't stop thinking about the job interview. He'd needed that job, been counting on it. He had even invisioned the look on Yuri's face when he came back to the apartment and told her that he got the job. Unfortunately, now all he could think about was how dissappointed she would look when he finally told her how it went.

By the time he felt Yuri's hand on his shoulder, Dom was no longer just thinking about the interview, but all of the things that had gone wrong for him lately. As he turned to look at the cotton candy haired girl, Dom tried to force a smile to his face.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" he asked, reaching for a small ring box that was sitting on the bar in front of him. He tried to slip the box back into his coat pocket before Yuri could see it, but instead dropped it to the floor at her feet.