His Lucky Night (closed for Sakura_doll)

Yuri looked up at Dom as he seemed to take in the situation hoping she wasn’t asking too much of him “I know after… it’s asking a lot.” She said in a soft tine her hand tightening around his a smile on her lips. Hearing his reply she lit up forgetting herself a moment pulling him close hugging him her fingers brushing the base of his neck looking at the door to the kitchen seeing Rin staring at her from outside a furious look in his eyes making her shudder before she pulled away from Dom. “Thanks.” She said with a small nod she took a few moments to calm herself trying to not let Rin see how he bothered her.

“Then I guess we should go.” She said a hint of hesitation in her voice as she made her way out into the restaurant with her friend by her side. Opening the door they made their way by Rin who moved in front of her looking towards the man beside her cocking his eyebrow like he was trying to place him. “Have we met?” He asked with growl as yuri moved closer to Dom’s side. “You look familiar” He said staring at him.

“Rin, just go back to your girlfriend. Leave me alone.” Yuri managed in a small voice intimidated by Rin, and embarrassed by the attention they were getting from the patrons. Rin’s attention was now on her ignoring the guy who stood between them grabbing for Yuri’s arm she backed away hugging onto Dom’s arm leading him away from Rin, before the brut tried to pick a fight with him.

“Hey I’m not done!” Rin yelled about to follow when the girl he was with finally intervened pulling him back to their table but not before he’d smacked her yelling at her for getting in his way.

Yuri was outside with Dom by then, the petite girl still hung onto his arm finding herself shaking lightly lowering her face not wanting Dom to look at her. “I hope he doesn’t come to the apartment.” She mumbled with a shudder before looking over towards Dom. “I’m sorry Dom…” She apologized letting her arms fall away from him. “I’m still too weak to face him. Thank-you for putting up with me.” She said crossing her arms in front of her chest standing a few moments collecting herself before she started walking back towards her building glancing back at Dom from the corner of her eye.
When Dom and Yuri finally stepped out into the street, he exhaled softly, relieved that things hadn't gotten any uglier inside the bar. Knowing Yuri as well as he did, he knew the last thing she wanted was a confrontation in front of her friends and co-workers. He glanced down at the bubblegum haired girl who was still clinging tightly to his arms, her whole body shaking with fear and wished he could think of something he could say that would reassure her.

"You don't have to apologize, Yuri. It's not your fault that guy's such a tool," Dom replied as he started after her, heading toward their apartment. "Just forget about him, okay? He's not going to show up tonight, and even if he does, I won't let him hurt you again." Dom had caught up to Yuri and as he spoke he reached out for her hand, pulling her to a stop and turning her around to face him.

"I'm not going to let him ever hurt you again, okay?" Dom said looking into her eyes as he lifted his hands up and placed them on her shoulders.
Yuri was grateful just to have him by her side pulling her hood up hiding her face. She chuckled softly at his remark about her ex. “Thanks. I figured I’d have to bump into him sometime. But I didn’t suspect he’d be such an ass to start something at work.” She sighed, “Though I don’t know why I thought that. I know he’s a jerk, and enjoys tormenting me.” She sighed pitifully. When he’d said to forget him she slowly nodded. ‘I’ve got a great g… friend by me. I owe you a lot.” She said with a smile.

Surprised when he grabbed her hand turning her to face him. She looked up meeting his gaze hearing his words she bit her lip a small smile curling her lips. “That’s sweet. And it means a lot dom.” She said slowly lifting one of her hands resting it on his. “I might just hold you to that.” She said in her usual soft tone grabbing the hand hers rested on tugging on it leaning up giving him a peck on the lips her bangs in her eyes when she pulled away her cheeks bright pink.

“Sorry… couldn’t help myself.’ She said softly her hand dropping gesturing for them to continue as she made her way towards her building crossing her arms in front of her.
Dom was caught slightly off guard when Yuri lifted herself up on her toes and planted a quick kiss on his lips. Pleasantly surprised, but still surprised. He had convinced himself that she probably regretted what had happened between them before, but maybe not...maybe she actually liked him, he thought.

"You never need to apologize to me, Yuri" Dom responded as they started walking again. Especially for kissing me, he thought as they neared the apartment building. "Hey, it's early still...do you want to fix some popcorn and watch a movie or maybe just sit and listen to some music?"

Dom knew he probably shouldn't get his hopes up, considering what a classy, beautiful girl Yuri was, but there was a part of him that felt like they had a connection...maybe they could actually be more than just roommates or friends.
Yuri had watched him a moment knowing she wasn't his type judging by the girls he'd brought around on occasion, and of course Mai... She hoped he didn't hate what she'd done too much. When he'd spoke again not chastising her she felt relieved. walking beside him once more as they made their way home she felt comfortable walking close to his side.

She let out a breath feeling more and more relaxed as they got away from the club. Looking to the stars she'd turned her head slightly towards him as he'd spoke, "That actually sounds like the perfect evening." She nodded with a big smile on her lips unconsciously hugging his arm loosely a habit she's gotten in the habit of doing only with him.

She walked along with him soon coming to her building. Opening the door for them she let him in before following. Making their way to the elevator someone was just getting off so she hurried before it moved on pressing the button to her floor after he'd gotten on. "so... What do you feel like watching?" She asked trying not to fall into an awkward silence.
Dom tried not to get his hopes up when Yuri used the phrase 'perfect night', afterall, a night in wasn't most girls' idea of a great night, which could mean she was just humoring him or he was firmly in the friend zone with her. Maybe. Maybe not, he tried to tell himself as they walked over to the elevator.

"so... What do you feel like watching?" she asked.

"Hmmm, I'm pretty flexible...as long as there are robots, or ninjas or robot ninjas," Dom joked as the elevator lurched upward. "Like I said, I'm flexible."

"What about you? What are you in the mood for? Maybe something funny?" he suggested as the door opened and they stepped out into the hallway.
Yuri had to admit she felt alittle awkward but she did her best to hide it from him. As she'd been hiding a few things for a while. The last thing she'd wanted was to make him feel awkward. She looked to him through her candy colored bangs smiling as he'd joked with her. Moving to stand beside her she absently rested her head on his shoulder.

Hmm." She said in thought. "I could go for some RomCom. How about Love Actually." She said looking up at her companion with a bright smile.

The elevator stopped at her floor with a light jolt stepping out she waited for him before making her way down the hallway opening the door letting him inside following after.

"Do you feel like ordering something to eat? Or just making popcorn or something?" She asked as she put down her keys and bag deciding to change into something comfortable.
"I could go for some RomCom. How about Love Actually?" he heard Yuri suggest.

Dom was just about to ask her whether Hugh Grant was a ninja or a robot in that movie, but before he could he looked down and saw her bright, shining face beaming up at him and the response just seemed to fade...

After everything Dom had been through the recently, seeing Yuri smile like that...finding someone like her, just seemed too good to be true. Could he really be that lucky after being so unlucky? Did that really happen to people in real life?

"Okay, Love Actually it is," he agreed as his companion opened the apartment door and they stepped in.

"Do you feel like ordering something to eat? Or just making popcorn or something?" she asked.

"Hmm, I could always go for some pizza, or Chinese...and then popcorn after, of course," Dom responded as he took his jacket off and hung it up, watching Yuri move toward her bedroom.
She was a little aware as to the way he looked at her but she was confused as to why. Despite his trouble he seemed to good for her. She felt lucky he was her friend and glad that she could help him out.

When he'd agreed to watch the movie with her she smiled hugging his arm a brief moment. Hearing his want for food she was already undressing, "I'll let you order the pizza. I'm feeling boring today, can you just order me a small cheese." She called out to him as she stood in her bra and panties pulling off her bra she slipped on a tank top with a built in bra, and a pair of short shorts before stepping out into the other room when her phone rang getting it from the clothes she was wearing she smiled.

"Hello.." He could hear her say.
"Really, is it ok?" She asked eagerly.
"It'll be good, he's a really hard worker." She said her voice lower. Chatting a few minutes longer she shut off her phone heading back out into the other room grabbing her big fluffy blanket from the closet before plopping onto the couch. Looking over to her friend with a nervous smile as he finished ordering.
Dom grabbed the cordless phone on the counter and started to dial the number for the pizza place around the corner when he heard Yuri call out to him. He leaned back slightly looking toward her room, and was about to ask what she'd said when he saw that she was in the process of undressing. She was beside the bed wearing just her bra and panties. Instantly Dom recalled the sexual encounter they'd had and just as instantly he began to blush, his cheeks going hot and red at the memory.

He turned away from the sight of Yuri undressing but couldn't stop thinking about what had happened between them. She had invited him into her apartment, given him a chance to get back on her feet and he had taken advantage of her. He still felt guilty about it. But she was so beautiful and so great and it had been so amazing and...

"Hello?...hello?...did you need to place an order?" the voice on the other end of the phone startled Dom.

"Oh, yeah, sorry. Large pepperoni and banana peppers and a small cheese," he responded. "For delivery, yep. Yep, that's the address. Right."

"Okay," he responded before ending the call and setting the phone down. "Pizza should be here in thirty minutes," he called to Yuri.

He glanced back toward the bedroom door, and saw that Yuri was on the phone...and dressed. He took a seat on the couch and waited for her to join him a few minutes later.

"Who was on the phone?" he asked casually.