Hey, you filthy queers and other perverts!

Took forever. I got bored in the middle.

understandable. someone should beat laurel until she comes up with a rainbow option.

also, in few minutes i will celebrate by masturbating to gay porn.

or lesbian porn.

or both. we'll see where the mood takes me.
I was just trying to figure out how to celebrate. I'm not sure why I didn't think of masturbating to queer porn on my own.
understandable. someone should beat laurel until she comes up with a rainbow option.

also, in few minutes i will celebrate by masturbating to gay porn.

or lesbian porn.

or both. we'll see where the mood takes me.

She might like that. I might go find a man to smooch. Of course, in 45 minutes, I'm having a tooth pulled, so what will probably happen is that I'll come home and sleep off the anesthetics while waiting for my heteronormal marriage to spontaneously explode under the queer onslaught, now that we no longer have the feds to protect us from other people being in love and getting treated like human beings.
The Prop 8 thing doesn't seem like much of a victory although I see the news saying the decision is "historic." They chickened out.
The Prop 8 thing doesn't seem like much of a victory although I see the news saying the decision is "historic." They chickened out.

Well, they were afraid straight people would run off to...I dunno, some Puritannical place or something.
My perversions were already constitutionally protected, but I appreciate the sentiment anyway.
I was just trying to figure out how to celebrate. I'm not sure why I didn't think of masturbating to queer porn on my own.

because i'm just awesomer than you. it's no big deal.

She might like that. I might go find a man to smooch. Of course, in 45 minutes, I'm having a tooth pulled, so what will probably happen is that I'll come home and sleep off the anesthetics while waiting for my heteronormal marriage to spontaneously explode under the queer onslaught, now that we no longer have the feds to protect us from other people being in love and getting treated like human beings.

mmm, queer onslaught.
This is a slippery slope. Now it's only a matter of time before ishmale can marry his sheep.
If you type "gay" the search box comes up rainbow coloured. Ish's whelp, however, so obviously conflates the pejorative "fag" with "gay" that that's what he typed.

Ah, I see. Bit of a tell, there, I guess.