Hey, Oldies?


Enjoying my dotage
Jan 31, 2013
It has been awhile... I see a few folks on FB, infrequently, but I felt the urge to revisit the den of naughtiness that is the GB. Not engaging with any negativity here, just a bit of nostalgia. Drop in and say whatevah...
Hello. Maybe somebody else will drop by. The General Board isn't what it used to be for both better and worse, but it is what we make of it, same as it ever was.
Hello. Maybe somebody else will drop by. The General Board isn't what it used to be for both better and worse, but it is what we make of it, same as it ever was.
Hey, P1. Give my best to Chey. I am doing well, here in the Land of Ice & Snow. Cheers!
i recall that name :)
been quite a while!

butters, previously known as chipbutty.