Herro Amellica..


The 'Euro' European
Feb 18, 2001
You thlink you're...


So after thlis countly which 4.5,000 mrires awae flom my countly...

Whu you gonnla kill nrext?

Goodrye Amelica,,,
It is funny how insightful we sound to ourselves yet completely incohent to others when sloshed.
brokenbrainwave said:
It is funny how insightful we sound to ourselves yet completely incohent to others when sloshed.

Ahh now I undertand Bush...

I never realised before he has a drink problem...

p_p_man said:
Ahh now I undertand Bush...

I never realised before he has a drink problem...

he used to. To his credit he overcame it. I detest Bush, you know this. However its a lesson you'd be wise to learn from him old chap.
brokenbrainwave said:
he used to. To his credit he overcame it. I detest Bush, you know this. However its a lesson you'd be wise to learn from him old chap.


Nobody who used to have a drink or drugs problem...

NEVER, EVER gets over it...it's always there luking in the background...

Remeber the Pretzels story, think on it...

Step away from the keyboard. Or the Drink...one or the other...perhaps both?
p_p_man said:

Nobody who used to have a drink or drugs problem...

NEVER, EVER gets over it...it's always there luking in the background...

Remeber the Pretzels story, think on it...

fair enough, technically you are correct.

either way, ohh forget it, never argue with a fool is what I am going to tell myself and let you ramble till you decide its time to pass out.
brokenbrainwave said:
he used to. To his credit he overcame it. I detest Bush, you know this. However its a lesson you'd be wise to learn from him old chap.

Oh no!

I'm not sure I can ever cooter you now. :(
calypso_21 said:
Step away from the keyboard. Or the Drink...one or the other...perhaps both?


A typical respose from a Yank who thinks the sun shines out of Bush' arse...

I'll give you an equal logical (?) argument...

Why don't you take the rose tinted glasses away from your eyes and see what Bush is really like...

brokenbrainwave said:
hell, you knew I dont like Bush...or any politician, left or right, for that matter. Sheesh!

I know but to see it in black and white makes it so harsh. *sniff*

Quick! Make me want you again.

brokenbrainwave said:
never argue with a fool is what I am going to tell myself and let you ramble till you decide its time to pass out.

You should have gone firther in your argument...

think on it...

k¡tty said:
Quick! Make me want you again.
0ne stick of butter at room temp; 3 cups of powerderd sugar, sifted; 2/3 cup of coccoa; 1/3 cup of milk; pinch of salt; 2 teaspoons of vanilla.

This makes one delicious frosting to lick from between your thighs....
brokenbrainwave said:
0ne stick of butter at room temp; 3 cups of powerderd sugar, sifted; 2/3 cup of coccoa; 1/3 cup of milk; pinch of salt; 2 teaspoons of vanilla.

This makes one delicious frosting to lick from between your thighs....

Yer good and I'm back.


p_p_man said:

A typical respose from a Yank who thinks the sun shines out of Bush' arse...

I'll give you an equal logical (?) argument...

Why don't you take the rose tinted glasses away from your eyes and see what Bush is really like...


Okay rather than lay into you like I would like to. I will just let you know that your condescending alcoholic induced generalized judgement does not fit me. I did not vote for Bush. Not once have I stated I support him.

Pull your head out of your ass and don't make sweeping comments like that.
calypso_21 said:
Okay rather than lay into you like I would like to. I will just let you know that your condescending alcoholic induced generalized judgement does not fit me. I did not vote for Bush. Not once have I stated I support him.

Pull your head out of your ass and don't make sweeping comments like that.

So why don't you scream it from the fucking rooftops...

No point in being a shrinking violet in these days...

brokenbrainwave said:
0ne stick of butter at room temp; 3 cups of powerderd sugar, sifted; 2/3 cup of coccoa; 1/3 cup of milk; pinch of salt; 2 teaspoons of vanilla.

This makes one delicious frosting to lick from between your thighs....

you got a reciepe for Salsa, too?? I'm collecting some.
p_p_man said:

Nobody who used to have a drink or drugs problem...

NEVER, EVER gets over it...it's always there luking in the background...

Remeber the Pretzels story, think on it...

"Songs of Experience."
p_p_man said:
So why don't you scream it from the fucking rooftops...

No point in being a shrinking violet in these days...


I'm never shrinking but I don't yell...nor do I post all that I do on this board. I deal with politics all the time...it just isn't a topic I discuss with friends often or here.

Trust me...my point is always heard p_p_man. Its all in who you talk to or don't. That being said.

Enjoy your evening.
Byron In Exile said:
"Songs of Experience."

But of course, that's why I can speak like I do against the most dangerous man in the world..

It takes one to know one...

p_p_man said:
But of course, that's why I can speak like I do against the most dangerous man in the world..

It takes one to know one...

Are you saying you understand Bush because you're both dangerous, or because you're both alcoholics?

I have trouble seeing you as particularly dangerous, except in the case of your operating a motor vehicle. That would be bad.