Her past revealed….


Literotica Guru
Nov 21, 2020
Want to build a story around a guy and his stylish, sexy but seemingly quite demure wife/gf.

As far as he knows she’s had 3 or 4 serious boyfriends, nothing surprising or outside his expectations.

He finds out, after a chance encounter with a friend of hers from her past, that it’s true - save for a few months when she fell in with the wrong crowd. Expensive habits had to be financed. She misbehaved for awhile before breaking away.

He sets about finding out what the real stories are, has to know more.
was she a stripper? An escort? A porn actress? A fluffer?
was she a stripper? An escort? A porn actress? A fluffer?

I think she was a pretty girl next door type with two disappointing sexual experiences until she meets a handsome older man. He teaches her what her body is supposed to feel like and then introduces her to his swinger group that also happens to include the man's ex. Drama and sex. She spends a year indulging every sexual fantasy she can. Then finally decides that chapter of her life is over and meets the guy in the OP. That would be risky thing to bring up to a new boyfriend and omits it until he begins to unravel things only to be drawn into that world himself.
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Want to build a story around a guy and his stylish, sexy but seemingly quite demure wife/gf.

As far as he knows she’s had 3 or 4 serious boyfriends, nothing surprising or outside his expectations.

He finds out, after a chance encounter with a friend of hers from her past, that it’s true - save for a few months when she fell in with the wrong crowd. Expensive habits had to be financed. She misbehaved for awhile before breaking away.

He sets about finding out what the real stories are, has to know more.
Sounds like that could be my life, except I've been open and honest with current/new lovers about my past. I was a major slut in my teens and twenties. Though still demi & poly, I'm a bit tamer these days.
I think she was a pretty girl next door type with two disappointing sexual experiences until she meets a handsome older man. He teaches her what her body is supposed to feel like and then introduces her to his swinger group that also happens to include the man's ex. Drama and sex. She spends a year indulging every sexual fantasy she can. Then finally decides that chapter of her life is over and meets the guy in the OP. That would be risky thing to bring up to a new boyfriend and omits it until he begins to unravel things only to be drawn into that world himself.
so she was a sugarbaby?
Sounds like that could be my life, except I've been open and honest with current/new lovers about my past. I was a major slut in my teens and twenties. Though still demi & poly, I'm a bit tamer these days.
did I know you in your twenties?
Here's some fun: She had dated a guy a while back who was into <name your kink> and she wasn't into it. She tried it for that old bf, he loved it and she had incredible sex after so she still has a spot in her heart for it. She offers trying it with the current guy and she responds as expected, a horny mess.

Enter your own fetish or kink or sex act and there you go.
Sounds like that could be my life, except I've been open and honest with current/new lovers about my past. I was a major slut in my teens and twenties. Though still demi & poly, I'm a bit tamer these days.
What does "demi" mean again?
Here's some fun: She had dated a guy a while back who was into <name your kink> and she wasn't into it. She tried it for that old bf, he loved it and she had incredible sex after so she still has a spot in her heart for it. She offers trying it with the current guy and she responds as expected, a horny mess.

Enter your own fetish or kink or sex act and there you go.
Likely the "alpha widow" syndrome. The new guy is rarely going to be as exciting as the original one seemed.
The problem with a lady like that is that she will dump you in an instant, and when you least expect it. As long as you accept that reality, you'll be sort of okay.
we've been online friends for 20 years.
a good fluffer grows the potential...
sirhugs, with all due respect, do you actually know anything about the porn film industry? From what little I know, it's not that erotic for the people in it. It's just another job, except you have to bang your co-workers (and you rarely pick your co-workers in any job, unless you own the company or are in top management). And you have to bang them whether you like them or not, and do it whenever the scene is set up, not when you are in the mood for it. Thus the fluffers, who are sort of the proles of the industry.

It seems to take a higher toll on women than men, and the turnover quite is qite high. Girls usually last maybe six months, and they usually haven't saved any of the money they've earned. And there are STDs, of course, no matter how many condoms they use.

You are under no obligation to write it that way. Imagine and write it any way that you wish.
sorry, sirhugs, I went off on a rant there. Something about Story Ideas brings that out in me.
Want to build a story around a guy and his stylish, sexy but seemingly quite demure wife/gf.

As far as he knows she’s had 3 or 4 serious boyfriends, nothing surprising or outside his expectations.

He finds out, after a chance encounter with a friend of hers from her past, that it’s true - save for a few months when she fell in with the wrong crowd. Expensive habits had to be financed. She misbehaved for awhile before breaking away.

He sets about finding out what the real stories are, has to know more.
Perhaps one of her previous boyfriends had a drug addiction and accumulated a large debt from his drug dealers. She ended up using her various holes to pay off his debt and protect him from physical harm. Eventually she moved on for her own safety but frequently recalls all the nasty things she did.
Perhaps one of her previous boyfriends had a drug addiction and accumulated a large debt from his drug dealers. She ended up using her various holes to pay off his debt and protect him from physical harm. Eventually she moved on for her own safety but frequently recalls all the nasty things she did.

It works. I’d envisioned her being the one with the expensive habit….gets a freebie from a dealer in exchange for a handjob, and realises how much she could make if she went a step or two further………
Want to build a story around a guy and his stylish, sexy but seemingly quite demure wife/gf.

As far as he knows she’s had 3 or 4 serious boyfriends, nothing surprising or outside his expectations.

He finds out, after a chance encounter with a friend of hers from her past, that it’s true - save for a few months when she fell in with the wrong crowd. Expensive habits had to be financed. She misbehaved for awhile before breaking away.

He sets about finding out what the real stories are, has to know more.

It's sort of like True Lies, but instead of the husband secretly being a spy, the wife is secretly some sort of sex worker. Maybe she is a sex-worker spy, who uses her body to seduce and conquer enemy agents? And once the husband discovers her identity, he has to be "read in" to the operation and turned into a sex operative as well.

We could call it "True Lays."
It's sort of like True Lies, but instead of the husband secretly being a spy, the wife is secretly some sort of sex worker. Maybe she is a sex-worker spy, who uses her body to seduce and conquer enemy agents? And once the husband discovers her identity, he has to be "read in" to the operation and turned into a sex operative as well.

We could call it "True Lays."

Like it. Maybe she’s used by her side as a honeytrap, travelling the world under cover of a fake job, getting secrets from the opposition with her body….?