Help me decide…


stuff & junk
Dec 24, 2001
So I’ve been talking to perky artist extrordinare (sp?) and she’s helping me out with my tattoo design. Now what I can’t decide on is the location. So what do you think high on the butt or hip, or on low on the pelvic area? I plan on a second that’ll run around my waist. And though I do need to get toned for both (I don’t want my cute little flames to look like a roaring flame), though I need to get skinnier and tone up my waist for that one.
So what’d you think?
I recommend ones that will look good whether you tone up or not
Emerald_eyed said:
Not to mention she may want something she wont outgrow...

She might outgrow flames by 80 years old.

Don't Chevys wear flames?
Waste? I suppose it’s a matter of opinion. I find them very beautiful if done correctly and it’s not part of like some gang crap. Those artists have a great talent.
The images I’ve chosen are very delicate and I think very feminine.
I’d rather they be on my torso simply because I don’t like my arms no matter what size they are and one there… no. my legs well…. No. The areas I’ve chosen both have to do with the fact that I can choose who gets to see them.
Luscious Lioness said:
Are flames what you are having tat'ed?

It depends on what you are getting done.
It’s a symbol surrounded by flames.
Emerald_eyed said:
Not to mention she may want something she wont outgrow...

She might outgrow flames by 80 years old.
It’s taken me over 5 years to decide what I want. So these aren’t designs I’m suddenly infatuated with.
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Children, though I’d love to have some since I love them, I don’t think are going to be in my future.
The flames will be on the 1st smaller one. the second will be the one that will wrap around my waist.
I would have explained about the waist, but I guess it doesn't matter any more.
lol. I've thought about all of this. the second one's still going around the waist.
bknight2602 said:
I think low in the pelvic area, maybe just above a bikini bottom.


That's a good place, just off to one side of your belly button. I was tattooed there about a year and a half ago. I still love my tat, it says something about who I am now, and years from now, it will speak of who I was then. Make sense? (probably not :D )
OOooooooooh! though it's a bit over used, I may concider it.