Help MagicPenis Donate here


Literotica Guru
Apr 20, 2002
Ok my lit brothers and sisters, one of us cant seem tog et a woman, and is always complaining about it, i say we take up a collection and get him a blow up doll,

Dolls for MagicPenis

just post your donation here, and make this poor soul a happy man!
DevilBoy79 said:
Ok my lit brothers and sisters, one of us cant seem tog et a woman, and is always complaining about it, i say we take up a collection and get him a blow up doll,
just post your donation here, and make this poor soul a happy man!

errrr what the hell... why not just set me up with the "lovetoread" lady :c) hehe
Re: Re: Help MagicPenis Donate here

magicpenis said:
errrr what the hell... why not just set me up with the "lovetoread" lady :c) hehe

Heh..nice to meet ya. ;)