Help in introducing a little bondage into the relationship


Oct 19, 2001
I have an urge to tie up my current partner and he seems very put off by the idea except whe we are in the midst of passion. When i bring it up than he seems very open to it and all sorts of other ideas that normaly he is not open to a little help with this dilema please thank.
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Jess4u2 said:
I have an urge to tie up my current partner and he seems very put off by the idea except whe we are in the midst of passion. When i bring it up than he seems very open to it and all sorts of other ideas that normaly he is not open to a little help with this dilema please thank.

That is not so unusual. Many people are willing to do things in the heat of passion, that they find problematic when out of the bedroom.

Maybe it is better to discuss his feelings about "kinky sex" out of the bedroom, to get a feel for where he stands on sexual activities that he may consider taboo.

try using that " mid passion " interest by being prepared ahead. introduce a bit more of your fantasy bit by bit, to build his comfort level.

or just tie him up as he sleeps(jk)