

technical demi-god
Aug 27, 2002
I follow Zipman7 over here from the GB.. hope you don't mind.. I don't bite too hard, I've had all my shots, and I never piss on the floor.


oh, and I never use the dancing banana, if that helps..
I follow Zipman7 over here from the GB.. hope you don't mind.. I don't bite too hard, I've had all my shots, and I never piss on the floor.

Greetings! Any friend of Zipman's is.. well, probably a bit unusual as well... ;) No, sorry I meant...Welcome! :D

oh, and I never use the dancing banana, if that helps..

:confused: There's a dancing banana around here?
Re: Re: hello

TheWanderer said:
Greetings! Any friend of Zipman's is.. well, probably a bit unusual as well... ;) No, sorry I meant...Welcome! :D
:confused: There's a dancing banana around here?

well, im not friends with him, never talked to him.. he posted on GB, so i followed him back here.. but I am a bit unusual, but I dont bother people at all.. and the dancing banana is all over GB.. its horrible..

hehe thanks for the welcome!

and I might add, I'm a trained professional Troll Handler. Been raising them in captivity for years now. We get a new troll cub when their mothers are shot to death when they go berserk and attack people that feed them.. sad, really...

We have a new faces thread around here somewhere.... you might want to stop by there too....

Goddess Helena said:
Trolls have mothers? Frightening thought.

Welcome. :)

Helena :rose:

I am surprised too, Helena. I thought trolls popped up kinda like warts.

Welcome all,

Jump right not in and participate. We are amiable folk (most of the time). LOL

Geetings crystalizedjoy, welcome. I am pretty new here also but this is a friendly place. They give the answers needed most of the time and not just what You want to hear.

And may I ask, what the h*&^ is a dancing bananna??
Re: dessert

Grvdigger said:
hmmmm.....do you think they would mind if I used it to make a banana split. I would share....some

Heh...you'd hurt the nana?
Great, the dancing fucking banana.

Or is it the fucking dancing banana.

Damn thing spreads like ticks in a new habitat.

Hi CJ, welcome to the BDSM Forum.

Careful bending over with that bear....there are some furtoy fetishists here.
Ain't self-censorship grand, gem? I'm tellin' ya, d*%^& the man!

Considering a running joke around this house is my self-reference of 'Man comma The', I say don't damn me! :D
Re: still laughing

justgem said:
tsk tsk NemoAlia do i need to get the soap?



My little one....if you have the soap, I have the shower started and W/we can clean the hot fudge off of One another after eating that banana split.:devil:
Goddess Helena said:
Trolls have mothers? Frightening thought.

yes, yes tehy do.. we handlers need 3 months worth of special training to be able to witness the birthing process without being driven insane and eating our own genitalia..

thanks for the warm welcome everyone!