Heart Shaped Diamonds

bad kitty

naughty feline
Apr 7, 2002
They are so difficult to find. 6 years ago a friend of mine had bought a bridal set that had a heart shaped diamond as the solitaire. Where on earth can you find these? I have searched all over the net and nothing, looked at local jewelry stores and again, nothing. I know they are out there, but where???
It's not the best cut to bring out all of the facets of a diamond, that's probably why you don't see them much.
I know what you mean, Kitty, but in a big purchase like a diamond, you're best off with a timeless style. My diamond ring was made 45 years ago and it's as stunning today as it was then.

That said, I would love how frivolous a pink, heart-shaped diamond would look on my hand!

Nah, I don't want a pink one. I want a plain clear one. It doesn't have to be perfect, and hell it doesn't even have to be over a 1/4 or 1/3 or a carat.
I was just hoping to catch a glimpse at a bridal set. I know I will never get one, but they are pretty to look at.
bad kitty said:
Nah, I don't want a pink one. I want a plain clear one. It doesn't have to be perfect, and hell it doesn't even have to be over a 1/4 or 1/3 or a carat.

For a heart shaped stone, I think you would want one larger- in order to be really able to see the shape- 3/4 carat or larger. IMHO...

I hope that there is not a huge demand for this, so your best bet would be to get one custom made for you. If you want to see one, you may be able to find something on the web- I think there are sites which let you design your own ring...
I saw some this weekend. Solitaires that is and nearly every jewelry store here had at lest one. One store in particular had a 1/4 carat in a perfect cut, you could see the shape quite well, even though youhad to look closely at it. It was only $299 or $399. They had a half carat for $599 and a whole carat for $999. They were all good clarity, cut and color. Sure, i wouldn't mind having a half carat or larger, but that is just too much money.
bad kitty said:
I saw some this weekend. Solitaires that is and nearly every jewelry store here had at lest one. One store in particular had a 1/4 carat in a perfect cut, you could see the shape quite well, even though youhad to look closely at it. It was only $299 or $399. They had a half carat for $599 and a whole carat for $999. They were all good clarity, cut and color. Sure, i wouldn't mind having a half carat or larger, but that is just too much money.

You are just setting your sites too low.

Should the unthinkable happen and I get re-married, I'll make her engagement ring. Wife 1 had a 1 carat total weight ring- very pretty- made by a friend of mine who has since passed, so I'll have to make the next one.
Well, maybe I am but I am being realistic. ;) After 5 years of marriage and 3 kids and a heap of debt from his exwife, I would be very lucky to get a 1/4 carat. Even that is asking too much.
bad kitty said:
Well, maybe I am but I am being realistic. ;) After 5 years of marriage and 3 kids and a heap of debt from his exwife, I would be very lucky to get a 1/4 carat. Even that is asking too much.

OK. If you really want one,approach it in stages- buy the ring with a fake stone (or stones) (like a cubic zirconia). Then, when you have the case, spring for the stone. I understand it not being a priority and all. Hapy hunting- sometime it is better to wnat than to have, and this sounds like it may be the case.
<having bad flashbacks over here>

Upon making the first mistake of wanting to be engaged in the first place, I began hunting around for rings suitable for my <puh> "wife to be".

I began looking at 1.0-2.0 carat stones, solitare round or princess cut. <g> I figure if I'm going to spend the money, I'd buy what I liked.....right? lol Well...as things go...word got around that I was about to buy a ring.....and wouldn't you know it....someone inadvertantly asked her to see the ring! (the ring that hadn't been bought nor presented to her yet). Talk about letting the cat out of the bag, hmm?

So...to make a long story short...I basically let her have card blanc' to her ring. She went in...I showed her what I had in mind...and to my utter shock and amazement was told that what I had my eye on was "Too large for me." *(I still look back at that in amazement...lol) So...I told her to pick one she liked.

She managed to find a heart shaped solitare......"just the right size" and fell in love with it. (I'm sure the love for the ring still endures) And...it turns out that "Just the right size" was only a 3/4 carat. So...we bought it that day.

I hated that ring from the day I bought it. Seems like a waste of a good diamond...and a frivolous cut to say the least. I since then found out that they used to take very heavily included (read "dirty") diamonds and use them for the cut since a large portion of the stone is carved away, they could cut away the worst of the stone. (this isn't necessarily *always the case)
Nonetheless, it's what she wanted....and being naive and "in love" as I was....what she wanted, she got.

I tend to side with the people who suggest a more traditional cut.....not only is it more attractive, but it will stand the test of time, as opposed to a "fad" cut like the heart shape.

It's all a matter of taste, however. I say get what you like......even if that is a 3.0 carat, canary yellow, pear shaped diamond. lol

Good luck in your hunt. I visit jewelry stores on occasion, and I collect gemstones myself....and It's rare that I come across one nowadays. I'm sure they are out there though. lol (In the meantime, I've got a couple heart shaped blue Topaz I'll sell you) LOL


Seriously...good luck in the search.
Thanx for sharing Vilac. I do see why some people like the classic cuts, but I am always drawn back to the heart shape. I could care less if anyone else likes them or not. I like different and unusual things. I am not worried about getting a bad stone. I know what to look for.

Personally for me it is a symbol of what you have together. I have always had a thing for hearts too, so that weighs in on the influence there. I have wanted this for 6 years, and 5 of those years I have been married... sans solitaire.
"(In the meantime, I've got a couple heart shaped blue Topaz I'll sell you) LOL"
seriously I have one of those also I wear it everyday my father bought it for me a few yrs back,he is one of those never buys anything guys sends my mom but he took the time to get it himself means the world to me. But about the heart shaped diamonds I would agree to get a traditional cut they are pretty but catch on everything my sister has had hers come out on more than one occasion. IMHO I like the traditional cuts they don't lose value for trade up purposes also. :nana:
I picked a heart shaped diamond for my engagment ring, and we just got it at a local chain of jewelers called Fox's at the time, but they go by Fred Meyer now.

I had a problem finding a wrap that would fit it nicely, though, so we just got a plain solid band to go with it, though I'd like to get a nice wrap for our anniversy coming up.
Gilly Bean said:
I picked a heart shaped diamond for my engagment ring, and we just got it at a local chain of jewelers called Fox's at the time, but they go by Fred Meyer now.

I had a problem finding a wrap that would fit it nicely, though, so we just got a plain solid band to go with it, though I'd like to get a nice wrap for our anniversy coming up.
Oooh, Gilly can you attach a pic? Before this weekend I had only seen one in my life. This weekend I saw 8. They just are more beautiful to me than any other ordinary cur.
My nephew gave his fiance (now wife) a heart shaped solitaire engagement ring. I think he got it at Zales or Gordons
This is what I really like. Simple and elegant.
bad kitty said:
Oooh, Gilly can you attach a pic? Before this weekend I had only seen one in my life. This weekend I saw 8. They just are more beautiful to me than any other ordinary cur.

I don't have any pics of the ring, but here is the pic of my exact ring from Fred Meyer's site:

Gilly's Ring

I fell in love with the heart shape when I was about 17, and when we were 'just looking' at the Mall one night, I tried it on, and we went to eat, then 20 minutes later, we went back for it.
My engagement ring was heart shaped

with two tear drops on the side. It was very lovely. My ex had it set to his liking and did a good job so it is possible. The heart shape diamond is out there and with good clarity, color, and cut. Originally I wanted a traditional style cut but was happy with the heart shape because of the uniqueness and beauty of it. Well it is in his possession after I broke off the engagement so such is life.

Re: My engagement ring was heart shaped

tulip2lipservice said:
with two tear drops on the side. It was very lovely. My ex had it set to his liking and did a good job so it is possible. The heart shape diamond is out there and with good clarity, color, and cut. Originally I wanted a traditional style cut but was happy with the heart shape because of the uniqueness and beauty of it. Well it is in his possession after I broke off the engagement so such is life.

Can ya tell me where I might find him? :D j/k