He Wore Black Velvet (closed for Perplexia)

Alex nodded "I'll only miss one class of each that way. Not a big issue i'll call Morning. So we can leave first thing tomorrow then. I'd love to do some shopping there too." she grinned and kissed him again.

"Do you have any idea how tortured I've been over that kiss? You could have said something." she teased punching his arm lightly. "I know we've had a lot going on with my magic and stuff. But you could have said something." She said grinning. And one day Bastian, if we work out and such. You never have to doubt that i'd want you to turn me. It's important to me that you know that."

She was beyond happy that Bastian wanted her in the same way she wanted him. Though she did worry that her lack of experience in these things could be a deterrent. After all he was a very experienced handsome man.
Bastian pulled her once more into a deep kiss, their cheeks flushed and their body heat rising. "You're right, I should have said something. In my defense, I'm a guy -- we're known to be idiots." he said with a grin. He was then truly adored to hear her admit she would want to be turned, that she would not abandon him to eternity as Ann had. His heart swelled up, his eyes actually started to water, and he fiercely returned her gaze, completely smitten by this gorgeous little angel.

"I would be honored to bestow my gift upon you so that we can spend eternity together," he expressed emotionally, his voice cracking a bit. "Whenever you're ready. Take your time to contemplate it, though. I will be by your side regardless, and should the day come that you are ready to ascend, I will sire you." Then it was back to their make-out session. This time they were rolling around on the couch, and soon he was laying on top of her, sucking on her neck and earlobe in between kisses. Not a vampire suck, just a lover's one.
Alex was in a sort of starry eyed heaven. But everything was a bit overwhelming still. First he was a vampire, then she's a witch, and now they're together as a couple after she threw a fireball. "Forgive me Bastian, but i'd like to take things slow. I'll be ready soon I promise. But i'm still a bit exhausted from the mana depletion, and i'm getting a little hungry."

Though as sexy as he was and as hot and bothered as she was she still longed for that little bit of romance. Her and Bastians relationship had been intense but not romantic as of yet. "Maybe you can take me on a date in San Francisco, and we can make a romantic evening of it?"

Bastian had talked about spending eternity with her. That was some commitment talking that she hadn't expected. Just a little time was all she would need.
"Of course, my dear," Bastian replied with a smile, toning down the lust a few notches but still embracing her. "I never want you to feel rushed or pressured into anything with me. My job is to make you feel safe and cherished, always."

A few minutes later the two were in the kitchen cooking together, a bit of light playful dancing as Alex slowly recovered her energy. Bastian had suggested a hearty meal rich in protein to help her build up her strength, and they had decided on steak, eggs, and red-skinned potatoes.

"By the way, I would love to take you out on a date proper," he added as they sat down at the dining room table. "Chez Primevère is by far the best French restaurant in San Francisco, and they make an incredible Confit de canard -- do you like French? I'd love to take you there."
Alex was on cloud nine as her and Bastian cooked together, and danced around the kitchen. She loved that he took a step back yet not to far to let her know he was very much about them. After the start of their day it was good to let loose and have some lighthearted fun.

"Why don't we leave tomorrow for San Francisco, and that will give us an extra day to do some sight seeing and shopping?" she questioned. "And no I've never had French food. But i'm not sure how i feel about eating duck. I've never had it before so I could try it I guess."

There was a new playful energy between them which allowed the uncertainty to dissipate over the next few hours and as they sat on the couch once more cuddling and talking she realized that from the moment she saw him she had been falling for him. It wasn't that he was a vampire, but his charm. The sensitive nature this big brute held in his heart. The way he was so gentle and guarding of her.
"They have plenty of dishes, so if you're not in the mood for duck, you can order whatever you want. That's just my favorite dish -- they also have Confit d'oie if you prefer goose. Or, if you'd rather have a more vegetable-intensive meal, there is Confit byaldi, which is a slow-cooked variation of Ratatouille with mushrooms replacing the peppers. Their menu is extensive, and you may order to your heart's desire."

Bastian smiled and replied, "Yes, we will leave first thing tomorrow morning. It's getting late, so we should probably turn in soon. Once we depart, you'll need to hang on tight -- I have a leather strap harness that Ann used to ride on my back -- yes, a vampire saddle." he added with a laugh.

"It's like an assisted piggyback ride of sorts. That way you don't go flying off when I'm moving at higher speeds and tree-hopping. Normally, going at such high velocities would kill you due to resistance and friction, as well as morphing the air around you into plasma. However, I can extend my density field to embody you as well, allowing your molecules to shift as mine do. You will feel a bit lightheaded at first, but you'll adapt quickly. While we're moving, you'll experience tunnel vision as the photons of the visible light spectrum are distorted from your perspective, while the front of the tunnel ahead of you will blueshift and the back of the tunnel behind you will redshift. The tunnel 'walls' would normally appear black due to no photon interaction in that range, but since we are partially moving through the Nether, there will be a faint purplish glow."
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"Well it is good to know that you're up on your french, i'll have you translate the menu for me" she said teasing him. She then listened intently on his description of how she would piggyback on him. She had wondered how that would work, and now she knew.

"Today has been mostly one of the best days of my life. I can't wait to see what tomorrow has in store for us. I'm not ready to see tonight end just yet, but you're right tomorrow will be a long day and I want to be alert enough to enjoy it." Sliding onto his lap she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him with a passion she didn't know she even possessed.

Breaking the kiss she got up saying good night and went to her room. It felt odd for her to be away from him. It was then as she lay down in the solitude of her own bed that she realized that would the last time she did that. Tomorrow night she would give herself to Bastian completely and tell him that she loved him.

The next morning she packed for their trip, and wore comfortable jeans and t'shirt for their trip. Meeting him in the kitchen for breakfast she smiled widely at him. "Good Morning Mr. Dane" she teased.
"And good morning to you as well, Miss Corbanov," Bastian replied with a smirk. He had felt rather lonely spending the night alone, but was happy to be near her once more. For the trip, he was wearing loose-fitting black jeans, boots, and a grey long-sleeve sweater over a black undershirt. He tied his hair back into a tail, wrapped a deep green scarf around his neck, stuffed his ponytail under a black ball cap on his head, slipped on a dark brown hooded trenchcoat, and pulled on two climber's gloves.

"This is to protect me from the sunlight once we move south out of the cloud cover, and also to help grip trees as we travel," he explained to Alex. He then buttoned up the coat, strapped a belt with multiple large pouches along his waist, attached a backpack holding his clothing and hygiene products along the back of the belt, and slipped the leather harness over his shoulders and clasped it along his chest.

"This backpack is attached sideways along my belt so you can use it as a make-shift seat. Whenever you're ready, hop up and fasten the straps along your legs, then pull the longer straps over your shoulders and clasp them where you see the two buckles on my shoulders." He knelt down to allow her easy access, then had her attach her bag on the back of the harness. It was designed to put all the weight on himself and allow her to be fairly comfortable.

"If you need to stop to use the bathroom or take a break, just let me know. Are you ready?" Once they were all set, Bastian locked up the house, double-checked the perimeter alarm, pulled up the scarf to cover his mouth and nose, slipped the hood of the coat over the ball cap, and then started running through the woods at normal humans speeds.

He gradually gained more speed over the next several minutes, until Alex experienced the tunnel vision he had mentioned. It felt unreal as Bastian jumped into the trees and began running and flinging himself along the branches as they traveled south along the forested areas of the Cascades. The sensation of moving forward at incredible speeds yet also the feeling of floating. The scenery whipped past, while distant sounds of the world around them echoed eerily behind them. What was visible in front of them had a reddish tint to everything, while behind everything was blue tented, a result of photons interacting with their eyes at high speeds as they moved toward some and away from others.

A normal person driving a vehicle would have made the trip in ten to twelve hours, depending on traffic and bathroom breaks, but Bastian and Alex arrived in San Francisco about four hours after they had departed Dane Manor. He kept moving at high-speed to remain nearly invisible until they arrived outside the downtown Four Seasons Hotel, a five-star luxury resort. They quickly dismounted the harness and walked inside the lobby, pretending to be a couple that had just flown in from Alaska.

Bastian showed the desk clerk a fake enchanted passport and credit card, which magically compelled the girl to think everything was business as usual. Soon they were upstairs in a suite with a terrific view of the city and a king-sized bed and minibar. The room also had a small kitchen and sitting area with two wall-mounted fifty-inch QLED televisions -- one in front of the bed and one facing the couches.

"Don't worry about the staff," he assured Alex as they began unpacking. "The passport is enchanted to compel the clerks not to ask questions, and the credit card is connected to a Magi bank. It's a legitimate account with real funds, but designed for people like me who can't really use traditional banks. After Tulah died back in 1896, I sold all my assets in New York and deposited most of my funds with Dragonstone Financial, the only Magi bank along the North American Pacific Coast. I also have a vault hidden under my basement stocked with coins, jewels, and treasures I've collected over the years. I suppose I trust you enough now to give you a tour of it once we get back."

He grew silent for a moment, then pulled her into a firm embrace and pressed his lips against hers once more, enveloping her mouth in a fiery passion as their hearts raced. "Are you hungry? Would you like room service? Once it begins to get dark outside, we can catch a taxi down to Chermaine's Formal Wear to outfit ourselves in fancy modern clothing, and I have reservations for us at Chez Primevère right after. They also have bathrooms there to freshen up before we head to dinner."
Alex paid attention when Bastian told her how to harness herself in. The trip was amazing. Well the feeling of floating through the air was the amazing part since he was going quickly and she couldn’t see anything other than the streaks he mentioned. But it truly was an amazing experience. To put it into words just wouldn’t do it justice. But then he was simply an amazing being.

She’d never been in a hotel suite like this before. Even though she planned on sleeping with Bastian, it was a little off putting that there was only one bed, until she realized the couch pulled out into one. “there is so much more that I learn about supernatural lifestyles every day I spend with you.” She told him as she unpacked as well.

“Ooh a tour of the hidden vault” she grinned widely. “I can’t wait to see the treasures you’ve accumulated over your life time. I’ glad that you trust me enough with that kind of stuff. I trust you with my life. Though I must confess, there is no vast fortune, or hidden vaults under my dorm room” she giggled. Once school is done, I’ll gladly transfer whatever funds I have to you. Since we’re going to be together for eternity.” She laughed a little. “That still sounds odd to say. But the thought of being with you forever is just amazing.”

Returning his kiss she purred softly into his mouth. “mmm, food, yes I could eat a little something to tide me over till we go out for dinner. I would like some cheese fries, some onion rings with ranch dressing, and a grilled cheese please. I guess I’m a bit hungrier than I thought. It’s all that tunnel vision I think.” She laughed again. “I think I’ll get a quick shower while we wait for the food. I have bugs in my hair.” She made a disgusted look as she held out a strand of her hair.

After her shower and the junk food meal she cuddled up with Bastian as he flipped through the channels. There was something so natural about having her leg draped over his, her head on his chest, and arm over his waist. It was like having a giant body pillow that was firm in all the right places.

When the sun went down they headed out to the formal wear shop he had mentioned and she found a dress. She felt like a celebrity wearing it. Dropping their regular clothes off at the hotel she finished her hair and makeup and they headed out to eat. Alex settled on the Chicken Basquaise minus the peppers and the Cinnamon apple Bostock for desert. With a couple lovely glasses of champagne to celebrate their union, she was ready to make her announcement.

“Bastian, I’m deeply, madly, irrevocably in love with you and am ready to give myself to you completely.”
When Bastian saw Alex eyeing the bed, he made sure to point out the sofabed. "Don't worry, I have no expectations of you tonight other than to enjoy yourself. I will gladly share the bed with you tonight, but if you decide you prefer to sleep alone, I have no qualms sleeping on the sofabed." He wanted to make sure she felt safe and comfortable.

"Oh no, that's not necessary," he added when she mentioned giving her money to him. "To the contrary, my funds are your funds." He then gladly accepted her affections as they discussed room service, cuddling with her afterwards when her shower was finished. He truly adored having her leg thrown over his, only wishing they were both naked so he could feel her bare thigh against his crotch. He was beginning to realize that he was in love with this wonderful little kitten snuggled up to him.

Soon they were at the shop picking out their dinner wear. Alex's dress left him absolutely breathless as he uttered exasperatedly, "You are so beautiful," and pulled her into a kiss. For himself, he had chosen a suit with a red velvet coat as opposed to his normal black. He felt the occasion warranted a bit of color and it matched Alex's dress. He accessorized with a few rings and a ruby-encrusted bracelet, and had cleaned up his beard some before they had left the hotel.


When they arrived at the restaurant, they were greeted by a luxurious atmosphere and aesthetics deserving of the establishment's status. Elegant chandeliers hung overhead from vaulted white marble ceilings while tables of dark oak sat on a red and gold carpet, the chairs had velvet tufted fabrics, the serving dishes were crystal-encrusted ceramic, the cutlery was pure silver with gold trim, and the tablecloths made of white silk with golden threads in small diamond shapes. The waiter serving them wore a well-tailored suit with white gloves while a small orchestra played light music on the raised stage overlooking the dining hall.

Bastian ordered the Confit de canard as he had intended to do, and enjoyed his meal and a few glasses of champagne with his gorgeous new lover-to-be. He chose a simple chocolate mousse for desert, and enjoyed a bit more to drink post-meal. Then his mouth curled into an enormous grin as Alex professed her love for him. His cheeks flushed red, his heart began racing once more, and he reached over the small table and took her hands in his own.

"I feel the same way about you, Alex," he replied, choking up a bit on his words as light tears began to gather in his eyes. He gripped her hands tighter, gazing intently into her eyes. "I love you, Alexandra Corbanov. You give yourself to me, and I give myself to you, truly and completely. You are the light to my darkness. You fill my heart with love that hasn't been there for decades. A vacant shell that has been consumed by your warm, loving glow."

Not releasing her hands, he stood to his feet, bringing her with him. He pulled her close, locking eyes with her and then whispering, "Can I keep you? Will you keep me?"
If Alex learned one thing today it was that Bastian had a unique class to him. Everything from the restaurant to the way they were dressed screamed dignified. His words brought tears to her eyes as he had her rise to join him. She wasn't sure what the depth of the words meant. Was he asking her to marry him? Or was it just they would live together for always.

Unsure of the meaning she determined either way her answer was the same. "Yes my love, you shall keep me, and i shall keep you. Together we will be as one for eternity and beyond. I was meant to be yours Sebastian Dane."

Rising to her tiptoes she kissed him and the restaurant broke out in applause. It was apparent they thought it was an engagement. "I'm ready to begin our new life together when you are." she declared signifying she was ready to leave the restaurant and go back to their suite.
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Bastian smiled as Alex expressed her desire to return to the hotel suite, feeling a rush of adrenaline that sped his heart rate up. His face became flushed with excitement at the prospect of finally laying in bed with her, his lust and love readily apparent in his eyes as he stared intensely into hers.

"I love you so much, Alex," he said in between kisses, then quickly paid the tab before they rushed outside to hail a taxi. They were already making out passionately in the elevator at the hotel, pushing up against each other on the walls. They had to fight the urge to run down the hall once they reached their floor, trying to fit the room key in the slot without losing lip contact.

Soon they were in the room, Bastian pushing Alex backwards toward the bed while still embraced, using one hand to begin loosening his tie. Their tongues were drawn to each other like magnets, in a warm, moist frenzy as they wrestled. After his tie was off, he reached behind Alex and began unzipping her dress, moving his mouth to suck on her neck.
Alex was as excited as Bastian at the prospect of consummating their love. "Bastian..I'm not sure what to do. I've never done this before." she spoke softly as her fingers worked on the buttons of his shirt. She could go off just instinct but that might be a bit awkward.

She kissed him again softly this time slowing things down from 10 to five to make it a bit more passionate and less lust driven. "I love you Bastian" she purred softly breaking the kiss for a moment. Her young body was now aching in places she had only felt while reading erotic books.

"Can we slow down a little. I want to remember every moment of this night."
"Of course, my dear," Bastian dialed the lust back a bit, but not breaking physical contact. Their kisses slowed into a soft passion, but just as pleasurable. He reached over to grab the remote for the digital stereo off the nightstand, turning on some light music to set the mood. He slowly danced with her around the room, easing her into a more comfortable state. He wanted her to feel absolutely loved and cherished and appreciated that night, a natural progression into their consummation. Above all, he didn't want her to feel rushed or pressured into anything, not wanting to dilute the meaningfulness of the experience.

As they danced and kissed softly, Bastian gradually helped Alex peel off his clothing, until he was wearing only his black boxer-briefs, a fairly sizable bulge clearly apparent with a tiny wet spot where a bit of pre-cum had soaked through the fabric. Her dress was still partially unzipped, but he was waiting for her to be comfortable before attempting to undress her further. He was content to just slow-dance with her in their hotel room, watching for subtle clues in her body language and demeanor that she was ready to move to the bed.
Dancing around the room with Bastian was one of the most magical experiences she'd ever had. His soft kisses and gentle caress'. Slowly she managed to slide out of her dress leaving her in just bra, panties, stalkings and heels. Her fingers played in his hair when he kissed her. Her chest and body pressing against his.

With the song over she took his hand and slowly led him to the bed where she kissed him again. Her eyes didn't miss the bulge in his boxers. But she didn't let them linger on it. How something that big was going to fit inside of her she had no idea. But she had full faith in Bastian.
He moved with her and she gently pulled him towards the bed, slowly bending her backwards and easing her onto the mattress. He crawled over her on his hands and knees, pushing his mouth down onto hers as they slid up the bed. Soon her hair was sprawled out a bit over the pillows, while Bastian returned to sucking and licking her neck and ear lobes. His strong hands slowly roamed her chest and abdomen, feeling the silky-smooth flesh begin to form goosebumps at his soft yet firm touch.

He trailed his lips and tongue down to her cleavage, licking along the hem of her bra before continuing southward to her navel. he trailed his tongue around the small circle and then proceeded further, temporarily bypassing her panties to descend upon her feet. He slipped off her heels, kissed his way back up her stalking-covered legs, grasped the fabric within his teeth, and slowly pulled it down and off while maintaining passionate eye-contact with her. He repeated the process with the other stalking, both legs beautiful and bare.

He slid his tongue up along her thighs, trailing little warm, moist circles as he listed to her heavy breathing. He ascended back to her head to plunge his tongue into her mouth once more while reaching under her back to unclasp the bra. Soon the garment lay discarded on the floor with the rest of their clothing and his mouth bore down hungrily yet gently on her nipples, kneading the soft flesh between his large hands.

He grinned through his sucking and slurping as her sighs of pleasure escaped her mouth, knowing she understood he was going to take care of her, that she just needed to lay back and enjoy. He cycled from one nipple to the other and back again several times, then once more trailed his tongue southward as he pulled the hem of her panties between his teeth and gave a soft, playful growl.

He hooked his thumbs under the sides of the silky fabric, sliding them down her legs and off her feet, tossing the panties to the floor. Alex now laid before him in her full radiant nudity, and Bastian's mouth watered as he gazed upon her soft naked skin, her flushed cheeks, and her firm breasts and hardened nipples raising up and down with her heavy breathing. He was especially thrilled to discover she had prepared his meal for him in advance -- her pubic hair was trimmed and cleaned up nicely, the swollen clitoris peeking out from its pink hood. The flesh around the entire mound was red and hot, clearly excited and aroused.

Bastian dragged his tongue back up her leg, lapping at her inner thighs while very slowly inching closer and closer to her sex. Soon he hovered his mouth just over her pussy, breathing hot air onto it, but not quite touching it directly. He pushed her to the edge of pre-sexual arousal, until her body was practically begging his mouth to make contact, desperately seeking the hot moist tongue within its folds.

As Alex's hips began to involuntarily rise up to meet his face, he finally provided what her body so desperately craved and bore down upon her mound, licking her from the base of her anus, up along her slit and to her engorged clitoris, sucking it between his lips and slathering his tongue over it. Almost immediately, her pelvic area became flooded, a mix of his saliva and her natural juices. He moved his fingers to toy with her clit while his tongue plunged in between her pussy lips, soon returning his mouth to her nub while his middle finger curled upward inside her, not quite breaking her hymen but far enough in to tap her g-spot repeatedly as her gasps and moans gradually intensified.
Her body felt as if it were on fire. From the way he kissed her to the way he touched her she was on a new dimension of ecstasy. She gasped and moaned as he caressed her , touched her, kissed her, and slowly brought her into the folds of passion arousal. Every breath became about him. Every moan was for him, and every drop of her dew that pooled between her thighs was for him.

Not only had she found the perfect lover who took his time giving her a memorable moment in everything he did. But she also found her soul mate. He made her feel like a precious china doll as he took care to remove her shoes. She gasped as his teeth gripped her stalking’s and slowly took his time peeling each one down. Leaving more goose bumps in the paths where his lips had just barely grazed her flesh. His eyes never leaving her eyes, sealing their souls together as he gently caressed the now bare flesh.

She wasn’t sure how her bra ending up on the floor so smoothly but she didn’t try to cover them as his mouth found her hard peaked nipples. Instead she gasped as his large hands massaged them and he suckled them. Her back arched pushing them up as her fingers went to his head and lightly pressed. As if she was giving him permission to feast upon her.

Now he slid her panties off and they too joined her bra on the floor. She felt vulnerable, yet completely safe as she now lay naked before him. She had taken extra care to be sure she was prepped for him. Her legs shaven, her pubes trimmed, and of course her underarms. She wanted everything to be perfect for giving herself to Bastian.

He seemed to be taking joy in tormenting her as his hot breath teased her swollen pussy. She gasped and moaned having only read about things like this. Her fingers gripped the quilt as her hips pushed up through arousal. “please” she gasped not quite sure what she was saying please for. Then his fingers taunted her clit, his tongue assaulted her pussy and she gasped and moaned like a wild harlot. “oh god” she called out quite a few times as he continued his torture bringing her to the edge and back against until it happened. She exploded with such a force she lost her breath for a moment as her body convulsed in joy through her first non-self-induced orgasm.
Bastian grinned to himself as Alex's moans became louder and more intense, the gyrations of her hips requiring him to grab her ass to maintain contact between his mouth and her pussy -- she was beginning to thrash around harder as her orgasm neared, and he doubled down, sucking on her clitoris while his tongue lapped and twirled around it wildly. Just as she was nearing the edge and the storm was about to blow, he cast a quick polymorph spell Ann had loved and his tongue split in two. One continued to assault her nub while the other grew long enough to snake its way inside her pussy to lick her g-spot, adding a level of intensity most women never experienced.

And then came a wet explosion like a thousand hurricanes, Bastian struggling to drink all Alex's juices as she thrashed madly and screamed and her toes curled. The pleasure cascaded over her in wave after wave, the orgasm seeming like it would never end. Finally it did, but the lull was short lived as within moments he was bringing her towards a second orgasm even more intense than the first.

After the dual shockwaves, he could tell she was beginning to get sensitive, so he kissed his way back up her body, returning his tongue to normal before plunging it back into her mouth. He then laid down next to her and rubbed her abdomen, smiling upon her as sweat beaded on her skin and her chest heaved up and down from the intense pleasure she had just felt.

"I will do that whenever you want," he whispered in her ear, nibbling gently on her lobe. "Every single night if you like. I love you, Alex." Pleasing her had also aroused him further, and the wet spot on his boxers from his pre-cum had grown considerably. His member was now extended to its full nine inches within the fabric, the scent of his arousal mixing with Alex's in the air.
Alex gasped and grinned as she tried to recover from the intense orgasm. Her body felt as though it was made of gel, and they had only just started. Alex nodded when he said he could do it everyday for her. Her grin only grew wider at the thought of spending the rest of her life riding his face.

"I've only ever tried this on a banana but I want to try with you. She slowly rolled on her side running her finger down his chest and to his boxers. Her eyes stayed with his as she slowly peeled them down revealing his hard erect cock. Her fingers slowly traveled down its length touching it lightly then a little firmer and slowly she wrapped her fingers around his shaft and began to slowly stroke.

Slowly she rolled so she was straddling his legs and lowered her face down to his shaft. Her tongue shot out as her eyes stayed with his and ran up his length. She watched his facial expressions and any sounds he made to concentrate on any particular area. Her tongue licked the pre-cum off the tip of his cock before slowly putting it into her mouth.

Slowly she took his cock into her mouth as her eyes stayed with his. Pulling his shorts down a little more her spare hand massaged his balls as she slowly started to bob her head up and down on him flicking him with her tongue.
Bastian smiled upon Alex as she moved down his body, letting out a little gasp as her tongue made contact. He member twitched a bit as she started massaging his testicles and bobbing her head up and down, the slick, saliva-covered skin shining in the light each time she lifted up. The warm, moist feeling of her mouth sent shivers up his spine, and he began involuntarily lifting his hips to her face.

As her tongue ran up the underside of his member with each bob, he let out a moan, almost a lustful growl. The sound caught in his throat, growing deeper as she pulled him closer and closer to orgasm. The strands of her hair cascaded down upon his thighs as she worked him, tickling his skin. She was sucking the life out of him, rocking his world as she gradually took more of his length in. He coached her in relaxing her throat, and soon her nose was buried in his trimmed pubes, having consumed his entire member and not choking. He was amazed how quickly she picked it up.

"Fuuuuck," he moaned out. "I'm about to come..."
A wicked smile came across her lips as he told her he was going to cum. She had already had a sample with his pre-cum and was more then happy to accept his full load. She deep throat-ed and tightened her lips humming over his shaft urging him to fill her throat with his seed.

Her eyes stayed with his as she bobbed, twirled, hummed and sucked his cock like a constrictor begging for his cum with every moan she gave him.
"Oh god," Bastian cried out as Alex literally sucked his soul from his body, his hips rising up to to her face. His cock twitched, his muscles tightened, and he gently ran his fingers through her hair as he began exploding in her mouth. His grunts and moans showed Alex how much pleasure she was giving him, maintaining eye contact as he watched her mouth bulge out with his load.

"I fucking love you," he growled playfully as she gulped down his seed. From his thighs to his abs to his shoulders, his muscles were twitching from the powerful orgasm this vixen had given him. In the afterglow, he relaxed back down onto the bed as he watched her suck and lick his member clean, then pulled her up to his face, kissing her deeply, tasting himself on her tongue.

A hot an passionate make-out session ensued as Bastian gradually rolled himself on top of Alex. He reached one hand down and began fingering her once more while he sucked her neck. He was priming her to take his cock and break her hymen, but wanted to make sure it was comfortable for her. Soon he was hovering over her on his hands and knees, the tip of his still-hard cock touching the mouth of her pussy.

"It might hurt for a minute since this is your first time, but I'm right here. I will be with you through it all." He then planted his mouth on hers once more and wrestled with her tongue as his member slipped inside her dripping-wet orifice. He inched it in slowly until he felt the tip touch her hymen, pushing past it with a quick thrust to get the painful part out of the way. His mouth never left hers during the entire ordeal, wanting to give her something to distract her from the pain.

He listened to her moans through their kisses as an indicator of when the pain had passed, then intensified his thrusting slowly until his skin slapped against hers rapidly. Once he knew she was enjoying herself and could take a little more, he leaned back a bit, gripped her hips, and began pulling her body onto his dick, back and forth, in and out. The sounds of wet slapping and moans filled the room, and he smiled as he watched her breasts bounce back and forth when the movements.
His orgasm was one of the greatest things she'd ever witnessed. She was proud of herself for being able to bring him such divine pleasure and cause him to explode in her mouth. She swallowed all his seed licking her lips and his cock clean then being pulled up to kiss him once again.

Now he was on top of her. Her body was tense at first, she had heard that it hurt but his words soothed her and made her relax as his mighty shaft began to probe her. It felt odd having this foreign object inside of her at first. Then it felt good. His mouth sealed hers and she cried into it when he pushed thru her hymen. Her eyes flew open and a single tear fell from her eye as he made her into a woman.

He was patient waiting for her to relax again before he continued. Slowly he worked his way into her depths stretching her out to fit him. Soft moans with slight winces here and there followed until her body excepted his shaft as belonging with in her. Slowly she found her body responding and her hips pushing up when he pushed in.

"I love you" she gasped through the kisses and moans. It felt amazing having him inside of her. Joining her in blissful love and lust as their bodies moved against each other.