He Wore Black Velvet (closed for Perplexia)

Alex nodded "Of course we don't have to talk about anything you don't wish. So then you are eternally 28 then. The world is your oyster so they say."
"It's a beautiful kitchen" she commented before he left her there. She found herself wishing that he'd stayed to keep her company instead of retiring to his study.

She pulled out the peanut butter and bread and made a quick sandwich with some chips she brought. Not a big fan of jelly she rarely bothered to put that or jam on the white bread. Doritos were her chip of choice with ranch preferably.

Once done she found the trash compacter for her napkin and made a mental note about vampires able to consume food. His manor was stunning, it seemed like a combination of a cottage and a cabin rolled up into this fascinating building. She padded her way through his house till she found his study and tapped lightly. "Are you ready to continue? I was thinking that perhaps it would be more entertaining for you if you asked questions about me, if you want."
Sebastian looked over from his easel where he was working on the painting of a forest he had started that morning. "Absolutely!" he agreed happily and followed her back out to the sofa in the foyer where her laptop was set up.

"My first question would be your age, Miss Corbanov?" he asked with a smile. "And what brought you to Oregon to attend college? I get the feeling you're not originally from around here? What kind of music do you enjoy? What lead you to become the editor of the school paper?"
Alex smiled when he asked her name. There was something so sensual about the way he said her name 'Miss Cabanov' it just rolled off his tongue like chocolate pudding slides gleeful down ones throat. "I am 19 Mr. Dane" she said with a smile in her tone.

"Well I came to SOU for the communications department. It's one of the best. I study journalism because i like researching and digging into stories to find their heart and core. If I couldn't write i'd be a PI" she smirked.

"I am from Pennsylvania originally, when my parents died i moved to Michigan to live with an Aunt. She passed my Senior year of high school. Writing was always my ..escape..that and reading mystery novels. So journalism seemed to be the way to go. As for editor it's a lot of extra time and work, i had it. Most are to busy with a social life.

So tell me why you chose Oregon to build this wonderful house."
"At the time this area of Oregon was was sparsely populated," Sebastian explained, "so I could live in relative peace, but I could also sneak up to Portland to feed when I needed to. The crime in the growing port city was rather high at the turn of the century, so the local law enforcement was not put off by a few extra reports of nighttime assaults. I also chose it because most of the year there is significant cloud cover, allowing me more protection from direct sunlight."

He left the room for a moment and then returned with another old photograph. "I took this in 1898, about a year and a half after I built this manor. This was on one of my trips to Portland, when the grey skies actually allowed me to walk around in the middle of the day. This is the Waterfront area along the Willamette River, and you may also notice the air seems to be a bit smokey in the background -- there was a forest fire further north in Washington, from what I remember, and the wind shifted and sent some of the smoke southward."


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“I’ve always wondered what it would be like to live through history. I am sure there are some draw backs but it’s really quite an amazing gift. I’m sure that you have more stories then you could possibly hope to share in my life time “she handed the picture back to him. “Have you always been an artist?, and how do you earn money for your electric and so on? Or do you have that vampire charm thing the movies talk about which make us simple humans do whatever you say.”

She made a few notes on her laptop and then looked back up to him. “What would you say is one of your most favorite places and times? I’m sure you’ve seen a lot, but if you had to narrow it down, do you have a favorite?"

Alex found she liked the way he looked when he thought. The way his mouth moved when he talked, and the silky deep voice that came from his lips. Even on the rare occasion he smiled. She loved it all. What on earth was she doing. Daydreaming about a vampire, in his home, out in the middle of the woods, and in his house.

She wondered how close he would let her get. This interview could take a very long time and many visits.
"I've always been quite fond of art and literature," Sebastian recalled with a grin. "As for my electricity, I am completely off the grid. When I first built the Manor, I installed electric wiring and ran it underground to a shed in the back where I converted an old steam engine into a generator to power the home. I had closely followed the work of Tesla and Edison back in New York, so it wasn't that hard to replicate some of what I had learned."

He shrugged as he continued his explanation. "I did make a major adjustment to the design, however -- instead of coal, I fueled it with Alchemist's Yew. It's an enchanted wood that burns longer and hotter, producing no smoke at all. The organic compounds, minerals, and hydrocarbons that normally evaporate and turn into smoke when wood burns are transmuted into crystalline elements by the flames, so instead of smoke and ash there is black crystal powder left behind. The heat from the fire rises up to the boiler, which I modified into a closed-loop system so the steam condenses back into water through a series of pipes and then returns to the boiler to be heated again. I did this set up to prevent smoke or steam from marking my location. It does require some maintenance though -- I do have an exhaust valve to let out small little spurts of steam here and there to prevent pressure build up, but not enough to be noticeable from the sky. And I do have to clean out the boiler a couple times of year to prevent mineral build up since I need to occasionally supply new water to replace what escaped through the exhaust."

He shook his head and chuckled. "Sorry, I'm going off again. On to your next question -- My favorite time and place? Hmmm. To be honest, I am quite enjoying right here and right now," he said with a wink.
"Although the concept of what Tesla and Edison did are amazing, or even astonishing for their time. I have to admit engineering has never quite been my forte. So you pretty much had me lost right after generator up to having to do maintenance." She let out a light laugh.

Her mouth made a small click of disbelief to his answer on his favorite place and time. "Come now, out of all the times and places are you truly going to stick with right here being interrogated and now? Surely you can do better then that. I mean as charming as it is, I doubt that I could hold enough sway to gain the all time favorite."

"If i'm that good i should just quit college and get a job at the NY Times tomorrow" she added with a smirk which suddenly faded. Why was leaving him forever suddenly such a daunting thought? She barely knew the man. Sure he fascinated her, but enough to what? Camp out in his yard and worship him? No she had to be professional here. No crushing on the interviewee.
Sebastian laughed as she questioned his response. "No, I'm serious! It's not every day a beautiful woman wanders into a vampire's lair and then stays willingly. My time with you has been... pleasant." He gave a little flirty smirk as he put emphasis on the last word.

"Though Woodstock in August of 1969 does come pretty close," he recalled fondly. "Ann had passed away the Winter before, and I had harbored a great amount of anger and resentment that she would not let me turn her. Imagine how powerless I felt to have the woman I loved dying in my arms, possessing the ability to save her, yet being forbidden to do so by her. For months after I buried her, I was in a foul mood and it wasn't until Woodstock that I was finally able to be happy again. The sheer waves of sex, drugs, rock and roll, and limitless access to unsuspecting victims allowed me to feel alive again, and for that weekend, I was even able to tolerate sunlight due to the vast quantity of narcotic-rich blood constantly entering my system."

He realized she may take offense to his victim reference, so he was quick to specify. "I don't mean to say I killed anyone there. It is never my intention to end the lives of my victims. Many of them did not even realize I was drinking their blood due to their extreme inebriation, and those who did thought it was kinky."

He laughed and shook his head. "Sorry if that was too much detail. I only mean to say I don't inherently seek to cause harm unless I feel threatened or the death is deserved. Anyway, on to your next question."
"I can't imagine the pain you went through in loosing Ann. Although her journal was short that I found. It was obvious that she loved you. It must have been difficult honoring her wishes like that. But it also goes to testify what type of person that you are that you did do that. I know very few people that if given a way to cheat death wouldn't jump at it. I can't imagine knowing that you're dying and not taking option A right in front of you.

But then i'm not religious, so i don't believe in what the vast amount of people do. I mean how could there be something that allows such pain and devastation in lives of the innocent children. In what sense does "it's gods plan" make sense?." shaking her head she decided to change the subject.

"I was going to ask you about that, so when you feed you have a choice to keep them alive or not. I would wonder if with that kind of power and strength if i wouldn't try to become a vigilante and get rid of some of the scum of the world. I mean imagine the amount of money you'd save tax payers by being your own judge and jury." she let out a laugh.

"I like some of the bands that played at wood stock, It would be nice if time travel was real and you could go visit some of the places like that."
she let out a light laugh.

"Okay so i can see how having people just wander in could be rare way out here. I would have never thought to look for you if it hadn't been for Ann's instructions. But I do feel honored that you've allowed me to stay and take notes."
"Yes, that's right," Sebastian confirmed. "Killing is always a choice. I can drink a certain amount of blood from someone before it becomes fatal, so I always steer clear of that line. And there is no risk of them turning into vampires just from my bite alone -- siring is an entire process. It requires draining the victim to just the edge of death, and then slicing open a wrist to allow them to drink the blood of their new sire. The blood carries the gift with it into the fledgling's body, transmuting their genetic structure to that of a vampire." He shrugged. "So I cannot turn someone just by drinking their blood -- they must also drink mine."

He listened to her mention vigilantism, and just smiled. "Some would call me selfish -- I care not. Rushing out to save people around the world would only draw the attention of the Hunters, who think they are the heroes and people like me are the villains. Perhaps longevity has sapped away my sense of empathy, but I suffer no delusions of heroic righteousness. I will not risk my eternity to save the lives of people who will just find other ways to die. If I can't even save my wife from death, then I'm not going to rush out to save complete strangers. Hell, I'm the one out there stealing blood from them. Hardly hero material." He finished with a chuckle.
"I realize we just met, and it's not my place. But..you're not to blame for Ann's choice. I believe you're to be praised for following her wishes. But that's just a silly college girls perspective."

she typed some more then looked back up to him. "So this turning someone process seems to be similar to what they have in books and movies. Well the non shiny ones anyway. Do you know if it was a vampire that started the vampire craze? Do you have a council or anything that keeps vampires from outing you?"

"From what you've told me about hunters, it seems like they're just jealous. I mean okay i could see if they could prove you were taking lives, but if noone is hurt why can't they just let you be?"
Sebastian smiled at Alex's comment about Ann and watched her type for a few moments until her next questions arrived. "I imagine some of vampire lore trickled down in the form of folk tales. We have existed since ancient times, when the Greeks called us vrykolakas. However, many attribute modern day vampire fiction to English author John William Polidori's 1819 short story, 'The Vampyre,' spelled with a 'y' instead of an 'i.' He was no doubt influenced by the real thing, or so Tulah believed."

He shrugged again. "As to your other questions, no, we don't have an overall council or anything like that. Some groups do run together and may govern themselves in such a way, but no single entity speaks for all vampire kind. And we are really not all that numerous to begin with -- I've only ever met maybe a dozen other vampires in my life. We tend to keep to ourselves and don't gather in large numbers to avoid the eyes of the Hunters. Though I wouldn't call them jealous -- they are the modern incarnation of the Knights Templar, and believe with fierce religious fortitude that it's God's Will to cleanse the world of what they call 'Demonspawn.' That means anyone with a trace of magical talent that does not adhere to their Holy Tenants. Basically, if you have dormant magical potential and they catch you, you either become a Hunter or you are burned at the stake. In the case of 'monsters' like myself, however, the sentence is always death."

Sebastian sighed and then continued. "It's not easy to kill one of us due to our stamina, reflexes, and rapid healing factor, but it is possible if you can manage to sever the brain's connection to the rest of the body. The Hunters usually employ variations of electricity manipulation to destabilize our central nervous systems long enough for them to swoop in and lop our heads off with a scythe. That's at least how they were back in the day. I haven't encountered them myself other that a close call once when Tulah and I were visiting Venice back in 1859. I hear these days they are using advanced weaponry, so who knows what they are capable of now. Luckily they don't have much of a presence in America. And they probably want to come here even less with the dipshit we have running the place."
Alex continued to take notes as he talked. She was learning so much. Yet at the same time she was growing tired. She yawned and covered her mouth.

"I think I need a nap. I'm not use to that big of a hike, and you've given me so much information. I am looking forward to writing stories about you. Where might i lay down for a couple hours? an in the mean time maybe you'll have more questions for me to answer when I wake."

If one thing was certain, Alex was becoming very much enamored with Sebastian. The way he carried himself, the way he talked, his manners, everything about him was just charming. If ever given the opportunity to be a part of his heart, she knew that unlike Ann she'd want to stay with him forever. But right now it was too soon to say something like that to him.
Sebastian smiled when Alex mentioned taking a nap, thinking that he would love to join her in a clothing-free snuggle, his hands roaming her body. Pushing that to the back of his mind, he gestured her to follow him up the stairs. "I have a room set up for you."

When they got to the top of the landing, there was a wide hallway with a large closet directly ahead and then a door at either end. One door led to the master suite that dominated most of the second floor, while the other led to a sizable storage room. However, it had been converted to replicate a hotel room, complete with a private bathroom, dresser, vanity, and queen-sized bed with two nightstands and a lavender-designed sheet and comforter set with large fluffy pillows.

"I had previously used this for storage, but turned it into a guest room and installed a bathroom when Ann first started staying here, before we got married," Sebastian explained. "After she moved into my room, this became her private study, and then it just sat here empty for many years after her passing. In anticipation of your return, I updated this room with new furniture and bathroom fixtures. I wanted you to feel at home and know you always have a place here, anytime you want to come and visit and gather material for your stories."

He pointed over to the dresser. "I was going to put a television over there for you, but realized it would be pointless since there is no way you'd get a signal all the way out here. I've never been very fond of spending copious amounts of time in front of an electronic screen, but I suppose I can understand the appeal. Everything else here I bought at a twenty-four hour store a few towns over."

He watched her for a moment and then smiled. "Well, I'll leave you to your rest. Do you enjoy bacon, eggs and pancakes? I thought I'd make breakfast for us in the morning." As he spoke, he began to realize he was developing strong feeling for this gorgeous woman. He found himself wanting to do whatever it took to make her happy and keep her coming back. He still had his severe sexual urges for her, of course, but there was also something else there. Something... more...
"Oh wonderful, I hope you didn't go through much trouble" she picked up her bag and laptop and followed him. After listening to his upgrade to the room and how it was once Ann's study she advised.

"Wow this is probably the most beautiful room I've ever seen. I can't believe you went through all this trouble for me. But I appreciate it, truly I do, that and the offer to stay whenever and to continue interviewing you. We have certainly come a long way from chains to story telling." She let out a light laugh. "And yes that would be wonderful to have for breakfast, though i don't want you to loose sleep on the count of me. I'll eat when you get up, how about that?"

Smitten for certain is what she was. She wondered what it would be like to be cuddled with a vampire and sleep through the night. With clothes of course, and not any vampire, but this one. He was amazing, so gentle and gentlemanly. The more he told her the more she found herself in a haze of enchantment.

She remembered a line from some movie, even their voice, the way they look was designed to lure you in. Whether or not it was true she was uncertain, but it did feel that way.
Sebastian smiled and nodded, leaving Alex to her rest and walking down the hall into his room. Normally, he would be waking up about that time, but had been up most of the day with her. He decided to use the opportunity to fall onto his bed and take a nap while Alex slept, after changing out of his velvet suit, of course.

He usually slept completely nude, but since he had a guest he chose to wear a pair of boxers. His sleep was deep and peaceful, but his dreams were filled with Alex, images of them rolling around naked in a field of colorful flowers, their warm bodies tangled together as her soft moans filled the air. The smell of her hair, of her sweat, the look of pure lust she radiated as she stared into his eyes and shoved her tongue down his throat.

At some point in the early morning, Sebastian woke and looked out the window to see cloud cover had moved in from the coast. It was raining lightly, and since the sun was obscured, he figured it would be a great opportunity to get some outdoor exercise in.

A few minutes later, the vampire was out in the yard in nothing but his tight black athletic shorts. Barefoot and shirtless, he was holding an enormous boulder several times his size over his head, lifting it down from a squat to fully standing and back again, over and over. His muscles rippled and his eyes glowed as he called upon his unnatural strength, pushing himself to his limits.

"Oh, hi," he said as he looked up to see Alex had awoken and just entered the kitchen, seeing him through the open glass doors. He flung the boulder over his shoulder and it slammed into the ground a few feet behind him as he walked up the stairs of the back deck. Once he was under the overhang, he grabbed his towel and just looked at Alex for a long moment. He was covered in sweat and rain, his hair soaked as his muscles glistened with a manly shine.

"Good morning, Alex," he greeted her with a smile. "Give me just a few moments to clean up and I'll get breakfast going." He patted himself dry and then sped off in a smokey blur, returning a few moments later wearing a black chef's outfit and apron, the sleeves rolled up and his now dry hair pulled back into a tail. He was darting back and forth around the kitchen, bacon and eggs sizzling in the multiple skillets he had on the stovetop as he held a large bowl mixing pancake batter with a whisk and the delicious smells filled the room.

In what seemed like only minutes, he was already racing back and forth between the kitchen and the dining room, setting up a gourmet meal on the table with fancy dishes and platters and goblets and cutlery. He turned on some soft music and pulled out Alex's chair for her. "Ma chère mademoiselle," he said with a French accent. "It is with deepest pride and greatest pleasure that I welcome you this morning. And now, I invite to relax, pull up a chair, as the dining room proudly presents... your breakfast."

He then laughed, returning to his normal voice as he took his seat across from her. "Lumière from Beauty and the Beast, albeit altered slightly." And with that, they began their meal, a feast before them of fried eggs, crispy bacon, fluffy pancakes, butter, several flavors of syrup, a variety of fresh cut fruit, and two elegant glass pitchers, one with orange juice and the other with milk. On this morning, Sebastian was actually fairly hungry, so he indulged with this beauty sitting across from him.
For the first time in her life Alex felt an ache as Sebastian left her to enter the room. All of this time with him was doing something to her. It wasn't that he was a vampire, or to die for hot. But there was so much more about him. His mannerisms, the way he talked, the way he thought about and said things. All of this was making an impact on her.

Wearing just a tank top and her panties she crawled into the big over-sized bed and snuggled in deep. Oh how she could stay in this bed forever. She had only planned on sleeping a few hours but the bed told her otherwise.

When she awoke the next morning she put on shorts and went to the kitchen where she got a nice view of the shirtless man that she was falling for. The way his muscles flexed, and the shorts hugged his butt just right was enough to leave her breathless and speechless for a moment after he addressed her. Shaking her head lightly she raised her eyes to his to find herself lost once again. Coming to her senses she replied.

"hmm? Oh Morning, Sure no problem take your time." Only to find him back in a couple minutes and rushing around the kitchen so fast she could barely keep track of him. "Oh that smells so good" she muttered at some point while watching him.

Taking a seat at the table he said 'It is with deepest pride and greatest pleasure that I welcome you this morning. And now, I invite to relax, pull up a chair, as the dining room proudly presents... your breakfast.'
A large grin came across her face. When he told her where it was from she laughed. "I know, but how is it you seem to know the Disney movies?"

She too indulged in eating finding herself famished. So much so she found herself quite full.
Sebastian laughed as she mentioned him knowing about Disney movies. "I may not own a television here in the Manor, but that doesn't mean I haven't been to movie theaters or seen things on other televisions. Ann used to love going to see the old Disney films, all the way back to Snow White in 1937. To avoid her family, I would whisk her off to Portland or Seattle or sometimes down to San Francisco for late night showings of what became her favorite films. After she passed I continued going to see them in her memory. That last one we saw together was the Jungle Book in 1967. Till this day I go down to San Francisco every time a new Disney movie premieres. It's become tradition for me."

He smiled and then dug in, enjoying watching her as they ate and basking in the presence of her bare arms and shoulders from under the tank top. He had also quite liked seeing her bare thighs once more reaching seductively out from her shorts. He was treated to a quick glance down the front of her shirt when he had pulled the chair out for her and watched her take a seat -- the tall man's vantage point. He had not been displeased.

"So, how did you sleep?" he asked pleasantly. "Was everything okay in the room?"
Alex was moved that he had a tradition based on a past love. It was rare to find anyone that was willing to honor something like that. If anything it taught her one thing.. vampires weren’t soulless as fiction had painted them out to be. They exercised, they cooked, and they struggled with pain and heartache just like any human. If anything it was the human hunters that had been reincarnated that were the monsters.

“I am tempted to stay here forever” she halfheartedly joked. “That bed was simply amazing. I don’t even remember dreaming, I was out like a light.” She may not have remembered it, but she did have a dream..a dream that involved dancing with Sebastian at the Halloween ball. A premonition dream to be exact, it was where they would share their first kiss. It would be where that kiss would ignite the hunger for his touch, the feel of his body pressed against hers. She had no real experience with love or passion. Sebastian would be her first.

Premonitions of course could always change. Perhaps if she hadn’t been so tired she would have remembered it. Instead she smiled at him. “So I know this is about a month away, but I was wondering if you would be my date to the Halloween ball. Well informal date anyway, I just don’t want to go alone, I mean we can just go as friends. Never mind I’m being silly, I’m already asking a lot of you by using your stories.”
Sebastian smiled as he watched Alex ask him to the Halloween Ball and then start back-pedaling her words. "It would be my honor to attend the Ball with you, mademoiselle," he returned to the French accent with a little bow of his head and an upturned hand in a gesture of agreement.

He thoroughly enjoyed the idea of possible dancing with her and feeling her chest pushed up against his, her breath on his neck. The thought brought him great excitement, and his felt the lust stirring in his loins once more. He was not used to having to deny his sexual urges, but moreso than that -- actually wanting to. He could easily swoop in and call upon his unnatural charisma and seductive prowess to take her right then and there. To rip her clothes off, throw her up on the table on her hands and knees and shove his rock hard member deep within her moist folds - and she would be incapable of denying him. She would be lost in a clouded haze of enchanted ecstasy during the encounter, but would likely experience a fiery hatred for him once her mind cleared.

No, he would not defile her in such a way. He would not trick her into becoming his plaything like he had with so many others -- she had to want it of her own free will. And he understood she may never want it. Even so, he wanted to be around her. If he never bedded her and just remained a good friend for the rest of her natural life, he would still be complicit. He vowed to himself he would always be a friend to her, and more if she ever desired it.

"Is there a costume theme for the party?" he asked as he took a sip of orange juice.
"Really??" her voice went up an octave from excitement. "Oh my god that is so nice of you. Um theme..there's not a theme but there are contests, best costume, best couples costumes, and weirdest costume."

Once he was done eating she stood up and took their plates to the kitchen. "It's only fair that I help you clean up since you did all the cooking." she advised as she came back for the second round. She was actually looking forward to doing dishes with him. It was a non threatening way to be close to him without it being misunderstood as something sexual. But still just the thought of dancing with him at the ball brought back a flash from her forgotten dream. It was the feeling of having just been kissed by him. Her nether regions flared like they never had before. So much so she dropped a plate after the flash hit her and stumbled backwards.

Alex turned fifty shades of red of embarrassment and gripped her head. "Oww what the hell" As a sharp pain hit her head then left. "I'm so sorry i don't know what just happened. Wheres your broom i'll clean it up. Oh my god i'm so sorry."
Sebastian grinned as Alex offered to help with the dishes, forgoing his powers to stand with her and wash them like a normal person. They stood together, their hips nearly touching, conversing and joking as they cleaned off the dinnerware. He loved being so close to her, her body heat radiating towards his own.

His attention was immediately drawn out of his bliss as he heard her gasp and then a plate shattered. He cared not about the dish, disregarding it as he instinctively pulled her closer to him to locate any injury or harm. "Are you okay?"

Once he was sure she was not hurt, he bent down to start picking up the broken ceramic. "It's alright, I'll take care of this," he said very kind and reassuringly. "Why don't you go rest your head for a --" his words were cut short as the scent of feminine arousal wafted out from under her shorts and assaulted his nasal passage like a starving wolf smelling fresh meat. He knelt there completely silent for a long moment, desperately trying to fight the severe urge to locate the source of that womanly fragrance and drink it dry.

"I'm sorry," he said after he regained his composure. "It's really okay, Miss Corbanov. I'm not mad about the plate. I'm just worried about you. Rest your head for a bit and let me know if you suffer any further pain." He made it a point to show his concern for her well-being on his face, reiterating the fact that he was not angry. He placed a hand on her bare shoulder, smiled lightly as he nodded at her, and then returned to cleaning the kitchen.
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His touch on her bare shoulder was almost electric another flash hit her running she was running through the woods fangs he was baring her fangs she was frightened. Then again another sharp pain. "What the hell is happening to me?" She gripped the sink to keep from falling.

"It's like i'm having day dreams while i'm still awake about things that arn't making sense. The last one.. I was running through the woods, i was so scared and you were so angry , but i didn't feel like it was at me you had your fangs bore. I think i'm losing my mind Mr. Dane."

Drying her hands she carefully walked around the mess she made and walked up to her room. She laid down like he told her to for rest. Hopefully it would help. She couldn't keep breaking plates and nearly fainting in front of him. She felt her head, and it didn't feel like she had a fever. She felt fine other then a bit of exhaustion from the premonitions.
Sebastian was concerned about the presence of himself as an aggressive figure in her dream. She had mentioned him bearing his fangs and chasing her through the woods, yet it wasn't her he was after? Maybe hearing of his past feeding hunts was causing her to visualize him chasing down prey in her dreams? But that didn't explain why they were happening while she was wide awake, or how they were accompanied by severe headaches.

If I didn't know any better, I'd say she was experiencing premonitions, he thought to himself as he cleaned. What she is describing does bear similarities to seers on their first vision quests. But that's impossible -- a seer is usually a witch or a shaman or a sorceress of some sort. When I scanned her with the Magiscope on the first day she was here, it detected no supernatural traits about her... Unless something that wasn't there before is there now? Hmmm...

After some time had passed and he finished in the kitchen, Sebastian walked upstairs and knocked lightly on the threshold of her open door. He then poked his head into her room. "How are you feeling?"
Alex smiled upon seeing Sebastian. "I'm good thanks, I really don't know what came over me. If you'd like we can take a look at Halloween costumes for ideas. Unless you have something in mind already? I generally just look to get ideas. Though I will admit it's been sometime since I've been dressed up for Halloween, or well been on any type of date, or well even been to a dance. I always found it a good time to study without interruptions."

Sitting up she slid to the floor and pulled her laptop out of her bag. She brought up a blank word doc. Okay so we could do an outlet and a plug, joker and harley, ketchup and mustard, prince and princess, mobster and cigarette girl, that is if you want to do a couples type thing. Unless you have some ideas.
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